
Zumba Workout for Seniors: 7 Zumba Cardio Workouts You Can Do

Zumba is a low intensive workout, it is fun, and has many easy routines. It is majorly about making dance moves into exercise.

It is the perfect workout for seniors, it increases flexibility and agility, it keeps the heart pumping and it brings relief to arthritis or sore joints and most are easy to do as it is about stepping.

Here are 7 Zumba cardio workouts for seniors

1. Cha- Cha

Stand with your feet together then slightly pop up your left foot so that you can balance on the ball of your foot, and put most of your weight on your right foot.

Step out to your left, ensure that your right foot is still in the same place as you step out to the left at shoulders–width apart.

While stepping to the left, let your hips follow your hips. Slightly pop out your left hip to the left side just a little over your left foot.

Slide your right foot towards the left foot and then slide it back.

After you have popped your left foot out, gently slide your right foot across the floor so that it touches your left foot.

Immediately slide the right foot behind you and slightly lift your left foot.

Once you have placed the right foot behind you, move forward, that way your weight shifts from your right foot to your left foot, then lift your right foot to meet it.

This is the basic step for the cha-cha, memorize it and add a beat to it.

2. Cumbia

Stand with your feet close together, hold your skirt with one or your both hands then wave it.

Move back with your right foot, turn your left foot in a way that your right foot curls slightly behind your left foot and a bit to the side. It should be at about 2 feet behind your left.

With your left foot step into place then move your right foot forward to neutral, raise your heel and take a step forward on your toes to the neutral position.

Hold for a second to switch your weight from your right to left.

Take a step backward with the left foot, then turn to your right and take a step back with your right foot.

Hold for a second when your left foot comes to a neutral position, move your hips and torso side to side as you do each step.

3. Reggaeton

Stand with your legs together, take a wide step out with just afoot to your right side, then bring the second foot to the floor next to the first one.

On the spot try to bounce a little while stepping, take a step to the left side and repeat the movement.

While moving bend your elbows and bounce your forearms in small circles in front of your chest.

You can also take steps that are further apart so that you go into a squat slightly.

Read Also: 5 Cardio Workouts for Effective Weight Loss and Fat Burning

4. Salsa

Salsa is all about counting the beats per measure, basic salsa dance step is usually 2 measures or 8 beats.

The music has four beats per measure. For beginners use salsa music that has a slower beat and an accented percussion so that you can hear the beat well and count.

Basic salsa dance step is about 8 beats to complete a step, but you don’t step on all 8 beats.

Your feet should move on 1, 2, 3 beats pause on 4 steps on 5, 6, 7 beats again and pause on 8.

You can mark the positions of the steps on the floor or make a mental note so you know where to place your feet while dancing.

1 is the starting position put it in the middle of the room, 2 should be about a foot in front of 1, 3 should be at 1 foot behind 1, 4 should be 1 foot behind 3

Start the dance with both feet on 1, step forward to 2 with your left foot on 1, on beat 2 rock back on your right foot, move your weight from front to back to shift your position. Slightly sway your hips to make the movement more pronounced.

Move your left foot to 3 on the 3rd beat, put your weight on your foot stay in this position for beat 4.

Do not move during the 4th beat. Step back with your right foot on 4 and keep your left foot in place.

Sway your hips and rock your body weight on your left foot on the 6th beat, take a step forward on your right foot to 1 on the 7th beat

On beat 8 balance your weight and do not lift your feet. Then count again from 1-8.

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5. Sambas

The rhythm of samba is very specific, and you have to count your steps by taking 3 steps in two beats.

The second send step out of the 3 steps is very quick, and only part of your weight will be put into the dance.

Move forward and backward, raise your feet like you are stepping over a log or pencil.

Straighten your torso and keep your knees soft, while stepping bend your knees like you are stepping over something.

Bring your legs together and keep your knees soft and bent as you shift your weight. Allow your body to bounce slightly as you move back and forth.

6. Merengue

Keep your arms extended at the shoulder level to form an l shape. Hold your partner’s hand, left to right.

The leader should put their right hand on the partner’s shoulder blade, the arms should touch with the leader’s arm below their partners and at no point should there be a gap between the two arms.

Stand at about a foot apart.

The leader should with left foot  slightly bend their knees with each step and sway your hips while their partner should start on the right foot and repeat the same move, then take step on each beat

7. Flamenco

First thing you need to learn is the stamp and tap, get used to stamping right to the beat a stamp is when you bring your foot down quickly to make contact with the floor, ensuring your heel and toes lands on the same time, creating a loud but single stamp noise.

A tap is when you bring down your toe or heel to make contact with the floor but you don’t raise it again.

As a beginner you will mostly tap with your toe first rather than the heel, so the tap goes toe to heel and not heel-toe.

Differentiate between placing the two different parts of your foot down separately (That’s the heel and the toe).

Keep your weight firmly on ground so that you get a firm contact with the floor. Ensure that you keep your knees soft so you don’t jam your lower legs and back.


The benefits of Zumba for older people is endless the only stressful thing is trying to remember each step as Zumba is all about the steps it’s pretty fun so being consistent shouldn’t be a problem.


You Can Also Read: 8 Knee Strengthening Exercises to Get Rid Of Knee Pain Fast At Home


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