Categories: Weight Loss

Yoga for Weight Loss: 9 Easy Yoga Poses That Burn And Destroy Fat Fast

Excess weight is common trouble that people from different parts of the world face, regardless of their gender, age, or other related factors.

That said, it might interest you to know that report shows that these categories of people spend a lot of money on supposed solutions just to see the fats gone and regain their slimmer figure.

However, yoga is considered one of the best weight loss tools we have around. In fact, it will not just shred those stubborn fats but also help strengthen your mind and boost your health and overall wellbeing.

In this article, you will find some tested and trusted yoga poses that can help burn and destroy fat fast. Here we go:

9 Yoga Poses That Burn And Destroy Fat Fast

1. Mountain Pose

Stand straight and keep a moderate distance between both feet. Be sure to hang your hands alongside your body.

Now as you breathe in deeply, begin to raise your arms upwards and interlock the fingers.

Lift your heels and stand on the toes. You ought to feel a significant stretch in your body right from your feet down to the fingers of arms.

Maintain this position and take a breath for 10 seconds.

While you breathe out, release your pose so as to return to the starting position.

Keep repeating this cycle for about 7 to 10 times.

2. Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Start by standing firm on the floor, and then place your feet about 3 to 4 feet apart.

After that, bend forward from the hips, rather than the waist.

Don’t be tempted to discontinue the straight long back, and don’t hunch over.

Remain in the pose for at least 30 seconds as you inhale and exhale deeply.

If you did everything correctly, you ought to feel an intense stretch in your hamstrings.

Try reaching your hands toward the sky in order to stretch your arms and shoulders more effectively, as well.

Read Also: 10 Easy Yoga Poses for Beginners to Enhance Flexibility

3. Chair Pose

Start with your feet slightly apart, breathe in, and then lift your arms straight overhead to make your palms face in and your triceps very close to your ears.

Breathe out and bend your knees, while you push your butt back and lower directly toward the ground just as if you were sitting in a chair.

Your torso is likely to lean slightly forward over your thighs.

For this reason, try keeping your shoulders down and back.

Continue breathing in and out deeply, before working your way up to maintaining the position for about 5 breaths.

4. Downward-Facing Dog

To start, you need to place both your hands and knees on the ground, with your knees hip-width apart and hands just under your shoulders.

Extend your fingers wide and firmly press your dumbbell across both hands and into the mat. Breathe out while tucking your toes and raise your knees off the ground.

After that, reach your pelvis up directly toward the ceiling, push your buttocks just toward the wall behind you, and then gently straighten your legs (without any attempt to lock the knees).

The next thing now is to push your chest back toward the wall you’re backing, relax your neck, and allow your heels to drop as close to the ground as they possibly can.

Keep breathing in and out deeply, and then do everything possible to hold for five or more breaths.

Read Also: Morning Yoga: 15 Minute Morning Yoga to Wake You Up

5. Half Boat Pose

Firmly put your hands on the ground so as to maintain balance. After that, lift your legs up.

Once you become stable in the pose, you are free to lift your arms off the ground too. However, you must be sure to keep your arms parallel with the ground for best results.

Maintain this pose for 30 seconds.

6. Tree Pose

Stand firmly on the floor, and then shift the dumbbell from both feet to only one foot.

Now while you stand on only a foot, lift the opposite foot against the thigh.

Place your arms above the head, and keep your core fully engaged.

Maintain this pose for 30 seconds

Read Also: 9 Easy Yoga Poses to Relieve Hip Pain

7. Cobra Pose

Get a yoga mat, stretch both legs on it, and place your palms under your shoulders.

Be sure to not tuck your toes and also rest your feet on the mat. Place your elbows directly toward the side of your body.

After that, press down through the feet, inhale, then raise your chest while straightening your arms.

Now, bring your shoulders backward so as to bend your body.

Avoid putting any dumbbell on both hands and allow your body to be bent as an extension of your spine, without any added pressure.

You can do the pose for about 30 seconds, or as long as you possibly can with your body.

Slowly breathe out as you bring your chest and forehead to touch the floor.

8. Boat Pose

Sit on a yoga mat while you bend your knees.

Place both hands beside your hips and lean back with your spine staying straight.

After that, lengthen the torso and lift your chest.

Next now is to stretch your arms to keep them in line with your shoulders.

Be sure to keep your spine straight, and while breathing out, raise your legs at 45 degrees.

Continue breathing smoothly and remain in the pose for close to 5 – 10 breaths.

Read Also: 11 Superb HIIT Workouts to Burn Fat and Build Muscle at Home

9. Plank Pose

Start on your hands and knees with both palms placed directly beneath your shoulders, and the knees too beneath the lips.

After that, begin to press your outer arms while firming your shoulder blades. Stretch your legs as you press the thighs directly toward the ceiling.

Next now is to lift the base of your head away from your neck and then look a bit ahead of the palms. Be sure to form a straight line with your whole body during this stage.

Remain in the pose for about 15 – 30 seconds and then draw your knees toward the ground to release.

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