Categories: Weight Loss

Lose Thigh Fat Fast In a Week: 10 Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Thigh Fat Fast At Home

Losing thigh fat can never be possible until you combine good eating habits and exercise. If you truly intend to drop a few pounds in your thighs and elsewhere, then you’ve got to follow the following exercises.

Easy Exercises to Lose Thigh Fat Fast

1. Supine Inner Thigh Lift

  • Lie flat on your back and engage the abs. Stretch both hands out to the sides on the floor.
  • Raise your two legs toward the ceiling with your feet flexed.
  • Let your left leg remain elevated in position, and gently lower the opposite (right) leg out to the side as far as you possibly can go without raising your left hip off the floor.
  • Be sure to keep your foot flexed throughout the time.
  • Now, bring your right leg back to the initial position and squeeze the two legs together at the top.
  • Do it for 15 times on the right leg and then change to 15 reps with the left.

2. Air Cycling

  • Lie on your back with your face directly toward the ceiling.
  • Lift both legs up to a 90-degrees angle.
  • Now, begin to move your legs as though you are cycling forward.
  • Repeat this for 1 minute and then gently put down your legs and rest a little.
  • Lastly, move the legs up to a 90-degrees angle and begin to cycle in the backward direction for 60 minutes.
  • Repeat the set 5 times.

Read Also: 9 Best Workouts for Toned Legs and Slim Thighs

3. Leg Up

  • Lie down on the floor and face the ceiling.
  • Place your palms on the side facing the ground and rest a bit.
  • Raise your legs at about 30 degrees from the floor.
  • Maintain this for about five seconds, and gently bring your legs down to the ground.
  • Repeat the move 10 times.

4. Leg Stretch

  • Sit upright with both legs joined and extended.
  • Gently move the legs apart as far as you possibly can.
  • Now, inhale as you bend right to touch the toes of the right foot using the two hands.
  • Try touching the knees with your head, rest a bit and hold for 5 seconds.
  • After that, gently raise your head up and place both hands on each side of your pelvis. Exhale as you do so.
  • Do this on the left side, and then repeat 10 times.

Read Also: 9 Exercises That Will Burn Your Inner Thigh Fat Fast In 2 Weeks

5. Side Lunge

  • Stand with both feet a bit wider than hip distance.
  • Step a foot out to the side as far as you possibly can as you lower yourself toward the floor.
  • At this juncture, your opposite leg ought to remain straight, and you should be able to feel a stretch in the inner thigh of that specific leg.
  • With enormous power, push off the bent leg to go back to the starting position.
  • Perform the same number of reps on the opposite side.

6. Forward Lunge

  • Stand with both feet flat on the ground.
  • Step a foot forward as far as you possibly can while you drop the back knee toward the floor. You are ought to lower yourself toward the floor rather than forward toward your toes.
  • You should also be able to see your front toes all through the whole movement without extending forward.
  • Perform the same number of reps on the other side.

Read Also: Tone Your Thigh Fast In 4 weeks: 30-Day Thigh Fat Burning Challenge

7. Medicine Ball Side Lunge

  • Stand with your feet wider than hips-width distance. Using both hands, hold a medicine ball at your chest level. If you are new to this exercise, try performing it without the medicine ball.
  • Take a huge step to the left. Squat down on your left leg simply by bending both knees and lowering down your body until your left thigh is able to be parallel to the ground.
  • Let your toes be pointed forward and your left knee should be in line with the left ankle.
  • Now, place the medicine ball at your chest, and let it align with the left hip, elbow, and shoulder as you squat.
  • Push off with the left leg so as to power back to the initial position.
  • Repeat this for 10–15 times, or for 30 seconds, and then alternate legs.

8. Adductions

  • Lie on the side, and cross your top leg over the leg at the bottom.
  • Now, start to raise your bottom leg up toward the ceiling. Do everything possible to stop your torso from rocking backward.
  • To further improve resistance, you may wear ankle weights.
  • Repeat same number of sets on the two legs.

Read Also: 8 Simple Exercises to Get Rid Of Thigh Fat At Home

9. Wall Sit

  • Stand with both feet hip-width apart and your back against an erected wall.
  • Now, walk the feet out and lower yourself toward the floor until the thighs are able to become parallel to the floor.
  • Maintain this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute and repeat several times.
  • Be sure not to put your hands on the thighs; you should keep them overhead or down at your sides instead.

10. Curtsy Lunge

  • Stand with both feet hip-width apart.
  • Gently step a leg behind while crossing it behind the leg at the front.
  • Now, try to bend your knees simultaneously while you lower toward the floor.
  • Go back to the starting position by pushing off the back knee.
  • Repeat the exact number of sets on both legs.

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises That Will Burn Your Inner Thigh Fat Fast In Two Weeks

Tips for Losing Thigh Fat Fast In A Week

1. Cut back on carbs

When there’s excess carbs in the body, your body tends to retain more water which may eventually induce weight gain.

Rather than consuming too much of carbs, you can substitute them with foods packed with excellent amount of fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.

2. Drink more water

Drinking enough water helps to flush out excess salt and fluids in the body to shield against bloating and possible weight gain.

It also promotes satiety to help keep hunger at bay, and thus preventing you from consuming excess calories that may eventually result in weight gain. Drink 2 – 3 litters of water per day to help accelerate your weight loss goals.

3. Start your morning with a cup of coffee

Coffee exhibits mild diuretic effect and is often linked with increased metabolism. Drink about two cups per day max.

4. Add more electrolytes into your diet

Foods that are rich in electrolytes, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium are highly beneficial to the human health and they go a long way in lessening out the effect of sodium in the body to promote weight loss and overall well-being.

Some excellent sources of electrolytes include: Dark leafy greens, yogurt, bananas, etc.

5. Watch your salt intake

Salt causes the body to retain excess water, which may further trigger bloat that can affect your whole body, hips as well as the thighs.

Therefore, make sure you cut back by reducing your intake of sodium-dense foods, including sauces, canned veggies, soups, etc.

Other tips

  • Add some cardio into your schedule.
  • Track your caloric intake
  • Eat more fiber and protein.
  • Train and strengthen your thighs regularly.
  • Do some HIIT exercises.
  • Switch between squats and lunges.
  • Eliminate Sugar
  • Get enough and sound Rest
  • Avoid or reduce alcohol intake

Read Also: 10 Best Workouts to Get Rid of Outer Thigh Fat and Have Toned Leg Fast In 2 Weeks


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