How to Relieve Shoulder Pain Fast – 9 Easy Shoulder Stretches To Fix A Tight Shoulder

A tight shoulder is caused by:

  • Carrying your backpack on one shoulder without regular or frequent exchange or you’re used to holding your phone to your ears with your shoulder
  • Sitting all day long at the computer with your head and neck stretched a bit forward
  • Stress: Stress can make your rib cage to drop a bit. Stress affects your shoulder and upper back.
  • Bad sleeping position
  • Injuries

A tight shoulder can cause you a level of pain and discomfort, back pain, stiff neck, tension headache, and also limit your motion if not checked.

Nine Easy Shoulder Stretches to Fix a Tight Shoulder

Stretch 1: Raising Your Shoulder

  • In a standing or sitting position with a straight posture, and your arms by your side, lift your shoulders slowly towards your ears
  • Hold for five seconds before dropping your shoulder down slowly
  • Repeat this exercise five times

Stretch 2: Rolling Your Shoulder

  • Maintain a straight posture while standing or sitting,
  • Roll your shoulder up, back, and bring it down slowly
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times
  • Roll your shoulder up, forward and bring it down slowly
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times

Read Also: 10 Effective, Quick and Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Neck Pain Fast

Stretch 3: Retracting Your Chin Forward and Backwards

This exercise is an excellent remedy for a tight shoulder if you sit at the computer for long periods, usually 8 hours or more.

  • In a straight sitting or standing posture,
  • Your head and neck should be in a straight position with your spine
  • Stretch your chin forward as far as it can go without straining the neck
  • Pull your chin back towards your throat and neck, as far as it can go
  • Repeat this move ten times

Stretch 4: Rolling Your Neck Left to Right

  • Incline your head toward the right shoulder
  • Roll down your head slowly bringing your chin to your chest as close as it can get without straining
  • Roll your head from left to right and back to left
  • Repeat this move five times
  • Note: your head should go in the forward direction and sideways not backward.

Read Also: 8 Knee Strengthening Exercises to Get Rid Of Knee Pain Fast At Home

Stretch 5: Stretching Against the Wall

  • Place your two palms on the wall
  • Walk back (without getting your hands off the wall) until your arms are straight and your body is in a bowing position
  • Don’t push the walls and don’t raise your arms too high
  • Remain in this position for three minutes.

Stretch 6: Pendulum Stretch

  • In a standing position with hips spread apart
  • Bend forward head facing the ground
  • Place your right hand on a table
  • Your left arm should be dangling down
  • Swing your left arm in a clockwise circular motion in a gentle manner for 45 seconds
  • Repeat the same action in step 5 above but in an anticlockwise direction for 45 seconds
  • Change position and swing your right arm in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction for 45 seconds each.

Read Also: 10 Yoga Stretches to Relieve Sciatica and Lower Back Pain

Stretch 7: Standing Arm Swinging

  • In a standing position with a straight posture,
  • Let your arms rest on each side of your body with the palms facing the body
  • Swing your arms forward and as high as you can without raising your shoulders
  • Lower both arms down bringing your palms to rest at the sides of your hips
  • Continue for a minute

Stretch 8: Standing Arm Lifting

  • In a straight standing posture, form fists with both hands
  • Lift your hands as high as it will go while your fists are clenched
  • Breathe in as you raise your hands till both fists meet high above your head
  • Bring your fists down towards your hips
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Read Also: 10 Best Yoga Exercises to Relieve Back Pain

Stretch 9: Standing-Bending Forward on Wide Legs

  • In a straight standing position with the distance between your feet more extensive than the distance between your hips
  • Interlock your hands behind your back while your chest is open
  • In a bending position, raise your interlocked hands from your back towards your head with your head hanging down facing the floor
  • Remain in that position for 1 minute

Stretch 10: The TYI Movement

  • Rest your back against the wall standing in a straight posture
  • Let your palms rest at both sides of your hips facing out
  • Raise your arms slowly to the same line with your shoulder forming a ‘T’ while your palms are facing downward
  • Continue raising your arm to a ‘Y’ shape with both palms facing each other
  • Keep raising your arms till they get directly above your head, palms touching in ‘I’ shape with your shoulder blade resting against the wall
  • Repeat this motion ten times.

ead Also: 9 Easy Yoga Poses to Relieve Hip Pain

Stretch 11: Lateral Arms Swinging

  • Stand in a straight posture with feet apart, (do not lean against a wall)
  • Stretch out your arms to form a ‘T’ while breathing in
  • Swing both arms towards each other with the right arm crossing right under the left arm without bending your arms (you should breathe out while doing this)
  • Swing back your arms to ‘T’ position. This squeezes your shoulder blades
  • Swing back again but with the left crossing under the right arm
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times

Stretch 12: Child’s Pose Yoga

This pose helps stretch out your shoulder muscles

  • Kneel on the mat with both big toes facing down and touching each other
  • spread your knees apart
  • Sit up straight with your butts sitting on your heels
  • Breathe in deeply and raise your arms above your head
  • Breathe out, bow forward with your arms stretched towards the floor
  • Your palms should be resting on the floor flat down
  • Let your elbows rest on the ground
  • Sit back resting your butts on your heels while your head is bent towards the floor
  • Breathe in deeply, feel the stretch in your shoulder muscles
  • Remain in this position for the next 1 minutes


Stretching your shoulders regularly through the various exercise regimes described above gives you the following advantages

  • It loosens up and also strengthens your shoulder muscles
  • It releases tension from your body
  • Stretches improve your wellbeing
  • Makes your body and muscles more flexible
  • Increases your range of motion
  • It Prevents injury.

Read Also: 7 Easy Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hip Bursitis


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