How To Lose Neck Fat and Double Chin Fast – 8 Simple Tips to Get Rid Of Neck Fat and Double Chin Overnight

If you already start feeling embarrassed about that pudgy neck and you wish it could just go away overnight, then it is time for you to begin the process of losing that neck fat and double chin.

Neck fat and double chin can be so embarrassing, and we tend to experience it the more as we age.

As we grow older, our bodies do not have those same high metabolisms they used to have when we just younger.

From age 25, there is a high tendency of experiencing muscle loss and then an increase in the production of fat.

But unfortunately, some folks are pre-disposed to get neck fat and double chin based on their face and neck shape or even as a result of being overweight. So the issue now is how to lose neck fat and double chin fast.

Let’s be clear with each other; you might not be able to lose your neck fat or double chin overnight.

However, this is possible in the long run if you are able to stick to a healthy eating pattern and do more exercise.

Losing That Neck Fat


1.     Lower Your Calorie Intake

You can start on this by reducing your daily intake of calorie. It doesn’t matter the part of your body that you intend to shed weight from; you will need to decrease the overall weight of the body. Low calories intake will help you achieve this.

  • You can start by decreasing your daily calorie intake by 5000 calories per day. With this, you can lose as much as 1 pound in a week.
  • Using a food journal can also help you with your goal.

2. Fruit and Vegetables

Another way through which you can reduce your neck fat through dietary changes is by eating a lot of vegetables and fruits.

These are low in calorie and contain high minerals, fibre and vitamins.

3. Healthier Carbohydrates

Consuming whole grains that still contain the endosperm, bran, and germs will help you get the best nutrients in carbohydrates.

You can go for whole grains like 100% whole wheat pasta, brown rice, barley or quinoa


1.     Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardio exercises are necessary for the burning of fat and will help you in shedding that excess neck fat.

It is recommended by the Center for Disease control that every adult should perform at least 300 minutes of cardio weekly.

You can also try varieties of exercises like biking, walking, jogging, dancing, and swimming.

2.     Strength Training

While you are engaging in cardio exercises, you must include some few days of resistance or strength training.

The CDC also recommends that an adult should take two days of strength training in a week, with each session taking about 20 minutes.

Activities such as lifting free weights, weight machines, and yoga can count as strength training.

Read Also: How to Lose Face Fat: 12 Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Face Fat Fast In a Week


In your bid to lose that stubborn neck fat, you might also consider using quality skincare products that have been formulated to help in losing neck fat.

The use of retinol creams can help you smoothen wrinkles and build collagen.


You may also consider surgery to complement your dietary changes and exercise. There are many treatments available, which include liposuction, laser treatments, Botox, and neck lifts.

You must consult with a dermatologist before considering this option.

Getting Rid of Double Chin

Another term used for double chin is submental fat, and it occurs when a layer of fat is formed below the chin.

Double chin is most times associated with a gain in weight, but you might not necessarily be overweight to have it.

Well, if your goal is to get rid of double chin overnight, then you might want to consider doing this:

Exercises for Double Chin

There are some exercises that will help you tone the skin and muscle in the double chin area. It is recommended that you try them out 10 to 15 times on a daily basis.

1.     Straight Jaw Jut

  • Tilt the head backwards and stare towards the ceiling
  • Push the lower jaw forward until you feel a stretch under your chin
  • Then hold your jaw and count 10
  • Relax the jaw and return the head to the normal position

2.     Ball Exercise

  • You can do this by placing a 10-inch ball under the chin
  • Press the chin against that ball
  • You should repeat for 25 times

Read Also: 10 Effective, Quick and Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Neck Pain Fast

3.     Pucker up

  • Stare at the ceiling while your head is tilted backwards
  • You can then pucker your lips like you are kissing the ceiling. This will allow you to stretch that area underneath your chin
  • Stop and bring the head back to its normal position

4.     Tongue Stretch

  • You can do this by sticking your tongue out and look straight ahead
  • The tongue should be lifted up and directed towards the nose
  • You can then hold for about 10 seconds and release

5.     Neck Stretch

  • You can do this by tilting your head backwards and stare at the ceiling
  • You then press your tongue on the roof of the mouth
  • Hold this for about 10 seconds and then release

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Double Chin Fat and Neck Fat Fast

Dietary Changes to decrease double chin

If you have a double chin as a result of weight gain, you can actually get rid of it by losing that excess weight. This you can achieve through a healthy diet and regular exercise.

  • Consume four servings of vegetables every day.
  • Three fruits servings daily.
  • Eliminate refined grains and replace with whole grains.
  • Do away with processed foods.
  • More lean protein like fish and poultry
  • Do healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, and avocados
  • Say no to fried foods.
  • Take low-fat dairy products.
  • Reduce sugar intake.
  • Try to practice portion control.


If your double is as a result of genetics, exercise may up with tightening up the chin area, but it is unclear if weight loss will help.

In such a situation, the doctor may recommend an invasive procedure such as lipolysis and mesotherapy.


The best way to get rid of neck fat and double chin fast on your body is through eating healthy foods and doing exercises regularly. You must exhibit patience in your goal, as the result will not come overnight.

Read Also: 9 Easy Anti Aging Facial Exercises


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