Categories: Beauty

How to Lose Face Fat: 12 Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Face Fat Fast In a Week

You have probably tried all your best to lose your face fat and the results are not pleasing to you at all. Don’t give up yet!

In this article, you will find 12 exercises to lose face fat, and more importantly it will please you to know that each workout on this list is very effective for shredding that extra fat on your face.

Wait…, what are the Common causes of face fat???

The weight gain on your face can be due to several reasons, some of which include the following:

  • Unhealthy lifestyle changes
  • Wrong diet consumption
  • Less physical activity
  • Genetic influence
  • Excessive alcohol intake

Now let’s go into the business for the day…

12 Easy Exercises to Lose Face Fat Fast In a Week

1. Lips Pulling

This exercise lifts the face naturally, and no doubts it can help in losing that face fat in a couple of days.

This exercise can be done both when you are standing and when you are sitting.

How to Do It

  • At start, keep your head in a neutral position.
  • After that, lift your bottom lip up as far as you possibly can. Be sure to push your bottom jaw out.
  • Maintain this position for 10 seconds, and then repeat the workout for 10 times thereafter.

Note: Avoid straining your neck too much on this workout.

2. Lion Pose

Also known as Simha Mudra, Lion Pose helps in stimulating and toning the entire facial muscles to enhance your face’s overall appearance.

How to Do It

  • Firstly, you have to kneel down conveniently on the floor and place both palms on the thighs.
  • Now, stick your tongue outside and then forcefully extend it downwards. Stretch it as much as you possibly can.
  • As you perform this move, be sure to breathe out and roar as a lion would.

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Double Chin Fat and Neck Fat Fast

3. The Jaw Flex

The jaw flex exercise trims face fat to give a defined look while also toning the jaw line.

How to Do It

  • To start with, tilt your head back until you are able to look at the ceiling
  • After that, move the lower lip over your upper lip as far as possible. You should feel the stretch in the jaw muscles around your ears.
  • Hold for about 10 seconds, and then complete about 10-15 sets.

4. Chin Lifts

This exercise helps in reducing face fat simply by stretching the muscles on your upper neck, jaw and face while also toning the neckline.

How to Do It

  • Lift the chin up towards the ceiling. Be sure that your eyes also are fixed towards the ceiling.
  • Maintain this position and then curl the lower lip over the upper one as much as possible.
  • Hold this for about 10 seconds, and then smile with your lower lip curled
  • Maintain this for close to 10 seconds. Repeat for about 10 to 12 times.

Read Also: 8 Easy Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles Fast

5. Chin Lock

If losing face fat really mean so much to you, then this exercise is a must try. It shapes the face and tines down the facial jaw line muscles.

How to Do It

  • In a lotus position, sit down and then take deep breathe.
  • Place both hands on the knees, lift both shoulders up, and bend forward
  • After that, stick your chin in a firm manner against your chest just between your collar bones
  • Hold on the breathe as long as you possibly can.
  • Rest a bit and then repeat the same.

6. Jaw Chewing

This exercise helps in defining the cheekbones and giving a more distinct jaw line.

It is also effective in reducing chin fat, toning the jaw and cheeks, as well as keeping the muscles fit.

How to Do It

  • Straighten your head, and then close your mouth. Be sure to move your jaw as though you are chewing
  • Continue breathing; take deep breaths while also humming.
  • After that, open your mouth & press your tongue down just against your teeth’s bottom
  • Hold for 5 seconds, breathe in, and then out.
  • Repeat for about 10 times.

Read Also: 9 Best Exercises to Lose Calf Fat At Home in a Week

7. Mouthwash Technique

This simple exercise is effective for toning the cheeks and getting rid of double chin as well as facial fat.

How to Do It

  • All you need do is to fill your mouth with air from a side of your mouth to the opposite like you’d have done when cleaning your mouth using a mouthwash.
  • Continue this for a few minutes, relax and then repeat.

8. Locked Tongue Pose

The Locked Tongue Pose is yet another powerful exercise for getting rid of face fat fast. It chisels the face and equally shapes the jaw line.

How to Do It

  • First thing first, sit down conveniently in the floor and then place the tip of your tongue just against the upper wall of your mouth.
  • Now, force your tongue against the wall until you are able to feel the stretch in your neck.
  • Repeat this workout for close to 4 – 5 times.

Read Also: 10 Best Lower Abs Exercises to Burn Lower Belly Fat Fast At Home

9. Neck Roll

Neck roll reduces and tone double chin, jaw line as well as the neck muscles, and us equally a perfect exercise for losing face fat fast.

How to Do It

  • Sit conveniently on the floor with your head facing forward.
  • Bend the head towards a side in alignment with your chin, and then turn it in a circular motion.
  • Straighten your spine and bring both shoulders down as you do so.
  • Lastly, repeat this in the clockwise as well as the anticlockwise direction.

10. Tight Eyes

This extremely simple exercise helps in shredding chubby cheeks, which makes it an effective workout for losing face fat.

How to Do It

  • Firstly, close both eyes as tightly as possible. You should be able to feel the stretch in your cheek muscles.
  • Hold for close to 10 seconds
  • Rest for 10 seconds
  • Repeat the workout 5 times

Note: As you perform this exercise, you ought to feel your cheeks move upwards when closing your eyes.

If that’s not so, then you’re not doing the exercise in the most perfect manner. Close both eyes as tightly as possible until you feel it.

Read Also: 9 Easy Yoga Poses to Lose Thigh Fat and Get Sexy Legs At Home

11. Jaws Moving

Your chance of losing face fat is high with this exercise, and the fortunate thing is that it is pretty simple to perform.

How to Do It

  • Find a chair and sit on, and then open your mouth.
  • Now, move your jaw simply by pushing your lip forward.
  • Continue stretching until you feel it near your ears.
  • Hold this for 10 seconds. Move the jaw backwards and rest for a while.
  • Repeat this for close to 10-15 times.

12. Smile

This might seem strange to you but the fact can never be denied that smiling has a way of reducing face fat. Try and see the results!

How to Do It

  • Close both eyes and smile as widely as possible.
  • Hold every big smile for about 10 seconds. Then take a pause.
  • Repeat the big smiles for about 10-15 times.

Tips on How to Lose Face Fat Fast In a Week

  • Drink enough water
  • Reduce your salt and sugar intake
  • Smile more
  • Cut back on alcohol consumption
  • Stop eating Refined carbs
  • Eat fat-burning foods e.g. Turmeric, Tomato juice, Broccoli, Avocado, Brazil nuts, Chia seeds, Coconut oil, Cinnamon, Green tea, etc.
  • Try overall weight loss rather than focusing on the face alone.

Read Also: 7 Easy Swimming Workouts That Will Help Burn Fat Fast and Lose Weight from the Entire Body


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