Healthy Living

How to Get Into Ketosis Fast: 9 Easy Tips to Get Into Ketosis Quickly

Ketosis is a metabolic state reached by drastically reducing your carbs intake, which in turn helps your body to burn fat rather than glucose and produces ketones for instant energy.

Apart from being an effective way to lose weight, getting into ketosis is also linked with a number of health benefits, including improved mental cognition, regulated hormones, reduced hunger, and food cravings, increased energy levels, reduced blood sugar spikes, among others.

That being said below are some tips to help you get into ketosis fast and quickly:

9 Easy Tips to Get Into Ketosis Quickly

1. Increase Your Physical Activity

If you want to get into ketosis, it is a must you burn off the glycogen (stored glucose) content that has accumulated in your liver and muscles.

Once your glycogen levels become low, without the excess intake of carbohydrates, your body will then be forced to shred off fat for energy.

However, multiple studies reveal that exercises are one of the best ways to boost glycogen consumption in your body. These are exercises like High-intensity interval [HIIT], Weight training, to name but a few.

When you do weight training exercises, they will help target your bigger muscle groups, which include your legs, back, shoulders, and arms while also depleting glycogen stores in your body to accelerate weight loss.

Similarly, High-intensity interval [HIIT] exercises are also considered keto-friendly as they help to shed weight even faster.

The fortunate thing is that you only need to do these exercises for just 10 minutes or less per day, anywhere, and anytime!

If you’d like to get into ketosis even quickly, you can combine intermittent fasting along with either of the aforementioned exercises.

2. Significantly Reduce Your Carbohydrate Intake

Ketosis occurs when the body lacks carbohydrate and thus is forced to use fat as its sole energy source rather than sugar.

If you really want to reach ketosis, be it to lose more weight, prevent heart disease, or regulate your blood sugar levels, then limiting your carb consumption to at most 20-25 grams (g) per day is a must.

By limiting your carb intake to the aforementioned grams, it will help boost your chances of reaching ketosis and shredding those fats.

More importantly, if you want to get into ketosis much quicker and adapt easily in a very short time, we recommend that you reduce your carbs intake at once, rather than lowering it gradually; day by day.

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3. Do Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is yet another effective and simple way to get into keto quickly.

When you engage in intermittent fasting, it will help accelerate the rate at which your body consumes glycogen, which in turn could give your weight loss goal a huge boost.

In addition to that, it might interest you to know that intermittent fasting is associated with some other health benefits, which include but not limited to – boosted concentration levels, rapid weight loss, decreased blood sugar levels, to name but a few.

If you’re not used to intermittent fasting during keto diet before, you can start simply by eating your breakfast later than you normally do, or better still skip it altogether.

4. Increase Your Healthy Fats Intake

To have a successful keto diet, it is imperative you ensure that your high-quality fat intake is as high as 70-80% of your total calories.

By so doing, it will help your body to use fat as its basic energy source, however, if your intent is to shed weight, we recommend cutting back on fat intake a bit so that your cells will be able to burn fat stores rather than dietary fat.

With that being said, it is equally important to let you know that some fats are more beneficial than the other.

For instance, Saturated fats, when consumed moderately can help curb cravings, boost metabolism, and aid weight loss while Monounsaturated [found in olive oil, almond oil, pumpkin seeds, avocados, eggs, etc.] promotes weight loss, reduces the risk of heart disease, improves insulin sensitivity, reduces inflammation.

Again, Polyunsaturated fats which consist of both Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are considered effective for reducing inflammation, regulating hormone levels, boosting brain and muscle function, etc.

Trans fat, is the ugliest or worst fat type as it may trigger certain complications when consumed excessively.

This includes but not limited to increased ‘low’ LDL cholesterol levels, increased risk of heart disease, increased insulin resistance, and the host of others.

Are you looking for healthy fat food sources that can help you get into ketosis quickly? Consider the following:

Coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, Fatty meats, egg yolks, butter, Fatty nuts, nut butter, avocados, olives, coconut butter, cheese, eggs, salmon, etc.

Read Also: How to Eat Keto on a Budget (+ Keto Grocery List for You)

5. Consume More MCT Oil

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) oil is among the best oils you shouldn’t rule out when it comes to getting into ketosis.

This is majorly because the oil is very effective for improving blood ketone production levels, and it also gets absorbed quickly for instant energy.

Again, if you want to get the very best of MCT oil, you can combine it with exogenous ketones, and it will help you get into nutritional ketosis in just a few hours’ time.

That said, it will please you to know that MCT oil isn’t just ideal for boosting ketosis, but also helps to improve energy levels, cognitive performance, and more importantly weight loss!

6. Maintain an Adequate Protein Intake

Contrary to the mistakes that some dieters make, trying out the keto diet doesn’t mean you should cut back totally on protein intake.

There are a lot of reasons you need to take a moderate amount of protein in keto.

Part of it is that protein helps to supply the body with some nutrients you need to be healthy, boosts satiety, reduces hunger and food cravings, and also prevents muscle breakdown.

Should in case you’re confused about the actual amount of protein to be consuming per day, experts recommends consuming a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per pound of lean bodyweight on a daily basis.

That is, if you weigh 100-pound, you’re expected to eat at least 80g of protein per day.

Some of the best protein sources include grass-fed beef, steak, oily fish, etc.

Read Also: 7-Day Beginner Keto Diet Meal Plan for Weight Loss

7. Eat Keto-Friendly Food

One of the vital keys to any successful diets is eating the right kind of foods and in the right quantity. Some of the common keto-friendly foods you should consider include:

Fruits and Vegetables – Avocado, Broccoli, Cucumber, Spinach, Eggplant, Strawberries, Blackberries, Peppers, Olives, Tomatoes, Lime, lemon.

Dairy – Cheese, Eggs, Almond milk, Coconut milk, Sour cream, Nut milk, Plain Greek Yoghurt, Butter.

Fats and Oils – Avocado, Coconut, Hazelnut, Salmon, Sardines, Flax seeds, Walnuts, Grass-fed butter, Egg yolk, Cod liver oil.

Sweeteners – Swerve, Truvia, Monkfruit, Stevia, Erythritol.

Fish and Meat – Organic chicken, Grass-fed beef, Tuna, Sardine, Salmon, Bone broth.

You may also opt for any of these:

Asparagus, lettuce, greens, broccoli, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, beef, chicken, pork, fish, Swiss, muenster, cheddar, feta, Avocado oil, pecans, seeds, Beef jerky, Coffee, Unsweetened Tea, Club soda, Water, etc.

8. Take Exogenous Ketones

Exogenous ketones are basically supplements manufactured to help in reaching ketosis faster.

Studies reveal that exogenous ketones that consist of beta-hydroxybutyrate are usually more effective than many other exogenous ketones.

However, you have to bear in mind that taking only exogenous ketones isn’t enough to reach ketosis faster. You are expected to consume a ketogenic diet with low carbohydrate content.

9. Add Yours!

Do you know of any other TIPS for Getting INTO ketosis QUICKLY that were not included in this article?

We will be very glad to receive your comment.

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