Are There Any Health Benefits to Being a Vegetarian?

It’s hard to go from daily consumption of meat, fish, and poultry to becoming a vegetarian. It is a very big decision and it requires optimum dedication and commitments.

Taking up vegetarianism means straying away from the norm and giving up so many things that has been part and parcel of your life. Research has shown the rate at which people are going “veg” is shooting up as abruptly as a firework.

According to the Vegetarianism in America study published by Vegetarian Times, 3.2 percent of the U.S. adults follow a vegetarian based diet. This is not to say vegetarianism is peculiar to a particular set of people.

People from all works of life in different countries are porting from daily consumption of meat and poultry to vegetarianism by cutting down on the intake of animal product.

Why Should You Be a Vegetarian?

Many people all over the world are going vegetarian. This is not in any way surprising because many people are getting to know how healthy vegetarian diets are.

People are embracing vegetarianism because they have come to realize healthy vegetarian diets can replace unhealthy meat diets without giving up on tastes.

In other words, these diets can be tasty and satisfying as the unhealthy meaty meals.

The benefit attached to becoming a vegetarian can never be overrated.

However, if you’re going this way, you must do things right as going vegan does not necessarily mean you will be getting all the nutrition needed for good health.

As in the case of every other meal, planning your vegetarian meals carefully is imperative to healthy eating.

Unfortunately, like many people, there is high probability that you are interested in becoming a vegetarian but you don’t have enough information on the benefits of vegetarianism.

As a result of this, you either don’t go into it or spend time before deciding to take the leap.

Read Also: Low Carb Veggies: 10 Best Low-Carb Vegetables You Can Eat On a Keto Diet

Healthier Diets

One thing is clear and undisputable; an average vegetarian is healthier than an average person who consumes meat-based diets.

Vegetarians tend to completely do without unhealthy and harmful foods and ingredients consumed by an average person. Reason cannot be far-fetched from this.

Most time, people consume low-quality meats gotten from commercially raised animals that have been exposed to chemicals, antibiotics and growth hormone which are scientifically proven to be harmful to health and are primary causes of diseases like high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypertension, type II diabetes, prostate and colon cancer.

Most people who consume animal-based diets take a lot of processed foods. These processed foods contain vegetable oils.

Nutritional Benefits of Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism also offers nutritional benefits. There are people who suggest that a vegetarian diet cannot provide adequate nutrition. This is absolutely false.

The truth is not so many people understand the structure of a healthy vegetarian diet.

Vegetarian diets are low in cholesterol and saturated fat and high in dietary fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin C and E, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, and phytochemicals like carotenoids and flavonoids.

High consumption of refined grain and sugar has been fingered as the primary cause of many diseases. High consumption of refined grain can lead to spikes in blood sugar and insulin which will only result into insulin resistance, disease of the heart, diabetes and weight gain.

Also, high consumption of refined sugar can result in insulin resistance, cardiovascular diseases and fatty liver. Sticking to vegetarian diets will afford you a life without all these diseases.

Vegetarian diets are more alkaline. Eating more of it will ensure you do without the acidity resulting in your body whenever you eat animal protein.

Acidity in the body is responsible for bone demineralization as it causes calcium to leach from the bone.

The skin benefits a lot from the fiber supplied by vegetarian diets. The fiber helps in flushing toxins in the body.

Soy milk as a replacement for the regular milk reduces the body’s cholesterol thereby safeguarding the health of the heart.

Are Vegetarian Diets Lacking Essential Nutrients?

Thinking a vegetarian diet would be lacking in certain essential nutrients is reasonable, after-all one is cutting out animal-based diet.

Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Vitamin B2, Vitamin A, Iodine, Protein and Omega 3 fatty acids and derivatives such as EPA and DHA are all essential nutrients that have been reported lacking in vegetarian diets.

Deficiency can cause numerous problems, including fatigue, lethargy, weakness, memory loss, impaired brain function, neurological and psychiatric problems, etc.

Therefore, just by eating an abundance of vegetables and fruits with supplements to cater for the nutrients that are lacking in vegetarian diets, vegetarians are naturally healthier than those who are on a standard diet.

In conclusion, to live a life without the diseases that come from eating meat-based diets, vegetarianism is the way to go.

5 Nutrient Deficiencies Common With Vegetarian Diets


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