9 Best Exercises to Lose Side Fat Fast At Home

You look in the mirror, and your desire to burn those muffin top/side fat increases by daylight. Yes, the human body is divine, but these fats can be embarrassing, especially when wearing an unusual dress or bodysuit.

What if we told you there are several exercises you can do to burn down calories that make your side body look chubby?

With the right workouts and discipline, you can transform your appearance and finally put on those outfits leaning in the wardrobe for too long.

The following are 9 best exercises to help you lose side fat fast at home.

9 Best Exercises to Lose Side Fat Fast At Home

1. Mermaid

This Pilates move is a powerful waist cincher. Also, it works like a catalyst against muffin tops and love handles.

As simple as the Mermaid Stretch may appear, it serves as an apt measure for reducing side fats with ease.

Steps for the Mermaid Stretches:

  1. Lay on your right side in a straight position and your legs put together.
  2. Ensure to put yourself in a relaxed mode and rest on your bum, not your spine.
  3. Raise your left leg as high as possible and bring it back to a resting position.
  4. Repeat the same process 15 times for each side.

2. Side Plank

One way to exercise your hip area is by stretching your arms and legs while doing the side plank workout.

This practice releases stress off the side body and puts it in a resting position. It best serves those who repeat the process with accuracy.

Steps for Side Plank Workouts:

  1. Set out with your back laid flat on the floor.
  2. Turn to one side with your legs closed.
  3. Put your left palm on the ground and your right on your hip.
  4. Maintain the side plank workout for as long as possible.
  5. Slowly put yourself in a resting position.
  6. Repeat this process for each side.

Read Also: 9 Exercises to Get Rid Of Muffin Top Fast At Home in a Week

3. Bicycle Crunch

Reducing side fat with bicycle crunch workouts works like a catalyst. Your body develops a desired shape within a few weeks of constant practice.

Steps for Bicycle Crunch Stretches:

  1. Lay flat with your back on the mat and draw your legs in slowly.
  2. Fix both hands together above your head.
  3. Draw your left leg inwards to touch your right elbow, aligning your upper body with the movement.
  4. Put your body at rest.

It would be best to do this 15-20 times for each side.

4. Starfish

More like an upgraded version of the side plank workout, this helps strengthen the spine while removing fats from the back, abdomen, and body side.

It is easy for those who already know how to do the side plank.

Steps for Starfish Workouts:

  1. Put yourself in the side plank position for the left side of the body.
  2. Slowly raise your right arm and leg to form the star shape and stay put for at least 10 seconds.
  3. Do the same thing 15 times for each side.

Read Also:  11 Easy Exercises and Workouts Options to Lose Hip Fat Fast in Two Weeks

5. Leg Lift Positioning

Leg lift positioning is another simple yet effective method to tone your body and strengthen your muscles. When done with discipline and consistency, it produces quick results.

Steps for Leg Lift Positioning:

  1. Lay flat with your face upwards, placing your back and palms against the mat.
  2. Slowly lift both legs by supporting the motion with your arms until you form an angle of 90-degree.
  3. Stay put for a minimum of 10 seconds and return to your resting position.

A slight displacement may disrupt the quality of results produced. Always ensure your arms and legs are straight throughout your session.

6. One Hand Toe Touch

This workout is right for lower side fats. It helps in toning the side body and building the muscles. It is also a good weight loss practice for the waist, hips, and abdomen.

Steps for One Hand Toe Touch Workouts:

  1. Sit with your legs forward.
  2. Form a shoulder-width distance by spreading your legs as wide as they can be.
  3. Put the sole of your knee across the inner side of your left thigh by slowly bending your knee.
  4. Stay put for a minimum of 10 seconds.
  5. Try this pose 15-20 times on each side for effective results.

Read Also: How to Get Rid Of Saddlebags: Tips and 5 Exercises to Do At Home

7. Russian Twist

Do you know that you can twist your abdomen to burn fat? The Russian Twist provides friction in this body area, making it an apt choice for reducing side fats.

It also helps to tone the body while strengthening your core

Steps for Russian Twist:

  1. Spread your legs wide apart while sitting on the mat.
  2. Slowly rest backwards to allow your legs to form a V shape while your hands are together.
  3. Balance your glutes by twisting your hands and torso in opposite directions.
  4. Keep your legs away from the floor throughout the process.
  5. Repeat the procedure at least ten times.

8. Hip Dips

Tone your oblique muscles while enjoying the benefits of side plank positioning.

This best serves those who’d love to strengthen their spine while burning side fats. For some, this is a perfect method for reducing side fats.

Steps for Hip Dips:

  1. Put yourself in the forearm plank position and roll to one side.
  2. Find your balance and place your free hands on your hips, slowly applying pressure on your lower hip.
  3. Repeat these steps 15 times for each side.

Read Also: 7 Best Exercises to Get Rid Of Cellulite on Thighs, Legs and Bum Fast 

9. Triangle Bend

You might want to focus on your hamstrings and sides. Apply pressure on these body areas with the Triangle Bend while also building your core.

Steps for Triangle Bend:

  1. Placing your hands on both sides, spread your legs wide apart.
  2. Position your right foot forward and your left foot leftwards.
  3. Bend to your left side, slowly putting your left palm on the floor and aligning your right hand with the move.
  4. Hold this posture for about 10 seconds and do the same thing for the other side.
  5. Avoid straining your back in the process.


These nine home exercises for reducing side fats are simple workouts you can try independently. In addition to these exercises, you should:

  1. Eat healthily
  2. Get enough sleep
  3. Drink enough water
  4. Monitor progress

Read Also: 8 Simple Exercises to Get Rid Of Thigh Fat At Home


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