Categories: Healthy Living

8 Natural Ways to Gain Weight Fast and Safely At Home in 2 Weeks

About 1.9 billion people in the world are obese or overweight. Despite this fact, there are also lots of people with the issue of being underweight.

Being underweight is as bad as being obese, it isn’t healthy, and even people who are not clinically underweight still want to gain some muscle. When trying to gain muscle weight whether you are underweight or not, the same rules apply.

When gaining weight you need to make sure to do it as healthily as possible.

There are natural ways you can gain healthy weight fast and safely in two weeks.

Below are 8 ways in which you can do these in the comfort of your house.

1. Eat Plenty of Protein

The most important nutrient you need to gain weight healthily is protein. Muscles are made of protein.

If you don’t have enough protein in your body then you just have extra calories which are just body fat and that isn’t healthy.

Studies show that when overfeeding, a diet high in protein causes many of the extra calories to turn to muscle.

However, protein is highly feeling, this usually reduces hunger and your appetite, this makes it hard to get enough calories.

If you want to gain weight, it is advised that you try to consume about 0.7 to 1 gram of protein per body weight but you can go above that if your calorie intake is high.

Meats, fish, eggs, many dairy products, legumes, nuts, and many others. You can also consider using protein supplements if you are unable to get enough protein in your diet.

2. Eat Lots of Carbs

When people want to lose weight they always advised to stay away from carbs, this is a bad idea for you if you want to gain weight because you won’t be getting enough calories into your body.

Eat lots of food that are high in carbs, the best way to gain weight is to take lots of protein, carbs and, fats in each meal.

Read Also: How to Tighten Stomach Muscles Fast in 2 Weeks

3. Nuts and Nut Butter

The consumption of nuts regularly will make anyone gain weight fast and safely.

They can be used as snacks and it can be added to lots of meals including salad.

Raw, dry, roasted these have more health benefits.

Nuts are also made into butter and this also helps, you just have to ensure that they don’t contain sugar or hydrogenated oils and this can be gotten from any local or online store

4. Red Meat

Studies have shown that the consumption of red meat aids in the building of muscles and gaining weight.

Red meat contains nutrients called leucine and creatine, this plays a major role in the boosting of muscle mass, red meat are rich in protein and fat, this promotes weight gain.

Although it is often advised to limit the intake of meat, the leaner cuts of meat are healthier than fattier cuts of meat.

There is a particular study that showed that when lean cuts of red meat were added to the diets of 100 women who were between the ages of 60 and 90, they gained weight and their strength was increased by 18 percent, even though they were undergoing resistance training.

5. Exercise for Healthy Weight Gain

When you are trying to gain weight, you have to carefully regulate your diet and exercise regimen to ensure that you are not burning more calories than you are consuming.

You should also not stop exercise except its being recommended by your doctor.

Lift free weights to increase lean muscle mass; also try compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, and triceps dips.

This will help build muscle mass. However don’t do too much and you should as get into a proper form, do lots of research if you are a beginner or ask for the help of an experienced trainer.

Do not engage in a cardio workout, they are major calories burner since you are trying to gain weight, it is advised you do more of targeted workouts.

Read Also: Jump Start Your Day: Quick Morning Workout Routine to Jump-Start Your Day

6. Include Vegetables

Vegetables are rich in protein, minerals, and fiber, they also contain certain vitamins. All these are very important for a person that’s trying to gain weight.

Vegetables will help you stay away from unhealthy snacking as they help curb hunger because they are usually very filling.

Protein is very essential for the body, it helps the hormones to synthesize.

Read Also: Low Carb Veggies: 10 Best Low-Carb Vegetables You Can Eat On a Keto Diet

7. Include Nutritious Beverages in Your Diet

Normally people who are overweight or trying to lose weight are advised to stay away from beverages, an underweight person or some who are trying to gain weight should have them as much as possible.

But stay away from packaged fruit juices as they have high sugar and preservative content, Colas, Flavored coffee drinks, or sweetened teas, etc.

They usually have high-calorie content but they contain unhealthy fats. Drink only fresh hand-made juices.

8. Double Your Food Intake

As exciting as this sounds, it isn’t very easy.

If you normally eat 3 times a day now you have to ensure that you double the quantity and eat at least six times so that each meal is in equal portions, for the first 3 days to a week, this will be tough as you have to force the food especially if you normally don’t eat a lot.

This means that for every extra 500 calories consumed per day adds one pound to your weight in a week.


If you are want to gain weight fast stay away from intermittent fasting. This is only advised for people trying to lose weight and for health improvement, it makes it harder to take in enough calories while fasting.

Ensure that you eat at least 3 meals a day and take enough energy-dense snacks.

Don’t over-exercise, doing this will burn a lot of the calories you need to gain weight, and this just means you will overeat to gain weight.

Also, keep adequate track of your workout and calorie intake so that you have a balance.

Stay true and be consistent with your diet and exercises and you will gain weight fast and naturally in two weeks.

Read Also: 9 Best Hourglass Workouts to Sculpt an Hourglass Body At Home


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