
8 Natural Remedies to Get Rid Of Back Acne Overnight

85% of the world’s young population is suffering from one form of acne or the other; you probably have had acne ruining a beautiful summer outing by having to wear coverall to prevent exposing your acne-damaged skin, and you have had to worry about how to get rid of back acne overnight.

Aside from conventional acne treatments being expensive, they can cause skin dryness, irritation, or redness, hence the search for natural remedies that have proven effective in eradicating back acne.

Causes of Back Acne

The skin has numerous pores, which originate from sebaceous glands in the skin. The sebaceous gland produces sebum which is an oily substance.

When the sebaceous gland produces excess sebum, the excess sebum clogs the skin pores and provides an ideal environment for the growth of the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes).

In response to the bacteria build-up in the skin, the immune system produces antibodies to fight P. acnes; Therefore, causing skin inflammation commonly referred to as pimples.

Back acne can be white or blackhead.

Here are eight of the best natural remedies to help you get rid of back acne overnight.

8 Natural Remedies to Fight Back Acne Overnight

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains natural acids like citric acid, succinic acid, and lactic acid.

Citric acids are effective against P acnes,  the bacteria that causes acne; succinic acid can reduce or prevent skin inflammation, and lactic acid can help eradicate scars or spots left by acne.

You can buy pure apple cider vinegar from grocery stores or prepare one at home by extracting and fermenting apple juice.

To extract and ferment apple juice, crush your apple in a food processor, or by other means; pour a moderate amount of water (four parts of water to one part crushed apple), two tablespoons of sugar, and the crushed apple into a jar; stir well to ensure the sugar dissolve in the water; cover the jar tightly and let the mixture sit in the dark for 3 weeks; filter the mixture after 3 weeks and store the filtered liquid for another three weeks, after which it will be ready for use.

How to apply apple cider vinegar to back acne

  1. Mix one part vinegar with three parts water (use four parts water if your skin is quite sensitive)
  2. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to the spots with acne
  3. Leave for 30 seconds
  4. Rinse and dry with a towel
  5. Repeat the process twice daily (morning and night before going to bed) for 2 to seven days to eradicate acne.

Read Also: 5 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Your Acne (Skin Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar)

2. Honey and Cinnamon Paste

Both honey and cinnamon have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, particularly effective against P. acnes which is the cause of acne; applying this mixture twice daily (morning and night) can help you get rid of back acne overnight by killing acne-causing bacteria in your skin and also eradicate or prevent skin inflammation.

How to prepare honey and cinnamon paste

  1. Source for pure honey and cinnamon powder; alternatively, you can prepare cinnamon powder at home by grinding the bark of dried cinnamon bark to powder
  2. Mix 2 parts honey and one part (preferably, use tablespoon for your measurements) cinnamon to form a paste.

How to apply honey and cinnamon paste to back acne

  1. Bath with a mild scrub or cleanse the affected back region properly
  2. Apply the mixture of honey and cinnamon paste to the acne spots on your back
  3. Leave for 15 minutes before rinsing
  4. Pat the area dry
  5. Repeat twice daily for two to seven days for effective results.

3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains chemical compounds that have potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and it does not cause skin dryness and irritation when applied to the skin, except when applied in excess or highly concentrated form.

It is an oil extract from Melaleuca alternifolia, a tree species common in Australia.

Because of its potency, you should dilute tea oil with 9 parts water, olive oil, cream, or other carrier agents; preferably, oil-based with neutral effects on the skin.

How to apply tea tree oil to back acne

  1. Use a cotton ball to apply already diluted tea tree oil to acne spots on your back
  2. Repeat this process morning and night for two to seven days to get rid of back acne.

Read Also: 8 Easy Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Acne

4. Green Tea

Green tea is a rich source of polyphenols, catechins, and tons of antioxidants that helps to prevent cell damage, fight bacteria and cancerous cells and prevent skin inflammation.

The polyphenols in green tea have very strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight acne-causing bacteria and reduce or prevent skin inflammation.

An important catechin in green tea – epigallocatechin-3-gallate (shortened to EGCG) reduces sebum production in the sebaceous gland in the skin, prevents inflammation, and prevents the growth of growth P. acnes in skin pores.

Drinking green tea is also effective in reducing blood sugar levels which is a major factor triggering acne in some individuals.

You can apply steeped green tea to your back or make a paste by mixing green tea leaves with honey to form a paste.

How to apply green tea to back acne

  1. Place a bag of green tea in a cup and add boiled water
  2. Let it stay for 4 minutes before removing the green tea bag from the cup
  3. Allow the tea to cool and apply with a cotton ball to acne spots on the back
  4. Allow the tea to dry before rinsing it off and drying your skin with a towel
  5. Repeat the process for two to seven days to get rid of back acne overnight

How to prepare and apply green tea paste

  1. Mix two parts green tea with one part honey (use tablespoon for measurement)
  2. Apply the paste to acne spots on your back
  3. Rinse off after 15 minutes
  4. Repeat the process twice daily for two to seven days

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is rich in salicylic acid and sulfur, which are components used to produce conventional acne therapies.

It is a desert plant with thick, succulent leaves that have found uses in skin treatment therapies and other ailments since time immemorial.

The gel from aloe vera leaves is commonly used to treat acne, rashes, burns, abrasions, inflammations, and other skin anomalies.

Aloe Vera plant is easy to maintain, requiring less water; therefore, you can grow your aloe vera plants in pots or source for it locally.

How to apply Aloe Vera to back acne

  1. Cut a piece of the Aloe vera leave and scrape the gel using a spoon
  2. clean the acne-infected area
  3. Apply the Aloe vera gel to the acne spots on your skin, do not rinse off.
  4. Repeat twice daily for two to seven days to have an acne-free back overnight.

Read Also: 10 Effective Home Remedies for Acne and Pimples

6. Salt and Coconut Oil

Exfoliating with a mix of salt and coconut oil removes dead skin cells, free clogged pores by removing excess skin oil and sweat components, and allows applied remedies to penetrate deeply into your skin.

Exfoliating with salt and coconut oil daily can improve your skin’s appearance, prevent the build-up of acne-causing bacteria in your skin pores, and prevent skin inflammation.

How to prepare a home-made scrub of salt and coconut oil

  1. Mix equal parts of salt and coconut oil
  2. Use the mix to scrub your skin gently
  3. Rinse properly with warm water
  4. Repeat the process regularly to prevent acne

7. Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is used to treat acne, eczema, dandruff, burns, insect bites, and other skin anomalies.

It is very suitable for treating acne because it contains organic substances with strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and it can also prevent skin dryness and irritation.

Witch hazel is extracted from the leaves and bark of the witch hazel, a shrub commonly found in North America.

How to apply witch hazel to back acne

  1. Mix a tablespoon of powdered witch hazel bark (or 4-5 witch hazel leaves) with 1 cup of water
  2. Allow it to stand for 30 minutes.
  3. Boil the mixture or concoction with simmering fire
  4. Allow the boiled mixture to cool for 10 minutes
  5. Strain or filter the concoction
  6. Store in a container with a tight lid or cover
  7. Use a cotton ball to apply the witch hazel liquid to the acne spots twice daily; repeat the process for two to seven days to eradicate back acne overnight.

Read Also: 9 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Warts Overnight

8. Rosemary

Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants with strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can cure acne overnight.

How to prepare and apply Rosemary extract

  1. Soak 4 to 5 Rosemary leaves (fresh or dry) in 1 cup of water
  2. Allow it to stand for 30 minutes
  3. Boil the concoction with simmering fire
  4. Allow the boiled mixture to cool for 10 minutes
  5. Strain or filter the concoction
  6. Store in a container with a tight lid or cover
  7. Use a cotton ball to apply the Rosemary extract to the acne spots twice daily; repeat the process for two to seven days to have a smooth, acne-free back.


Natural remedies for getting rid of acne overnight works well when you apply any chosen remedy consistently; however, eradicating acne can be faster, and you can get to kiss back acne goodbye forever by substituting processed foods like pastries, candies, processed flour, cakes, junk foods, etc., which are high on the glycemic index for with low glycemic index such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, etc.

These foods are also rich sources of zinc which is known to boost the immune system and also reduce acne.

Overall, a healthy lifestyle, wholesome diets, and appropriate natural remedies can help you eradicate acne overnight or prevent acne from appearing on your skin.

Read Also: How To Use Castor Oil For Scalp Treatment and Hair Growth


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