Weight Loss

8 Easy Exercises to Lose Hanging Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

Aside from putting you out of shape and making you feel awkward about yourself, hanging belly fat increases your chances of developing heart diseases, diabetes, stroke, and other types of terminal illnesses.

Well, you can lose hanging belly fats in two weeks, get back the trim shape and flat belly you have always desired, and live a healthy life by engaging in any or a combination of the recommended eight easy exercises for losing belly fats.

8 Easy Exercises to Lose Hanging Belly Fats in 2 Weeks

1. Sit-Ups

Sit-ups target your chest and abdominal muscles at the same time. It is an effective means of keeping your lower belly fat trimmed.

How to do sit-ups

  1. Lie flat on your mat
  2. Fold your arms beneath your head; your head should be resting in your palms with your fingers interlocked.
  3. Attempt sitting up by lifting your upper body/torso off the floor and returning to your starting position. You may not be able to sit upright for the first day as you rigorously engage your abdominal muscles, but by the second or third day, you should be able to do this exercise perfectly.
  4. Target two sets of 12 repeats daily.

2. The Hundred

This exercise can build your ab muscles and trim down belly fats within two weeks if you commit 30 minutes daily to this exercise.

How to do a hundred

  1. Lie flat on your mat with your legs off the floor, and your knees bent in a table-top position.
  2. Your arms should be stretched straight beside you with your palm facing down, resting on the mat while you keep your knees fixed in a table-top position.
  3. Lift your arms one inch above the floor
  4. Lift your head, chest, and upper back above the floor to engage your abs muscles
  5. Move your arms up and down in rhythmic movement with your breathing as your palm touches the floor and back.
  6. Hold this position and count to a hundred, hug your knees to your chest, and start another hundred.
  7. Work as many reps as you can within 30 minutes while taking breaks.

Read Also: How to Lose Lower Belly Fat in 1 Week

3. Heel Touch

Heel touch targets your upper and lower abs and helps you burn lower belly fats faster when combined with other aerobic exercises.

How to do Heel touch

  1. Lie flat on your mat with your legs straightened out
  2. Let your arms lie straightened out by your sides with your palms resting vertically at each side of your laps
  3. In alternate movements, try touching the base of your left heel with your left hand and your right heel with your right hand; you will feel your upper and lower abdominal muscles engaged as you try raising your torso sideways to touch your heel.
  4. Do 3 sets of 20 repeats daily combined with other exercises.

4. Scissor Switch

Scissors switch exercise is beneficial in working your abdominal muscles, thus serving as an ideal exercise for burning down belly fats and keeping a trim shape.

How to do scissors switch exercise

  1. Lie flat on your mat
  2. raise your legs straight up at 900
  3. Fold your hands beneath your head with your head resting in your palms with your fingers interlocked.
  4. Lift your head towards your chest, and hold this position. You should feel your abdominal muscles engaged as your rib cage lowers towards your abdomen.
  5. Swing your legs in alternate movements, with one almost hitting the floor and swinging back up and the other leg swinging down, almost touching the floor.
  6. Repeat as many 20 reps you can do within 30 minutes while taking breaks in-between

Read Also: 10 Easy Punching Workouts to Lose Belly Fat and Tone Your Abs Fast

5. Plank Exercises

Plank exercises are simple yet effective in building your abs and back muscles. It will also help you build up strength for pushup exercises.

How to do plank exercises

  1. Lie face down on your mat, your head facing the floor
  2. Raise your hands, let your elbow and lower arms rest on the mat with your palms and fingers interlocked, and resting vertically,
  3. Stretch your body with your toes and lower arms acting as support for your body
  4. Let your head, back, and leg align in a straight line
  5. Try moving your body forward and back using your elbow as a fulcrum
  6. Try doing 3 sets of 20 repeats before switching to other types of exercises,
  7. Alternatively, you can hold this position for 20 to 60 seconds, take a short break before starting another set.

6. Jackknife Crunch

Jackknife crunches are simple and easy exercises that engage your arms, chest, abdominal, and leg muscles simultaneously.

After a few reps, you would feel your abdominal muscles tightening up and other muscles getting worked up.

If you’re consistent with this exercise, you will receive compliments on your trim body within two weeks of intense jackknife crunches.

How to do Jackknife crunches

  1. Lie flat on your mat
  2. Stretch out your arms to align with your torso and your legs, with your palms facing up towards the ceiling
  3. Swing both arms and legs at the same time in such a way that your two palms touch your shin, below the knees at the same time while you also try to raise your head and torso (upper body) up to engage your abdominal muscles.
  4. Do 20 reps and aim for more than 3 sets before taking a break and repeating multiple 3 sets.

Read Also: 9 Easy Tips to Get Rid of Visceral Fat (Belly Fat)

7. Bird-Dog Exercises

Bird-dog exercises strengthen your upper and lower abs and back muscles. It is also an effective means of burning lower belly fat in two weeks.

How to do Bird-dog exercise

  1. Take a kneeling position on your mat with your soles facing up
  2. Straighten out your arms, using your palm as support
  3. Raise your right knee off the ground in a straight position while you knee only on the left leg
  4. Stretch out your left hands
  5. Try holding still for 20 to 60 seconds before switching
  6. Attempt doing 3 sets of bird-dog exercises before switching to other types of exercises.

8. Mountain Climb

Mountain climb exercise is simple enough yet effective at burning belly fat, building back and abs muscles, and building stamina.

How to do Mountain climb exercise

  1. Take a plank position, with your two arms straightened out with palms resting flat on the mat
  2. straighten your body and leg, using your toes and palm to support your body weight
  3. move one knee rapidly in climbing motion as far as you can, and attempt touching your thigh to your chest
  4. return the knee to position and repeat same for the other knee in rapid successive motions.
  5. Do 3 sets of 20 reps each before switching to other types of exercises.

Read Also: 20 Minutes Lower Belly Pooch Workouts to Lose Lower Belly Fat

Bonus Exercises

  1. Running: Incorporating running into your exercise regimen can help you burn down belly fats faster because it is an exercise that helps you lose weight and burn lower belly fats. It also boosts your metabolism by helping your muscles to build resistance and improving your stamina. Running is very effective when combined with other exercises such as High-intensity interval training (HIIT) by running fast for 45 seconds, pushing your body to its limits, and taking a 60-second break before continuing with another exercise regimen.
  2. Skipping: You can incorporate skipping as a HIIT to help you burn belly fat faster. Skipping engages all of your muscles and improves your metabolism.
  3. Swimming: Swimming improves your physical condition and helps you to burn belly fat faster.
  4. Dancing: Dancing is also an effective exercise that engages your body muscles. It can keep you in trim shape by increasing your body metabolism when you dance frequently.
  5. Cycling: cycling helps your body builds stamina and improve muscle strength. When done regularly, it keeps belly fat at bay.
  6. Speed walking: Speed walking for 30 minutes daily will boost your metabolism and keep your belly and waistline trimmed.


These 8 simple exercises for losing hanging belly fat in two weeks are effective only when you’re consistent with your exercise regimen. Also, other factors that can help you achieve your dream body include:

  1. switching foods high on the glycemic index like processed foods, meat, etc., for foods low on the glycemic index such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, lean meats, nuts, whole grains, hard-boiled eggs, and fish.
  2. Making lifestyle changes include replacing alcohol consumption with water, quitting smoking, walking, running, and climbing stairs instead of using the elevator.
  3. You should also get enough sleep, avoid starving yourself, and avoid liquid diets.

With these easy lifestyle changes combined with regular exercises, you’re sure of making your dream of a flat belly a reality.

Read Also: 9 Best Workouts to Get Rid Of Upper Belly Fat Fast In Two Weeks


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