8 Best Stretches for Upper Back Pain Relief

Having back pain hurts so much, and it can deprive you of a peaceful evening after a hard day’s work hunched over the desktop computer or after spending long hours with your head dangling from the neck in a hunched position over your phone.

Whatever may be the cause of your back pain, these simple stretches will give you fast relief and a relaxing, pain-free evening after a hard day’s work.

8 Best Stretches for Upper Back Pain Relief

1. Head Rotation

Head rotation is the simplest yet effective stretch that relieves neck and upper back muscle soreness, especially if you’ve been in a still sitting position for long hours.

How to Do Head Rotation Stretches

  1. Stand or sit upright with your hands by your side;
  2. Stretch your neck forward slightly to the right to engage your neck and upper back muscles
  3. Rotate your head to the right in a clockwise direction continuously
  4. While rotating your head, try to be still and rotate your head with your neck and not your chest region.
  5. Make 3 sets of 12 repeats

2. Child’s Pose

From its name, you would feel like the child’s pose stretches are child’s play, but nothing provides quick relief for shoulder and back pains faster than the child’s pose as these stretches engage your shoulder, upper, mid, and lower back muscles simultaneously.

How To Do Child’s Pose Stretches

  1. Take a low bow position with your forehead touching the floor
  2. Stretch out your arms with your palms facing the floor and your feet in an inverted position with the soles of your feet facing the ceiling
  3. While in that position, move your butt in a linear motion to sit on the heels of your feet with your knees completely folded to let the rest of your back thigh sit on your lower legs, as shown in the image
  4. While your palms remain firmly planted on the floor, raise your lower back with your legs stretched out to form an elevated, inverted v-shaped pose and your butt elevated to the highest position it can get without you getting up.
  5. Make 3 sets of 12  repeats.

Read Also: 10 Best Yoga Exercises to Relieve Back Pain

3. Knee-Chest Fold

The Knee-Chest fold is also a backstretch that loosens up your back muscles and brings relief to upper back pains.

How to Do the Knee-Chest Fold

  1. Lie flat on your back, but let your feet rest firmly on the floor with your knees bent in an inverted V-shaped position with your thigh and leg.
  2. Gently lift your feet and legs off the floor simultaneously towards your chest.
  3. Let your thighs touch your chest as you hug your legs towards your chest
  4. Make 3 sets of 12 repeats and try catching your breath in-between.

4. Thoracic Stretch

The Thoracic stretch relaxes your back and shoulder muscles by straightening out sore muscles. You will need a foam roller or a yoga block to do this exercise.

How to do the thoracic stretch

  1. Place the foam roller on the floor
  2. sit on the floor and lie back so that your upper back immediately below the scapula rests on the foam roller
  3. let your butt sit on the floor, your arms folded behind your head with your fingers clasped together to serve as support for your head.
  4. Take a deep breath, and try to roll the foam roller with your back muscles
  5. the foam roller stretches out your back and shoulder muscles
  6. repeat 3 sets of 12 forward and backward motion reps

Read Also: 10 Yoga Stretches to Relieve Sciatica and Lower Back Pain

5. The Rhomboid Stretch

The rhomboid stretch works out your arm, shoulder, neck, and upper back muscles; this exercise might become your favorite because it is easy, more like child’s play.

How to Do Rhomboid Stretch

  1. Stretch out your arms in front of your body with the right hand clasping the left;
  2. Tilt your head forward slightly.
  3. Stretch your shoulder muscles in a rowing motion like you’re paddling a canoe with an oar.
  4. Make three sets of 12 repeats

Read Also: How to Relieve Shoulder Pain Fast – 9 Easy Shoulder Stretches To Fix A Tight Shoulder

6. Door Frame Stretch

Can leaning into the doorway relieve upper back pain? You did be surprised at how fast you can relieve upper back pain by simple actions such as leaning into the doorway.

How to Do Door Frame Stretch

  1. Stand at the doorway; let your arms rest on the door frame with your elbows in 900 position
  2. While resting your arms on the doorway, take a deep breath and peep in through the doorway
  3. You will feel your chest and upper back muscles engaged and stretched
  4. Make 3 sets of 12 repeats of the doorway stretch

7. The Cobra Stretch

Cobra stretch helps relieve some types of disc abnormalities and healing stiff muscles; It works your shoulder, upper, mid, and lower back muscles simultaneously.

How to Perform Cobra Stretch

  1. Lie flat facing the floor on your stomach, and your soles inverted facing the ceiling,
  2. Position your hands with your palms firmly planted on the floor
  3. Push your upper body up to the waist up using your hands and palm as support and lever. (don’t confuse this stretch with push-ups)
  4. Take a deep breath for 30 seconds, and let your body return to its starting position
  5. Make 3 sets of 12 reps

Read Also: 8 Best Stretches for Immediate Lower Back Pain Relief

8. Over-Head Arm and Thoracic Stretch

The overhead arm and thoracic stretch work your arms, shoulder, and back muscles.

While attempting this stretch, you will feel your arms, abs, and back muscles stretching out and relieving you of the pain or numbness you might have felt.

How to Do Over-Head Arm and Thoracic Stretch

  1. Stand straight with your arms fully stretched up above your head
  2. Clasp your hands together
  3. Swing your body to the right and left in rhythm with the movement of your hands
  4. Make 3 sets of 12 reps with 30-second intervals for breathing.


These 8 best stretches for upper back pain relief will relieve you of pains in your upper back due to stress and long hours of poor posture.

In addition to these stretches, you can:

  1. Observe short rest, and slowly get back to your activities if your upper back pain is hurting you real bad.
  2. Use a heating pad or ice pack to reduce swelling and relieve pains in the back.
  3. Engage in exercises and stretches that work your shoulder, back, thoracic, and abs muscles
  4. Practice good sitting, standing, and walking postures
  5. Learn new ways of managing stress such as breathing exercises and meditation,
  6. Use OTC pain relievers like aspirin, Advil, and Motrin.

Read Also: How to Get Rid Of Lower Back Pain Fast: 7 Yoga Poses for Immediate Relief


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