Categories: Healthy Living

7 Weight Loss Tips to Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months without Exercise

The weight loss industry is full of myths.

There are a lot of weight loss tips flying here and there; both the effective and non-effective ones.

That said, it will please you to know that there are some science-backed strategies to help you lose 50 pounds in 2 months without exercise.

Consider the below:

1. Track Your Calorie Intake

Calorie counting is yet another effective way to lose 50 pounds in 2 months without exercise.

When you keep track of the amount of calories you are consuming daily, it will help you analyze your best foods and prevent you from underestimating calories – a common mistake most weight watchers make.

Although caloric intake for weight loss depends on a number of factors, but experts recommend limiting your calorie intake to just 200-300 calories per meal. That is, 600 –  900 calories a day if you eat 3 meals or 800 – 1200 calories a day if you eat 4 meals.

To make counting easier, below are some top-rated apps to help count your calories:

My Fitness Pal.

Lose It!




2. Cut Sugar Out Of Your Diet

The plain truth is that it’s almost impossible to lose 50 pounds in 2 months without quitting sugar.

In fact, study reveals that one of the most effective ways to lose shred weight is to cut back totally from sugar.

This is majorly because sugar contains high content of calories, which in turn could trigger weight gain.

Unfortunately, a number of processed foods and drinks out there are loaded with sugar, meaning that you may eventually add excess weight if you continue to eat/drink such.

To prevent or get rid of excess weight, it is best you avoid all processed foods and drinks.

Alternatively, you can get low and no-calorie sweeteners if you must consume sweet drinks.

By so doing, you will shield yourself not just against excess weight but also some other health conditions it is linked with, including heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, stroke, to name but a few.

Read Also: 7 Day Cucumber Diet Plan to Lose 15 Pounds in 1 Week

3. Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern which limits the hours of the day when you eat.

Studies show that intermittent fasting can help enhance weight loss, reduce belly fat, improve overall health, to name but a few.

On the plus side, there are a lot of Intermittent fasting method you can try out, including but not limited to:

16/8 – Fast for 16 hours every day

5:2 diet – Fast for 2 days in a week

Eat-Stop-Eat – Fast for 24 hours, once or twice in a week

Warrior diet – Fast during the day, eat huge meal during the evening

That said, it might interest you to know that all the benefit fasting methods are considered effective for weight loss.

Therefore, pick any one that suits your lifestyle the most and hope for better results.

Note: Intermittent fasting may be challenging when you just start but you’ll get used to it as time goes on.

Read Also: Keto and Intermittent Fasting: 16/8 Intermittent Fasting and Keto Diet to Lose Weight

4. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits are typically low in calories and high in fiber, which could go a long way in accelerating your weight loss

Aside from reduced body weight, fruits are also associated with lowered risk of diabetes, hypertension, cancer, heart disease, etc.

Vegetables on the other hand can help enhance weight loss in multiple ways.

To begin with, vegetables typically contain fiber and water, both of which can help reduce your cravings for food, and thus reducing calorie intake which could lead to weight gain.

Below is a list of some Weight-loss friendly fruits and vegetables for you:

Spinach, Tomato, Avocado, Grapefruit, Apples, Berries, Kiwifruit, Melons, Oranges, Bananas, Pears, Pineapple, Lemon, Pomegranate, Strawberries, Blueberries, Papaya, Guava, Broccoli, Green peas, Sweet potato, Carrots, Cucumber, Celery, Cauliflower, etc.

5. Don’t Skip A Meal, Especially Breakfast

This is a very common mistake to avoid if you want to shred significant amount of pounds in 2 months without exercise.

Breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day.

It increases weight loss by giving you enough energy for the day, which may reduce the risk of consuming unnecessary calories and support weight loss efforts.

Some of the best breakfasts for losing weight include – Eggs, Wheat Germ, Bananas, Yogurt, Berries, Grapefruits, Coffee, Green Tea, Chia seeds, Oatmeal, Flaxseeds, Nuts, Black beans, Almond butter, Chicken breast, Sweet potatoes, Bell pepper, Broccoli, Watermelon, Spinach, Avocado, Brown rice, etc.

Read Also:  Carb Cycling for Weight Loss: 7-Day Carb Cycling Meal Plan 

6. Drink More Water

If truly you intend losing 50 pounds in 2 months without exercise, then drinking more water is a good way to start.

According to research, drinking more than 2 liters of water a day can help enhance weight loss as it prevents overeating and gets rid of eliminates water retention as well as bloating.

Another reason you should drink enough water is the fact that it boosts metabolism, meaning that it can help you burn more calories and make you feel lighter.

Expert Tips:

Avoid drinking calorie-containing beverages, such as sodas, fruit juice, beer, diet soda, milk, energy drinks – they increase the total daily calorie intake and slow down weight loss process. Opt for zero/ low-calorie beverages, such as green tea or lemon water instead.

Drink 2 glasses of water 20 minutes before each meal. It prevents overeating.

7. Get Some Rest

As a weight watcher, the amount of sleep you get is as crucial as your diet and exercise.

In fact, multiple studies reveal that sleep deprivation is among the leading reasons why many people find it hard to lose weight despite all their efforts.

When you don’t sleep adequately, your food cravings may increase, which you may end up eating more and clogging your body with unnecessary calories.

Additionally, poor sleep can cause certain cells in your body to become insulin resistant, a condition where the body does not respond to insulin as it ought to.

Once your cells are insulin resistant, more sugar will be accumulated in your bloodstream and your body will be forced to produce more insulin in compensation.

The additional insulin will then increase your food cravings and expose you not to only weight gain but diabetes and other serious health conditions.

To prevent against the aforementioned, it is imperative you sleep for at least 6 hours daily.

Read Also: Boiled Egg Diet Plan to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks


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