Categories: Beauty

7 Essential Oils to Tighten Your Skin Fast

As you grow older, your body’s ability to produce collagen and elastin decreases, which in turn reduces the firmness and elasticity of your skin.

The fortunate thing now is that there are certain steps you can take to help eliminate those unwanted aging signs, tighten your loose skin, and get rejuvenated, youthful-looking skin.

That said, essential oils are among the best remedies for skin tightening, which is the major reason we’ve chosen to discuss it in this article.

These oils are very beneficial such that they help to reduce inflammation, boost the skin’s moisture and elasticity, improve collagen production, prevent premature aging, etc.

Without wasting much time, below are 7 Best Essential Oil to Tighten Your Skin Fast:

7 Essential Oils to Tighten Your Skin Fast

1. Geranium Oil

Geranium oil is among the best essential oils to go for when it comes to skin enhancement.

This oil will not just tighten your skin but also help boost collagen production, increase your skin’s elasticity, minimize stretch marks, reduce wrinkles, and stretch marks, among others.

Some of the chemical compounds found in Geranium oils include a-pinene, myrcene, limonene, menthone, linalool, geranyl acetate, citronella, geraniol, and geranyl acetate.

With the aid of these and some other properties, this oil is considered effective for preventing bacterial infections, promotes faster wound healing, improves blood circulation, reduces pain and swelling,

That being said, if you want to get the very best out of this oil, then try combining it with certain oils like Angelica oil, basil oil, carrot seed oil, clary sage oil, grapefruit oil, jasmine oil, lavender oil, neroli oil, rosemary oil, etc.

How to Use Geranium for Skin Tightening

Ingredients Needed:

  • Geranium oil (twelve drops)
  • Sweet almond oil (two tablespoons)
  • Jojoba oil (one tablespoon)

How to Use:

  • Mix the above-listed ingredients and store them in a clean glass container.
  • After that, wash your face and apply 3-4 drops of the mixture on your face.
  • Gently massage the mixture on your skin.
  • Keep doing this every night.
  • The next morning, rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this for a few weeks.

2. Myrrh Oil

Myrrh is yet another good essential oil that you can use for skin rejuvenation and nourishment. It contains certain chemical compounds, including a-pinene, cadinene, eugenol, heerabolene, acetic acid, sesquiterpenes, and formic acid.

Part of the reasons why Myrrh oil is highly sought-after is because it has a lot of benefits. To start with, this oil helps in oxygenating the body tissues to help soothe the skin.

That’s not all; it also decreases the appearance of wrinkles, tightens the skin, improves skin flexibility, moisturizes and hydrates the skin, prevents excess sebum production which causes oily skin, soothes irritation, and eliminates rashes, to name but a few.

Some of the best oils to combine with Myrrh essential oil include benzoin oil, frankincense oil, lavender oil, sandalwood oil, clove oil, etc.

How to Use Myrrh Oil for Skin Tightening

Ingredients Needed:

  • Myrrh oil (five drops)
  • Jojoba oil (three tablespoons)

How to Use:

  • Mix the aforementioned ingredients together and store in a clean glass bottle.
  • After that, take a few drops of the mixture you made and massage gently on your skin.
  • Let it remain on your skin for a while and then rinse off.
  • Repeat for a few weeks, until you get the desired results.

Read Also: How to Use Essential Oils to Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair Fast At Home

3. Lavender Oil

Lavender contains potent antibacterial properties and powerful chemical compounds such as limonene, a-pinene, trans-ocimene, camphor, linalool, caryophyllene, and lavandulyl acetate – all of which are proven to be effective for tightening and rejuvenating the skin.

In addition to that, there are many other benefits associated with lavender oil.

Part of it is that this oil is great for lightening dark spots and blemishes on the skin, smoothening fine lines and wrinkles, relieving stress, aiding sleep, increasing blood circulation, to name but a few.

How to Use Lavender Oil for Skin Tightening

Ingredients Needed:

  • Lavender oil (five drops)
  • Sweet almond oil (two tablespoons)
  • Rosehip oil (five drops)
  • Coconut oil (two tablespoons)
  • Argan oil (one tablespoon)
  • Aloe vera gel (optional)

How to Use:

  • Mix the above-listed ingredients and store them in a clean glass container.
  • Take a moderate amount of the mixture and apply it on the affected area.
  • Massage it for a while and leave it on your face overnight.
  • Rinse off with cold water the next morning.
  • Do this regularly, until you are satisfied with the results.

4. Frankincense Oil

Our article on the 7 best essential oils to tighten your skin fast would be too shallow if we fail to feature this amazing oil.

Frankincense Oil helps in keeping the skin oxygenated and stimulating the growth of new skin cells, which ultimately results in improved skin elasticity.

In addition to the above, Frankincense oil is effective for clearing pimples and wrinkles, inhibits the growth of spots and blemish-causing bacteria, stimulates collagen & elastin production for firmer and less saggy skin, reduces skin inflammation, while it also regulates sebum production to prevent oily skin.

Bergamot oil, lavender oil, myrrh oil, orange oil, lemon oil, sandalwood oil, etc. are typical examples of essential oils you can combine with Frankincense Oil for maximum benefits.

How to Use Frankincense Oil for Skin Tightening

Ingredients Needed:

  • For pimples and acne: frankincense oil (2 – 3 drops) and jojoba oil (1 tablespoon)
  • For wrinkles: frankincense oil [2-3 drops] and Argan oil [1 tablespoon].
  • Frankincense Oil For dark spots and scars: frankincense oil [2-3 drops] and Coconut oil [1 tablespoon].
  • For dry skin: frankincense oil [2-3 drops] and Olive oil [1 tablespoon].
  • Frankincense Oil For beautiful skin: frankincense oil [2-3 drops] and grapeseed oil [1 tablespoon].
  • Frankincense Oil For oily skin: rosehip oil [1 tablespoon] and frankincense oil [2-3 drops].

How to Use:

  • Apply any of the aforementioned on your skin until you get satisfactory results.

Read Also: How to Use Rosemary Oil for Skin Tightening and Hair Growth

5. Patchouli Oil

Patchouli oil is effective for tightening the skin, minimizes the appearance of cellulite and wrinkles, reduces puffiness, enhances the skin’s flexibility levels, reduces dark spots, repairs are broken or damaged skin cells, clears cellulite, inhibits the growth of fungi, prevents dry skin, reduces fluid retention, among other benefits.

How to Use Patchouli Oil for Skin Tightening

Ingredients Needed:

  • Argan oil (five tablespoons)
  • Geranium oil (three drops)
  • Rose otto oil (three drops)
  • Patchouli oil (four drops)

How to Use:

  • Mix the above-listed ingredients and store them in a clean glass bottle.
  • After that, wash your face, and then apply a few drops of the mixture directly on your face.
  • Gently massage it and leave for about 20 minutes.
  • Lastly, wash off the mixture with warm water.
  • Keep doing this every day, until you get the desired results.

Read Also: 9 Easy Anti Aging Facial Exercises

6. Rosehip Oil

Rosehip Oil is an excellent source of antioxidants, essential fatty acid, Vitamin A, C, and E – all of which play a key role in improving skin health and appearance.

As a result of that, it is considered effective for smoothening fine lines and wrinkles, stimulates collagen and elastin production, shields the skin from oxidative stressors and free radicals, soothes swelling and pain, promotes quick healing, enhances skin tone and complexion, among other skin benefits.

How to Use Rosehip Oil for Skin Tightening

Ingredients Needed:

  • Rosehip oil ((fourth drops))
  • Carrot seed oil (three drops)
  • Rose otto oil (two drops)
  • Frankincense oil (two drops)
  • Helichrysum oil (two drops)

How to Use:

  • Firstly, you have to rinse your face using a mild wash.
  • After that, take 2-3 drops of the mixture, mix with a tablespoon of olive oil. Then, massage it on your face.
  • Do these two times a day for better results.

Read Also: 12 Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Chapped Lips Overnight 

7. Neroli Oil

Neroli oil is one of the most expensive and top-rated essential oils for skin tightening.

In fact, it will please you to know that this oil has grown to become a renowned ingredient in many anti-aging masks and creams.

This is probably because it contains a naturally occurring chemical called ‘citral’, which helps in regenerating skin cells and improving skin resilience.

What else can Neroli oil do?

It can help reduce stretch marks and scars, promote blemish-free skin, tone and cleanse the face, soothes sunburns and irritation, regulates oil production in the skin, reduces the appearance of aging signs, increases blood circulation, to name but a few.

How to Use Neroli Oil for Skin Tightening

Ingredients Needed:

  • Argan oil (ten milliliters)
  • Neroli essential oil (four drops)

How to Use:

  • Mix the above-mentioned ingredients and store it in a clean glass container.
  • Take a moderate amount of the mixture and apply it to your skin.
  • Gently massage it for some minutes and then wash off after 25 – 30 minutes.

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