
6 Easy Lemon Water Recipes for Weight Loss

Drinking lemon water is one good way to detox the body, burn down excess fat and keep the body in great shape.

Consuming lemon drinks on an empty stomach is a good way of losing weight.

This article explores the benefits of lemon and recommends six of the best lemon water recipes that can make you look forward to consuming lemon water daily for fast weight loss.

Lemon: Nutritional Information

Lemon is low in calories but packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that play important roles in detoxifying the body and balancing the body’s metabolism. Lemon fruit contains approximately:

  • 18.8 calories
  • Carbohydrates: 6g
  • Proteins: 0.71g
  • Fats: 0.19g
  • Water: 57.8g
  • Vitamin C: 34.4mg
  • Potassium: 89.4mg
  • Calcium: 16.9mg
  • Magnesium: 5.2mg
  • Folate: 7.15ug
  • Small amounts of iron, copper, zinc, selenium, Vitamin b6, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin.

Benefits of Consuming Lemon Water

  1. Lemon helps you lose weight: Lemons contain pectin, a fiber that makes you full, thus reducing your cravings for high-calorie foods, snacks, or drinks in between meals.
  2. Lemon boosts your immune system: Vitamin C boosts the immune system, promotes wound healing, and prevents scurvy. Lemon contains about 34.4mg of vitamin C, which is half the daily recommended amount of vitamin C for normal growth and body metabolism.
  3. Lemon is good for your digestive system: Drinking lemon water daily on an empty stomach stimulates the digestive system to absorb nutrients in food efficiently.
  4. Consuming lemon prevents heartburn and bloating: Consuming lemon water increases the rate of digestion, thus preventing bloating and heartburn.
  5. Lemon takes care of your skin: Daily consuming lemon water takes care of your skin needs, improves collagen production, and repairs damaged cells. Applying lemon to your skin can cure skin ailments, including eczema and acne.
  6. Lemon fights inflammation: Lemon contains anti-inflammatory substances that help to prevent inflammation in the joints and other body parts.

How to Make Lemon Detox Water At Home

Lemon water is tasty; it balances the body’s acidity, cleanses the system, promotes weight loss, and refreshes the body.

It is easy and inexpensive to make; therefore, you have no excuses for not enjoying all the benefits lemon detox water offers.

  1. get a ripe lemon fruit
  2. Roll it on a flat and hard surface, applying pressure to soften and break it down
  3. Cut the lemon in two and squeeze all the juice into a cup
  4. Heat water for ten seconds to room temperature (water at room temperature ensures that the body readily absorbs the nutrient in the lemon)
  5. Pour the warm water into the cup of lemon juice and stir lightly.
  6. Consume in the morning with a straw, or pour in a water bottle and enjoy it all day long.

6 Easy Lemon Water Recipes for Weight Loss

1. Lemon with Cucumber Detox Water

Cucumber promotes weight loss, helps to lower blood sugar, improves the skin outlook, and cleanses the body of free radicals. Combining lemon with cucumber makes a perfect recipe for a tasty and refreshing detox water for weight loss at home.

Ingredients for making Lemon-cucumber detox water at home

  1. 1 medium-sized cucumber, peeled and sliced thinly
  2. 1 lemon fruit sliced into thin rings
  3. 1 gallon of warm water (about 4.5 liters)

How to make Lemon-cucumber detox water at home

  1. Start the preparation at night to allow for enough time for infusion
  2. combine the sliced lemon and cucumber in a water pitcher large enough to contain a gallon of water
  3. Add enough water to the water pitcher
  4. Place in the fridge overnight
  5. Start consumption the next day.

Read Also: 7 Day Cucumber Diet Plan to Lose 15 Pounds in 1 Week

2. Honey-Infused Lemon Water

Honey is a universal medicine that has been used for centuries to treat diverse ailments due to the high bee pollen, bee propolis, and antioxidant substances found in honey. Its sweet and syrupy nature makes it a perfect combo for keeping illness at bay.

How to make Honey-infused lemon water

  1. Boil a pitcher of water
  2. add 2 tablespoons of raw, organic, and unheated honey to the boiled water
  3. Stir and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature
  4. Squeeze the juice of two lemon fruit into the cooled pitcher of water and refrigerate, or consume immediately.
  5. Consume with a straw to prevent the lemon juice from corroding your teeth over time.

3. Mint-Infused Lemon Detox Water

Mint in lemon detox water gives it a minty flavor, refreshing and rejuvenating to the body.

Besides helping in weight loss, mint-infused lemon water offers many benefits to the digestive system, including managing irritable bowel syndrome.

If you’re suffering from IBS or constipation, gulping down a cup of mint-infused lemon detox water in the morning before a meal can be the perfect solution for you.

How to make Mint-infused lemon detox water

  1. Boil a mug of water and add 2-3 mint sprigs to it
  2. Let the water cool to room temperature before squeezing fresh lemon juice into the mug of water.
  3. Stir properly and refrigerate, or serve hot.

Read Also: 11 Detox Water Recipes for Fat Burning and Rapid Weight Loss

4. Lemon-Infused Green Tea Detox

Green tea contains potent antioxidants for cancer prevention; it also promotes weight loss and improves heart health.

Adding lemon to a cup of tea gives the tea a nice lemony flavor and increases the health benefits obtained from a cup of tea.

How to make lemon-infused green tea

  1. Make a cup of green tea;
  2. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the cup of green tea and enjoy a rich lemon-flavored tea.

5. Citrus Combo Detox Drink

Combining citrus fruits in a drink is one way to give your system a treat while boosting your daily vitamin C intake. Serve chilled to enjoy the rich citrus flavor.

Recipe for Citrus combo detox drink

  1. One orange
  2. One grapefruit
  3. Juice from half of a lemon fruit
  4. Juice from half of a lime fruit
  5. Coconut water
  6. A gallon of water

How to make a citrus combo

  1. Juice all citrus fruits in a big water pitcher
  2. Add the coconut water to the juiced citrus fruit
  3. Add a gallon of warm water to the mixture and stir
  4. Serve chilled with ice, or store in a refrigerator.

6. Lemon-Ginger Detox Water

Lemon-ginger detox water offers you many health benefits while serving as a perfect alternative to sugary drinks high in calories.

Hence, you can keep your calorie consumption low while enjoying a refreshing drink with numerous health benefits.

Ingredient for a Lemon-ginger detox water

  1. Medium-sized ginger rhizome washed, peeled, and sliced
  2. Juice from a lemon fruit

How to make lemon-ginger detox water

  1. Add the lemon juice and sliced ginger to a mug
  2. fill up the mug with warm water and leave overnight to allow the ginger to infuse the lemon water
  3. Consume a cup of lemon-ginger detox water in the morning
  4. You can refrigerate the rest and consume chilled on a sunny afternoon.

Read Also:  How to Make Ginger Water: 9 Ginger Water Recipes for Weight Loss


These six lemon water recipe for weight loss offers you more ways of consuming lemon water to keep your weight down.

If you’re in for a 7 or 14-day lemon water weight loss challenge, these amazing recipes will increase your chances of completing the challenge by providing different ways to enjoy your lemon drink while keeping you full and hydrated.

Due to the corrosive effect of lemon juice on teeth, you should consume lemon water with a straw, passing it directly to your throat to avoid contact with your teeth.

Rinsing your mouth after consuming lemon water cleanses your teeth, thus preventing the long-term accumulative effect of lemon juice on the teeth.

Read Also: 9 Easy Pineapple Detox Drinks (Water Recipes) For Weight Loss


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