10 Simple Exercises to Get Rid Of Underarm Fat in a Week

Putting on your best outfit and noticing your armpit fat-rolls poking out can be frustrating and could also be bad for your confidence.

Unconsciously, we forget about our backs and armpits during exercises as we focus more on parts of the body we see in the mirror more often like our abs, legs, and butt.

This article will be drawing your attention to some efficient underarm workouts that will get rid of any underarm fat and boost your confidence.

1. Jump Rope:

This is a good way to start your exercises. This at most a 2 minutes upper body warmup.

Jumping rope is a great way to work your shoulders and arms.

How to do it;

Get a jump rope one that’s not too long or too short, so that you don’t trip over yourself while trying to jump ropes.

Hold each end of the rope in your hands, let it flow to the ground, then turn the rope with only your wrists, lift it up and jump over it.

Do 2 sets of ten reps and increase daily.

2. Jab Cross With Dumbbells:

This workout originated from boxing. It works on your arms, and it also warms up the upper body.

How to do it;

Stand with your legs widely spread at hip’s length and slightly bend your knees. Raise your arms and push your left arm out like you are about to throw a punch.

Repeat but with your right arm .switch your arms for 60 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10 reps with breaks in between.

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises for Sexy, Sculpted Arms You Can Do At Home 

3. Chest Press With Legs Extended:

This workout is for your full body. It strengthens your core muscles and improves your posture and flexibility.

How to do it;

Lie on your back and put your arms over your chest and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle while holding dumbbells.

Raise your arms over your chest and lift your shoulders off the mat while also raising your legs.

Return to your starting stance and do 3 sets of 10 reps.

4. Upright Row:

How to do it;

Stand uprightly while holding dumbbells with your hands.

Raise the dumbbell until it reaches the top of your chest. Bring it back down slowly.

Do 2 set of 10 reps.

Read Also: 10 Best Arm Toning Exercises to Get Sexy Arms Fast

5. Swiss Ball Chest Press:

How to do it;

The Swiss ball intensifies the workout by increasing the range of motion.

Although, if you don’t have this ball at home, you can do this work out on the floor.

Lie on the ball with the middle of your upper back on it or lie on a bench with the dumbbells in your hands and let your palms face each other.

Bring your arms down, out to the sides and slightly bend your elbows.

Do a set of 10 reps.

6. Push-Ups:

Push-ups are considered to be the most efficient workout for getting rid of underarm fat.

Doing push-ups daily will definitely do the trick.

How to do it;

Get down into a push-up position. Gradually lower your chest to the mat and focus on working your back muscles. Push back up to the starting position.

Do a set of 10 reps then increase gradually.

Read Also: 9 Best Arms Toning Exercises for Women to Get Sexy, Sculpted and Toned Arm

7. Curtsy Lunge With Side Kick Raise:

How to do it;

Bend at your knee while standing and take a big step back with your left leg in that position, cross it behind the right leg, and lunge.

Stand uprightly, kick your left leg out to the side and raise the left hand up to shoulder height.

Do a set of 10 reps

8.  Triceps Dips:

How to do it;

You’ll need to find a sturdy bench. Look away from the bench and put your hands facing you on the surface.

Throughout this exercise, ensure your body is kept close to the surface.

You can choose how hard you want to make the exercise by where you place your feet: The further outstretched they are, the tougher it will be and the more you’ll work your muscles.

Slowly go down low so that your shoulders are aligning with your elbows; after which you should push yourself back up using your triceps.

Do 2 set of 10 reps.

Read Also: 10 Best Exercises to Lose Flabby Arms Fast At Home

9. Triceps Extensions:

Triceps extension is always taught in all classes or during boot camp workouts because it’s such a classic exercise.

How to do it;

Hold a weight (it can be either a dumbbell, kettlebell, or plate).

If you’re exercising at home, you can even make use of a can of beans or a full water bottle.

While standing or sitting, place the weight in both hands then raise it above your head and gradually bring it down behind your head, bending at the elbows and keep your arms as close together as possible.

Lift the weight back up above your head and feel it working your underarms working.

Do 2 sets of 12 reps.

Read Also: How to Lose Armpit Fat: 8 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Armpit Fat Fast In a Week

10. Plank Get-ups:

This one is quite difficult, so take it easy and use different variations if you need to.

How to do it;

This is the full version: start in a plank position on your elbows.

Make sure your hips are as still as possible, push your body up onto your hands one arm at a time.

Once you’re up, return yourself back down into the plank position one arm at a time. Do this for 30 seconds.

This will work your underarm, as well as your shoulders and abs.  If this variation is too difficult try doing it on your knees instead of your toes.


Always remember that resistance training is effective only when combined with a healthy diet and lots of cardio activities!

Perform this workout diligently a week, resting as little as possible between exercises.

Also, know that for it to work effectively you need to do at least 5 of the exercises listed above.

Read Also: 9 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Arm Fat At Home without Weights


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