10 Resistance Band Exercises for Toned and Firm Butt Fast In Two Weeks

These set of exercises has been scientifically proven to be effective for toning and improving the firmness of the butt in just few days.

Research shows that band workouts help in targeting the major muscles in the butt; namely the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus – making them a great exercise for those longing to get toned and firm butt fast in Two Weeks.

The good thing about these exercises is that they are quite inexpensive and can be conveniently done almost anywhere at home.

1. Side-lying Clams

  • To start with, lie down on the floor on your side, and then pop your head onto the arm resting on the floor.
  • Put a resistance band around the knees. Begin simply by moving your hips up to 45 degrees and both knees to 90 degrees
  • Now, push both knees away from the core with your feet still being pressed together
  • Pause a bit when you get to the peak of the move, clench the glutes as well as ab muscles, and then return to the floor. Do it again and again

2. Hip Bridge

  • Wrap a resistance band above the knees, lie on the back and then put your feet on the floor little inches away from the butt. At this juncture, your feet ought to be about hip-width apart
  • Now, push through the feet and raise your hips directly to the sky until they are able to align with both knees and shoulders, and then squeeze your glutes at the topmost part
  • Lastly, lower your butt down, and pause little inches above the mat
  • This serves as 1 rep, do 15.

Read Also: 10 Easy Butts and Guts Workouts for Flat Abs and a Bubble Butt

3. Standing Abduction

Note: You need a loop band for this exercise

  • Firstly, anchor the loop band at ankle height and stand with the left side directly toward the anchor.
  • Now, attach the other end to the outside ankle and take a step in order to create tension on the loop band
  • After that, move the supporting leg back such that your foot becomes lifted from the ground.
  • Raise the working leg, and then gently bring the looped foot out to your side while the glutes are being contracted.
  • Lastly, lower back down to the initial position. Do up to 15–20 reps on each side.

4. Clamshells

  • Put the band directly above the knees
  • Lie on your side, and rest your head on the bottom hand. Raise your feet to hip height [if possible], while allowing your knees to keep touching the ground
  • Keep both feet together while you lift the top knee directly toward the ceiling
  • In a slow manner, lower your top knee down to hover directly above the bottom knee. This completes 1 rep.
  • Perform 20 reps, alternate sides and then repeat.

If you find it difficult to open the knees while placing your feet in the air, let them be on the floor and perform the same movement.

Read Also: How to Get a Bigger Butt with Exercise At Home

5. Standing Glute Kickbacks

  • Place a resistance band around the ankles.
  • Place your hands on the chest or better still on your hips. Shift the entire weight into your left leg and put your right toes on the floor almost an inch diagonally behind your opposite [left] heel to create a tension in the band.
  • After that, begin to squeeze your abs and tuck the pelvis under while also kicking the right leg up to 6 inches. Be sure to keep your knee straight.
  • Lastly, return the right foot to the floor, with tension in the band. This is 1 rep.
  • Perform 20 reps, alternate sides, and then repeat

6. Squat to Lateral Leg Lifts

  • Place a resistance band directly above your knees.
  • Stand with both feet hip-width apart, and place your two hands on the top of your chest or the hips
  • Bend the knees and slowly push your buttocks back in order to lower into a squat
  • Now, stand back and elevate your right leg out to your side, with your knee remaining straight
  • Return the right leg to the ground.
  • Squat once more, and when you stand back up raise your left leg out to your side, while you keep the knee straight
  • Lastly, return your left leg to the ground to complete 1 rep.
  • Perform 20 reps, switching sides. Be sure to keep your core engaged, lift your chest, and avoid arching/rounding your back.

Read Also: 9 Easy Butt Workouts to Do At Home for a Bigger Butt

7. Resistance Band Deadlift

  • Tie a resistance band in a loop, stand on it with feet hip width, and hold the knotted end with your two hands.
  • Bend your knees a bit, and hinge forward from hips until your chest is about to be parallel to the ground, while you keep your back naturally straight and the abs somewhat tight.
  • By now, you ought to be feeling a little stretch in your hamstrings
  • Lastly, keep your spine straight, and then engage your glutes in order to bring your body back to the initial position.
  • Perform 20 reps.

8. Lateral Band Walks

  • Place a resistance band around your ankles.
  • Stand in a shallower squat i.e. quarter-squat position, and place your feet almost hip-width apart and both hands on the hips [or on your chest]
  • After that, take a huge step to the right using the right foot, majorly to place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Having done that, follow the move with the left leg to return both feet to hip-width apart again
  • Lastly, take 3 steps to your right, and then 3 back to your left to complete a rep.
  • Perform 20 reps.

NB: try keeping your weight in the middle, engage both core, and be sure to keep perfect tension in the band.

Read Also: 7 Best Body Toning Workouts to Tone and Sculpt Your Body Fast At Home in 2 Weeks

9. Fire Hydrant

  • Wrap a resistance band directly above your knees
  • Start on all-fours, place your shoulders over the wrists, your knees just underneath your hips, and let your spine be long and neutral
  • Now, lift the right knee to right side while you keep the rest of your body intact, and then gently lower it back to the floor in a controlled manner.
  • This is 1 rep.
  • Perform 15 reps, and then repeat on the other side.

10. Resistance Band Glute Bridge

  • Lie faceup and keep both knees bent at hip-width apart, feet flexed.
  • Put a resistance Band across your pelvis, and begin to press its ends into the ground by sides of your hips.
  • You can simplify it by adding additional slack to the band and you can as well make it harder just by pulling it tighter across the hips.
  • Now, brace your abs in very tightly, squeeze your glutes, and drive your hips up into bridge in a very quick manner
  • Hold for a count, and after that gently lower for three counts to return to the starting position.
  • Perform 20 reps.

Read Also: 10 Beginner Pilate Workouts To Do At Home for Toned Legs and Sculpted Core


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