Weight Loss

10 Lowest Carb Vegetables for Weight Loss

Have you ever heard people give this advice: ‘Cut off carbs to lose weight’?

What they usually mean is that you should eliminate carbohydrate from your diet and concentrate on eating protein and fats. That’s not good advice.

Incorporating a low-carb diet will help you lose weight while changing your eating habits. Also, it will help you to keep the weight off.

If you want to lose weight faster, you should substitute your usual carb-rich diet with the lowest carb diet you can find.

Refined carbs like white rice and bread are not part of the group, while vegetables are.

Vegetables have a low quantity of calorie and they are rich in fiber. They’re quite nutritious, providing the body with various vitamins and minerals.

That way, you get a more balanced diet and start your journey to slimness.

Let’s take a look at a list of 10 lowest carb veggies I’ve put together for you.


It’s good to eat lots of spinach when you’re trying to lose weight because in every 100 grams of spinach, there are only 3.63 grams of carbohydrates.

To make it more visual, in every cup of raw spinach, there is 1g of carbs.

In every cup of cooked spinach, there are about 7g of carbs.This keeps you full for a long time and ensures you don’t overeat as a result of craving.

The remaining content in spinach is a high quantity of fiber, and vitamin A and K. It also has the added advantage of improving heart health and reducing damage to DNA.

Eat spinach with nuts, strawberries, eggs and high protein diets.


95% of cucumber is water, which enables you to remain hydrated and feel full faster. It contains potassium, which can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

It’s also got anti-inflammatory substances that protect the brain and relieves pain. The vitamin K in cucumber enables your body to absorb more calcium.

This protects your bones, thereby improving overall bone health.

Cucumber and slices isolated over white background.

Cucumber has 2.16g of carbs in every 100g without the peel and 3.63g of carbs in every 100g with the peel.

Add lots of cucumber to your salad to make a healthy diet.

Read Also: Low Carb Veggies: 10 Best Low-Carb Vegetables You Can Eat On a Keto Diet


Lettuce isn’t just a salad leaf. It is rich in folate and pectin, a high soluble fiber that aids in weight loss. The darker green varieties are rich in vitamin A, C and K.

Lettuce, as a non-starchy vegetable, can also reduce the risk of cancer. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, eating non-starchy vegetables can protect the body against the cancer of the mouth, throat and stomach.

And that’s not all. This amazing vegetable’s antioxidant properties help boosts the health of your eyes, help you maintain a clear vision and ensure you don’t get diseases like cataract as you grow older.

In every 100g of lettuce, there are only 2.16g of carbs. You can use lettuce to eat sandwiches and soups, or use as a wrap.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers have 4.7g of carbs in every 100g, but that should not stop you. These peppers are very nutritious.

They provide antioxidants that lower inflammation and reduce the risk of prostate and lung cancer. They also help improve night vision.

Bell peppers contain folate, vitamin A, B6 and 200% of your required daily vitamin C. You can mix them in any dish for a sweet peppery flavour.

Read Also:  Carb Cycling for Weight Loss: 7-Day Carb Cycling Meal Plan 


Mushrooms are low-carb vegetables that have no fat. In every 100g, you’ll find only 3.26g of carbs.

They are a natural source of vitamin D, and they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The antioxidants in mushrooms help the body fight free radicals and reduce damage to cells.

They also contain protein, potassium and copper. Eat these veggies with egg white omelette or make mushroom soup for a healthy diet.


This vegetable, with a crisp texture and peppery taste, is often overlooked but it is quite nutritious.

Radishes are rich in vitamin C, high in fiber and improve the way the body metabolizes estrogen. They have about 3.4g of carbs in a 100g serving.

They also have a low glycemic index. This means that they don’t increase the sugar level in the blood as much as other vegetables.

Eat radishes in salad or eat them whole with a healthy spread.

Read Also: 3-Day Cardiac Diet – Lose 10lbs in 3 Days with Heart Healthy Diets


Broccoli is part of the cruciferous vegetable family. It contains 6.64g of carbs in every 100g, out of which 2g are fiber.

Rich in vitamin C and K, broccoli protects the body against various cancers and reduces insulin resistance.

Add it in a salad raw to enjoy its nutrients fully.



Like Broccoli, cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable. It has about 5g of carbohydrates in every 100g; in which 3g is fiber. It is rich in vitamin B6, C and K.

It is also filled with antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory, which helps it reduce the risk of various kinds of cancers forming in the body.

Taking a cabbage smoothie or a cabbage juice is very beneficial to your health. It cleanses the intestines and improves digestion.

Eat cabbage in coleslaw or steam a little and add to your food.

Read Also: The Military Diet: How to Lose 10lbs in 3 Days with Military Diet Menu Plan


Zucchini is a summer squash. The skin aids in digestion while the seed has diuretic properties. The vegetable goes further to increase metabolism and burn fat when eaten.

Every 100g of zucchini contains 3.11g of carbs. You can eat zucchini by turning it into noodles or mixing it with garlic and sauce.


Avocados are a superfood containing various nutrients. There are about 8.53g of carbs in every 100g; 6.7g in them are fiber.

They have oleic – a monounsaturated fat that is healthy for the heart. Avocados provide folate, potassium and vitamin C to the body and can lower cholesterol.

Eat avocados alone or mix them in salad to add an extra delicious taste.


The vegetables above contain the lowest carbs possible for weight loss.

When combined with their amazing health benefits, they not only ensure you lose weight and remain slim, they improve overall body health.

Read Also: Lower Belly Fat Diet: 10 Foods You Should Eat If You Want To Lose Belly Fat


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