
10 Exercises for Bigger Hips and Smaller Waist

The internet is flooded with pictures of beautiful women having big hips and slim waists. This is the new “fashion” but unfortunately it’s not easy to come by.

This is influenced by factors such as diet, genetics, exercises and many other things.

While genetics is a fixed factor, shreds of evidence have shown that many a person has achieved a great feat on their body by exercises.

Here are ten good exercises for a smaller waist and bigger hips:

1. Pelvic Scoop

Although this work out is directed at burning out abdominal fat which eventually brings out the oblique’s muscles (both side of the abdomen), rectus abdominis (the six-packs), it also gives you a smaller waist as it equally works out your lower back.

These are the steps involve:

  1. Find an exercise mat or a soft and clean towel to lay your back on
  2. Bend your knees with your feet “glue” to the floor while your arms are placed a few inches (preferably an inch) from your torso.
  3. Now place your right ankle just above your left knee
  4. Tilt your left foot so that only your heel is resting on the floor
  5. Gently bring your hips off the floor while squeezing your abs
  6. Wind your pelvis without bending or arching your back
  7. Return your lower body as it was in step 3

Do this repetitively for ten times before switching foot.

2. Side Plank-Up Workout

Like pelvic scoop, it works out your abs with the addition of your inner thighs. The steps for this exercise are as follow:

  1. Lay your left side on the floor; with your torso a few inches above the floor while your left hip down to your toe is touching the floor (this will be your initial position)
  2. Place your right leg on top of your left leg and stick a folded towel between the space in your legs. Your lower left arm should be resting on the floor while the right arm is placed akimbo.
  3. Lift your hips off the floor such that your side is not arch but rather straight; while holding this position, squeeze the folded towel that you put between your thigh.
  4. Maintain this position for like 1-2 seconds and return back to the initial position
  5. Do ten reps of this and switch side.

Read Also: 9 Easy Butt Workouts to Do At Home for a Bigger Butt

3. C-Curve Workout

This workout targets the region from your diaphragm down below; it works your abs, inner thighs and your calves. And this invariably creates a smaller waist. To perform this exercise, follow these steps:

  1. Stand facing the wall or any straight object that is firmly placed on the floor like a pillar. Make sure you pile your legs together
  2. Fold a towel into a cylindrical shape and place it between your thighs
  3. Bend your knees gently, put your palms on the wall, and bend your torso such that it is parallel to the ground
  4. Now lift your feet off the floor and only support yourself with your toes
  5. Squeeze your abs while doing the same with the roll-up towel with your thighs.
  6. Keep this position for like 20 seconds. Do about 15 reps of this.

4. Twisted Curl Workout

If you are looking for an exercise that brings enviable abs especially the transversus (the abs “borderline”) and the rectus abdominis, then this is it;

  1. Sit on an exercise mat or a soft folded towel.
  2. Bend your knees with your feet placed on the floor; place your back few inches above the floor while supporting it with your elbow
  3. Press your lower back to the floor while squeezing your abs
  4. Now tilt your torso to the left while holding your outer left thigh with both palms.
  5. Maintain this position for like 20 seconds then switch side.

Read Also: How to Get a Bigger Butt with Exercise At Home

5. Side Crunch Leg Raise Workout

The steps for this exercise are iterated as follow:

  1. Rest on your left side with your left arm place close to your side;
  2. Put your right palm at the back of your head while lifting your right leg few inches off the other one and suspend it in the air.
  3. Now in this position, lift your head close to the torso while squeezing your abs;

Use between 35-45 seconds on each side.

6. Bicycle Crunches Workout

This exercise is similar to the “side crunch leg raise” exercise with a little twist.

  1. In this workout, you’ll lay on your back, and lift your knees such that it forms a sort of 90-degree angle with your legs.
  2. Put both palms behind your head, especially in the region that is close to your neck
  3. Hold tight your abs muscles and pull head towards one of your raised knees while lowering the other knee toward the floor.
  4. Do this for like 20 times and switch side.

Read Also: 9 Easy Exercises for Smaller Waist, Bigger Hips, and Flat Stomach

7. Ab Rows Workout

This workout works makes the hip bigger and the waist slimmer.

  1. Begin by sitting, don’t lay on your back as it might make it difficult raising your torso.
  2. Bent your knee to about 45-degrees and lightly touch your knees with your palm.
  3. Now bring your arms and knee close to your chest like you were rowing a boat; don’t let back touch the floor while you are lowering your torso neither must your feet touch the floor while lifting the torso.
  4. Do this for like ten times

8. Side Lunge With Dumbbells

Side Lunge are designed in such a way to help you achieve stronger glutes,  and rid your body of tight AF hips.

  1. Stand as straight as you can, push your chest out while slightly caving in the shoulder
  2. place your feet apart by about a shoulder width while holding two dumbbells in each hand
  3. Now pull out your upper body to the left such that your left knee bends forward and is between your lowered arm with dumbbells firmly gripped by your palm.
  4. Likewise, take it to your right and maintain the same body posture.
  5. Repeat this routine for like t10- 15 times.

Read Also: 9 Best Hourglass Workouts to Sculpt an Hourglass Body At Home

9. Squats

The Squats is only meant to shape out the hips but also the entire lower body

  1. The initial position of this workout routine is standing upright with your feet apart; the space between the feet should be a little wider than the shoulder-width.
  2. Now bend your knees while pushing back the hips and the butt; this should mirror a position of someone about sitting down in a chair.
  3. Make your neck is straight with your eyes staring at the emptiness in front of you, keep them focused.
  4. Now Support your upper body with your thighs and your heels as you lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  5. Return to the initial position, and do this repetitively for about 15 times.

10. Squat Kicks

The Squats kick is equally for working out the butt.

  1. Maintain the initial position for squat, but this time put forth your arm and bend them
  2. Making a sitting position as in stage two of Squat
  3. Now kick your right foot out like you were about to kick someone but only gently
  4. Return to the initial position and use your left foot. Do this repetitively with both right and left foot for 10-15 times.


The number of times a routine is to be repeated might not necessarily be followed strictly initially but endeavour to later adhere to them for better result.

Also, all the routine iterated in this article are to be performed in three sets. A Set in physical training is a group of repetitive routine.

Like any exercise, you need to commit and discipline to achieve the required request.

Read Also:  11 Easy Exercises and Workouts Options to Lose Hip Fat Fast in Two Weeks


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Tags: HipsWaist

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