
10 Easy Punching Workouts to Lose Belly Fat and Tone Your Abs Fast

Punching workouts are a unique, full-body aerobic exercises that promotes improved balance, enhanced fitness levels, weight loss, toned muscles, improved strength/coordination, strengthened cardiovascular system, along with self-confidence.

One of the major benefits of Punching workouts is that they are weight-loss friendly.

Numerous studies reveal that people who perform this exercise regularly can burn as much as 10 calories per minute, showing how effective it is for weight loss.

That said, are you struggling with excess weight and you are looking for perfect way to shed those stubborn fats?

Don’t worry; this article is for you!

In this article, you will find 10 punching workouts to lose belly fat and tone your abs fast.

Just before going into the main discussion, it is imperative to inform you that you need to warm up your entire body before performing any of the workouts highlighted below. This will help prevent certain injuries.

Some of the major ways to warm-up yourself include jogging, jumping jacks, air squats, shadow boxing, etc. Do this for about 10 minutes and you are good to go.


1. Side-To-Side Punches

When you throw punches side to side, it will help work your shoulders, abs, as well as oblique muscles.

While punching, slightly bend any of your knees so as to avoid straining your knee joint. Also keep your shoulders firm during the exercise so that your shoulder joint will not be overly strained.

That said, it is equally important to tighten your ab muscles and keep your torso upright throughout the entire workout.

2. Cross Body Punch to Knee Tuck

This is a very powerful full-body exercise that engages the leg muscles for improved coordination.

Do this movement as fast as you possibly can and be sure to keep your abs tight throughout.

Also, you have to lift your knee high as you do the knee tuck.

Read Also: 9 Easy Abs Workouts to Get Six-Pack Abs At Home

3. Speed Bag Punches

Speed bag punches helps to engage core muscle groups in the body, despite the fact that it doesn’t have much movement.

All you need do is to circle both hands around each other on your head as fast as you possibly can. Be sure to keep your abs tight throughout the movement.

4. Side Kicks Combined With Punches

This exercise is a blend of side-kick repetitions and punches. The major rule is that you have to do ten repetitions of kicks, along with thirty punches.

You will do it for both sides, without taking any rest as you alternate sides.

Since it will take you about 45 seconds to do the exercise for each side, the total duration will be around 90 seconds, and you will rest for almost 30 seconds before doing the next exercise.

Try fitting as many reps as you possibly can within the duration recommended for this workout.

Read Also: 11 Best Abs Workouts to Burn Belly Fat Fast At Home

5. Uppercuts

Uppercut punches primarily engages the oblique muscles and lats. Bend your elbow and keep your arms firm while punching.

Place your arm beside your ribcage so as to maintain a 360, full range of motion, and then punch upward until your fist is directly over your face. Tighten your abs throughout the workout.

6. Overhead Side Punches

This is a unique punch exercise and it basically targets the trapezius muscles. All you need do is to punch directly upward to your opposite side, and continue to alternate sides.

Bend your torso, in a slight manner and tighten your oblique muscles while you punch.

Note: to further engage your shoulder and oblique muscles, you can hold dumbbells in both hands during the exercise.

Read Also: 10 Best Lower Abs Exercises to Burn Lower Belly Fat Fast At Home

7. Lunge, Kick, Cross Punch

This exercise is perhaps more complex than others featured in this article, but it still lasts for only 45 seconds, along with 15 seconds of rest.

To get started, position your body into a long lunge, and after that, proceed into a side kick.

While turning back, position yourself for extremely fast cross punches. Switch the leg, and then try getting as many reps as you possibly can within the stipulated time.

Be sure to position yourself into a boxer’s stance right before you begin to land the cross punches. It helps to develop good posture.

8. Sitting Punches

Sitting punches is effective for building the abs and strengthening the core.

The amazing thing about this exercise is that it is pretty easy to perform. All you need do is to sit on the ground and bend your knees.

After that, lean back and straighten your back.

Lastly, begin to throw punches from that position.

Keep leaning back to engage your ab muscles the more.

Read Also: 9 Easy Ball Workouts for Toned, Sexy Legs and Abs

9. Cross Punches on the Dominant Side

Cross punches help to engage virtually the entire body for improved posture.

This exercise ought to condition both your shoulders and the arms. However, if it seems extremely easy to you, it may be that you’re yet to throw all your body into each punch.

Strength is pivotal for boxing, and you need to use it also for this exercise to get better results.

Read Also: 8 Best Abs Exercises to Do At Home

10. Squat Hold Punches

This is a unique isometric exercise that helps to tone the quads, hamstrings, glutes and some other core regions. It is also effective for burning significant amount of calories, provided it is properly done.

Straighten your back and punch as fast as you possibly can.

Be sure to keep your thighs parallel to the ground as this is the perfect squatting position.

If you find it challenging, you can just hold a half-squat for comfort.


  • Drink enough water; drink approximately 2 litres of water daily.
  • Increase your sleep duration; sleep for a minimum of seven hours daily
  • Avoid snacking at night
  • Eat plenty of soluble fiber
  • Cut back on foods with Trans fat
  • Avoid or stop drinking alcohol
  • Eat a protein-dense diet
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Avoid eating sugary foods
  • Do aerobic exercises
  • Cut back on refined carbs
  • Try intermittent fasting

Read Also: 8 Easy Workouts to Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast At Home In a Week


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