10 Best Workout Routine for Men to Get Bigger Chest Fast In 30 Days

For a lot of bodybuilders, chest building starts and ends with the bench press or press-ups. Although those are both fantastic exercises, for a well built, bigger, and stronger chest, you need to extend your exercise routine.

In this article, you’ll find a training plan containing a variety of chest exercises that will help you get the chest you dream of.

Follow it religiously, and you’ll be the proud owner of a bigger, stronger chest in 30 days.

Chest Muscles

The chest muscles are some of the most powerful muscles of the upper body, and they play key roles when it comes to pushing movements, from pushing the door to lathering up your hair in the shower.

The pectoralis major is the larger muscle, it extends across the upper chest, attaching to the shoulder and chest bone and has a fan-like appearance.

The pectoralis minor which is the smaller; it is the triangular muscle sitting below the pectoralis major. Both pectoralis (pecs) make up the whole chest region.

The chest muscle is pretty significant when it comes to controlling your arm movement. From pulling and rotating your arm towards the center of your body to lifting your arm up.

The muscle also takes up the majority of the chest wall, therefore working them out will burn a considerable amount of energy.

Whether you want a chest that is worthy of TV adverts and magazine covers or you want a chest that is sadistic and enticing at the same time.

You can either use your body weight to work your muscles or add a bit extra weight in the form of dumbbells to take your chest workouts to the next level.

If you are new to this, start with very light weights to master the techniques first. When you are sure of your progress, and you are confident, slowly increase the weight, so the last reps are tough to execute. That is called pushing yourself, which is the most essential factor in building muscles.

In this article, you’ll see the best ten workout routine that’ll help you get a bigger chest in just 30days. Shall we?

1. Regular Push-Ups

A perfect regular push up is achieved when your shoulders are aligned directly over your wrists, and your body is in one straight line from your shoulder to your heels.

Make sure your hips don’t sag or pike up. As you lower down, keep your elbow close to your sides.

Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, then use your strength to push back up. Repeat this move for 10-20 reps

2. Diamond Push-Ups

Here’s a more challenging push up.  It focuses very much on your lower chest (pectoralis minor) and triceps.

Start with the regular push up pose; bring your palm close together on the floor.

Allow your thumbs and forefingers touch each other so that they form the diamond shape or a triangle.

Lower your body while tightening your core then returns to the starting pose.

Repeat between 5-12 reps for 3-5 sets.

Read Also: 10 Explosive Chest Workouts to Build Bigger and Ripped Chest for Men

3. Mountain Climbers

The mountain climber does not only give you a bigger chest, but it is also for strength and also helps the arm muscles.

Get into the push-up move, when you lower your body, bring your right knee in and then your leg.

Make sure your knee touches your hand or at least almost touch it.

Keep going for 5-10 reps.

4. Incline Push-Ups

Another challenging push up that works fast on the chest is the incline push-ups.

Place your feet on a high surface (not too high) so that your palms are on the floor and your body is at 15-40 degrees angle with the floor.

Move as you would for the regular push up and continue for 6-12 reps.

Read Also: 10 Effective Bodyweight Workouts to Get You Ready for Summer

5. Decline Push-Ups

More like the incline but in this one your palms are raised and your feet on the ground.

Perform it like the regular push up movement for 6-12 reps.

6. Chest Fly

Lie flat on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other.

Extend the arm above your chest, shoulder-width apart but keep your elbow flexible at all times.

Now, lower your arms on both sides in a wide arc until you feel a stretch in your chest, then bring the dumbbells back up.

Keep going for 10-20 reps.

Read Also: 9 Easy Abs Workouts to Get Six-Pack Abs At Home

7. Backpack Push-Ups

Time to take it home! Get a firm backpack or a briefcase and fill it with household items that have weight.

Get into push up position with the backpack or briefcase fixed firmly to your back.

The more weight in the backpack, the more challenging the workout is.

Start with 10 to 20 push-ups with a weighted pack and adjust if needed.

8. Planks

Go for planks if you want a bigger chest plus strength. Planks have different variations just like push-ups, but its variation is mostly not chest workouts.

Lie as though you want to perform the regular push up, but with your whole hand resting on the floor so that you feel your own weight on your hand.

Stay in that position for 30-60 seconds for maximum effect.

Read Also: Top 10 Leg Workouts to Do At Home

9. Chest Dips

Very fantastic exercise for building a strong chest but it doesn’t just build, it also adds to the width of your chest.

Other muscles are as well worked out since you’re supported by a bench.

You do not need a dumbbell for this exercise; the dumbbell is replaced by either parallel bars or two flat parallel surfaces you can dip between (stable stools can work too).

Grab the bars or place hands on the flat surface and hold your body at arm’s length, knees bent so you don’t lower your body keeping your elbows pointed out just a little till your chest is slightly stretched.

Do not go too low, so that you won’t hurt your shoulders.

Bring your body back to the starting position by contrasting your chest and aim for consistency with your position.

Repeat for 8-20 reps.

10. Burpees

Looking to add some magic and levels to your push-ups? Then go for burpees.

It is a fast workout for the chest and the whole body. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands by your sides.

Now quickly lower your hips while your hands are placed in front of your feet. Kick back your feet into a push-up position.

Finish a push-up, and then jump your feet back beneath your hips.

Ensure your body is extended towards the ceiling while jumping up and also make sure you feel your hands touch behind.

Read Also: 5 Superb Bodyweight Workouts to Do At Home


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