
8 Easy Barre Workouts To Lose Weight And Tone Your Body Fast At Home

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, barre workouts are one of the best ways you can burn body fats, lose weight, stretch your muscles, and tone your body fast at home.

Barre workouts shouldn’t be a nightmare, as you’re about to discover in this post; all you need is time, focus, and commitment, and in a week, you would probably be thought of as a ballet dancer.

Here are 8 of the easiest barre workouts to help you lose weight and tone your body fast at home or in the office.

1. Releve Plie

This bare workout targets your abs, thighs, ankles, and feet.

How to Do Releve Plie

  1. Stand straight with your hands resting gently on the backrest of an office or kitchen chair
  2. Position your feet at 11 and 1 O’clock position (450 apart)
  3. with your upper and lower body aligned, stand on the balls of your feet
  4. Bend your knees halfway in a partial squat position at 450
  5. Straighten your legs as you return to normal position, and lower your heels while still standing on the balls of your feet
  6. Make 3 sets of 20 reps.

2. Carousel Horse

Carousel horse works on your inner core, inner body, and posture. It’s a simple and effective exercise that stretches your upper and lower body muscles.

How to Do Carousel Horse

  1. Stand straight with your hands resting on the backrest of an office or dining chair
  2. Position your feet wide apart at 10 and 2 O’Clock, respectively
  3. Extend your right leg back, with knees bent almost touching the floor, while you support your weight on the balls of your feet
  4. Bend your left knees forward at 900, with the knees aligned with your ankle and your left foot firmly planted on the floor
  5. hold your position while you take five deep breaths
  6. Engage your core using the chair as a support
  7. Flex your knees like you’re about to lurch forward, with your arms straightened out and resting firmly on the backrest of the chair.
  8. Make 30 repeats before changing leg position

Read Also: 9 Easy Ball Workouts for Toned, Sexy Legs and Abs

3. Knee Stretch and Flex

This move stretches your thigh and hip muscles and gets your heart racing without placing much stress on your joints.

How to Do Knee Stretch and Flex

  1. Stand firmly and position your feet to 10 and 2 O’Clock directions and your hands holding your waste with your elbows bent in a v-shaped position
  2. Bend your knees in a partial squat and hold your position for five breaths
  3. Straighten your legs and lean slightly to your left side while you stretch out your right leg in a slanting position standing on the balls of your feet
  4. make 30 repeats and interchange your position

4. Firm Arms

Firm arms develop your posture, and stretch your shoulder, arms, back, and leg muscles.

How to Do Firm Arms

  1. Rest your hands firmly on your office desk or kitchen table
  2. Stretch out your arms, using the table as your support
  3. Spread your feet apart while standing on the balls of your feet, leaning slightly towards the table
  4. Bend your elbow and draw your chest closer to the table in a push-in motion, engaging your core
  5. Straighten your arms in a push-out motion and return to your position
  6. Make 3 sets of 30 repeats

Read Also: 7 Best Body Toning Workouts to Tone and Sculpt Your Body Fast At Home in 2 Weeks

5. Flattened Abs

Flattened abs work your oblique and core muscles and improve your posture.

How to Do Flattened Abs Barre Workout

  1. Lie back on a mat, resting your upper back, on a core ball
  2. The core ball should be positioned in-between your shoulder blades
  3. raise your knees, bending your legs in an inverted V-shape, with your feet firmly planted on the floor.
  4. Fold your hands beneath your head, with your head resting in-between your two palms, interlocked
  5. Take a deep breath, flex your shoulder blade over the ball to expand your chest
  6. Breathe out, pull in your lower abdominal region, and lift your neck and shoulders slightly; Bend your right elbow towards your waist, drawing in your ribs and abdominal region, to work your oblique muscles.
  7. Return to position and repeat for left elbow
  8. Make 30 repeats for your right and left sides

6. Tone Thighs

Toning your thighs gives you lean and straight legs like a ballet dancer by stretching your leg muscles.

How to Tone Your Thighs

  1. Stand firmly with your feet pointing to the 10 and 2 O’clock directions
  2. Clasp your palms firmly over a core ball, applying slight pressure
  3. Hold the ball to your chest with your elbows folded, forming a chicken wing.
  4. Stand on the balls of your feet with your toes firmly rooted on the floor, supporting your body weight.
  5. Flex your knees to 900 and hold still for 30 seconds
  6. Make 12 reps.

Read Also: 10 Beginner Pilate Workouts To Do At Home for Toned Legs and Sculpted Core

7. Rhombic

The Rhombic workout shapes your legs and gives you a graceful posture

How to Do Rhombic

  1. Stand straight with your feet clasped together, the tips of your left finger resting on the backrest of a chair, and your right hand holding your waste
  2. While your heels are joined, spread out your feet to form a v-shape
  3. Stand on the balls of your feet, shifting your body support to your toes while your heels are joined
  4. Flex your knees out sideways with your legs forming a rhombic shape; breath deeply.
  5. Make 30 repeats

8. Arabescue Attitude

Arabes works on your glutes, hips, and obliques

How to Do the Arabesque Attitude

  1. Stand firm with your feet firmly planted on the floor
  2. Place your right hand on the backrest
  3. Raise your right leg in mid-air, 900 to your left leg
  4. Stretch your right arm forward, straight
  5. Do 20 reps per side.


Barre workouts appear simple, but they do great jobs of improving your posture, strengthening your muscles and glutes, toning your stomach muscles, and increasing body flexibility.

You can also improve your mental focus by performing simple barre workouts using your office chair or table as support.

Overall, barre workouts let you tap into the benefits ballet dancers get from practicing ballet dancing without the consequences of damaged feet.

Read Also: 10 Easy Punching Workouts to Lose Belly Fat and Tone Your Abs Fast


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