Categories: Fitness

8 Best Triceps Exercises to Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

Flabby arms or bat wings result from excess accumulation of fat beneath the skin of the upper arm, or as one of the effects of old age resulting in muscle loss, while the skin loses its elasticity.

Diet can also contribute to flabby arms; hence it is important to adopt a dietary type that promotes muscle development while taking to exercise regimen focused on toning the tricep muscles.

The good news is that the eight best triceps exercises to get rid of flabby arms described below will make flabby arms a thing of the past if you show enough time and commitment while training hard.

1. Knee Push-Up

If you’re just starting as a newbie, or you’ve been away for a while, Knee Push-up is the best exercise to tone-up your triceps, shoulder muscles, and other muscles in the upper part of your body while going easy on your muscles.

How to Do Push-Ups on the Knee

  1. Take a push-up position on the floor with your arms straightened and spread out shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing the floor, supporting your upper body weight.
  2. Rather than supporting your weight on your toes like in conventional push-ups, let your knees rest on the floor with your lower legs and feet suspended in the air.
  3. Your body should be in a slanting position from your knees up to your neck, aligning with your head.
  4. Lower your arms, flexing it out at the elbow point, bringing down your whole body, with your chin close to touching the floor
  5. Push back up like in the conventional push-up, with arms fully straightened out, raising your body back to position
  6. Do three sets of ten reps

2. Push-Ups

Push-ups work your overall body muscles, with the biceps, shoulder, chest, abs, and back muscles benefiting the most. If you’ve never attempted push-up exercises, you may find it quite challenging to push your body back up and down, but with consistency, this exercise can pay off within two weeks.

How to Do Push-Ups

  1. Get on the floor with the tips of your toes touching the floor, supporting your weight.
  2. Stretch out your arms with your palm facing downwards, supporting your upper body weight
  3. Now your body is in a slanting position, with your head at the highest level and your feet at the lowest level.
  4. Bend in your elbow, pull your body weight down gradually, engaging your triceps, go low, with your chin close to the floor
  5. Straighten your arm, gradually engage your triceps, and raise your body back to the starting position.
  6. Do three sets of ten reps, or go as much as you can before taking a break.

Read Also: 10 Best Exercises to Lose Flabby Arms Fast At Home

3. Triceps Dip

This exercise builds your triceps and shoulder muscles, but other muscles, including shoulder, chest, and back muscles, also get toned along with the triceps.

How to Do Triceps Dips

  1. You will need a solid chair for this exercise
  2. sit upright on the chair with your arms straightened out and your hands gripping the two front edges of the chair firmly
  3. Using your arms as support, raise your body and stretch out your legs, using your heels as support
  4. Gently drag out your butts from the chair while still holding on to the edges of the chair, shoulder wide
  5. Lower your body to the floor, engaging the triceps with your butts close to touching the floor while your legs are stretched out.
  6. Raise back up your body from the floor
  7. Do three sets of ten reps

4. Arm Circles

Arm circle is a simple yet effective exercise for eliminating flabby arms and toning your arms.

How To Do Arm Circles

  1. Stand straight, legs hip-wide
  2. stretch your arms straight and sideways,
  3. Rotate your arms slowly in small circular motions without bending your elbows
  4. Complete three sets of 20 clockwise and anti-clockwise circular motions.

Read Also: 9 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Arm Fat At Home without Weights

5. One-Arm Tricep Side Push-Up

The one-arm push-up is also an ideal tricep toning exercise for beginners. This exercise works your triceps and shoulder muscles, and it is effective at getting rid of flabby upper arm muscles.

How to Do One-Arm Tricep Side Push-Ups

  1. lay on your right side with knees stacked on each other, slightly bent
  2. Wrap your right arm on your left shoulder, with your right arm clutching your left shoulder
  3. Place your left hand facedown on the floor
  4. Engage your left triceps by lifting your upper body above the floor
  5. Do three sets of ten reps for each side.

6. Triceps Kickback

You will be needing weights which can be small dumbells weighing between 1 to 2kgs, for this exercise that works your triceps, shoulder, abs, and back muscles.

How to Do Triceps Kickback

  1. Hold your dumbbell firmly.
  2. Get on your knees with your feet in a vertical position, your toes touching the floor
  3. Bend the upper part of your body forward while clutching both dumbbells at 900 angle
  4. Engage your triceps by extending your arms backward, fully stretched
  5. Return to normal position
  6. do three sets of ten reps before taking a break.

Read Also: 12 Easy Shoulder Exercises to Tone and Lose Arm Fats Fast At Home

7. Bicep Curls

This exercise is best for eliminating flappy back arms within the shortest possible time. You will need weights, preferably two dumbbells weighing 1 to 2kg each, for this exercise.

How to Do Bicep Curls

  1. Stand straight, feet hip-wide, holding a dumbbell in each hand
  2. Your arms should be resting by your side, hands facing forward
  3. raise both dumbbells forward by bending your elbow towards yourself until both dumbbells almost touch your chest
  4. Lower the weights back slowly to starting position
  5. Do three sets of ten reps before taking a break.

8. Farmer’s Walk

This exercise not only works your triceps but engages every muscle in your body. You will need lighter weights (which you can increase gradually, as you get stronger), preferably, two dumbbells for this exercise.

How to Do Farmer’s Walk

  1. with legs spread hip-wide, squat and pick up the two dumbbells
  2. Start by taking 15 steps forward and backward, depending on the space you have
  3. Do 30 seconds farmer’s walk and increase your steps as you get stronger.


Toned arms improve your looks and give you confidence; however, it requires time and commitment and healthy diets to get your dream arms.

By practicing these eight simple exercises to get rid of flabby upper arms regularly, you will not only tone your arms, but you will also improve your overall wellbeing, keeping yourself healthy and fit.

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises for Sexy, Sculpted Arms You Can Do At Home 


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