Healthy Living

Sore Throat Instant Relief: 12 Natural Remedies to Get Sore Throat Relief Instantly At Home

A sore throat refers to a common viral infection that affects the nose and throat. It is often characterized by a painful, dry, or itching throat.

The infection can be very uncomfortable such that you may have difficulty swallowing food and liquids.

Common causes of sore throats include but not limited to:

  • Viral infections, such as Common cold, Flu (influenza), Measles, Chickenpox
  • Irritants, such as tobacco smoke, chemicals,
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Muscle strain
  • Allergies
  • Tumors

Fortunately, there are myriads of natural remedies to treat a persistent cough or sore throat. You can consider any of the following options:

1. Honey Tea

Honey is renowned for its many benefits and considered a very effective remedy for coughs and sore throat.

It is often mixed with other natural ingredients, such as warm water, apple cider vinegar, and local herbs to soothe a sore throat.

According to research, honey is more effective at combating coughs when competed to most common cough suppressants we have around.

To cure sore throat or cough with honey, mix two teaspoons of the natural ingredient with warm water or an herbal tea. Drink the tea mixture just once or two times daily.

Honey contains powerful germs, such as botulism spores that may trigger certain complications in children under 1 year of age. Therefore, be sure to not give your kids honey.

Again, honey is not suitable for people who avoid sugar or follow a low-carb diet as it contains significant amount of sugar and carbs.

2. Ginger

Ginger is a natural spice packed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help ease dry or asthmatic cough, throat pain, as well as nausea.

Again, one study found that applying ginger extract to throat can help inhibit the activities of illness-causing bacteria while shielding the respiratory tract from certain infections.

In another study, it was discovered that some anti-inflammatory compounds found in ginger can help relax membranes in the airways, which in turn could further reduce coughing and sore throat.

To treat sore throat and other related conditions with Ginger, add 20–40 grams of fresh ginger slices to a cup of hot water. After that, let it steep for a few minutes and then drink the mixture. You can add honey or lemon juice to taste better.

Please note that ginger may trigger stomach upset or heartburn.

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3. Steam

Steam is an uncommon, yet very effective remedy for sore throat.

There are numerous scientific studies backing the fact, including the one published on National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) journal in 2017.

All you need do is to take a hot shower or bath and let the bathroom fill with steam. Remain in the steam for some minutes until the symptoms are less visible.

You can drink a little water after that to cool down and prevent dehydration.

Alternatively, you can add any essential oils – such as eucalyptus or rosemary – into a large bowl with hot water. After that, lean over the bowl and put a towel over your head.

Breathe in the vapors for about 5 minutes. Perhaps you feel the steam is too hot on your skin, discontinue immediately until your skin cools down.

4. Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root has been used for treating a number of conditions, including coughs and sore throats.

It can help ease irritation caused by coughing as a result of its high mucilage content. Mucilage is a sticky substance that coats and lubricates the throat.

In a recent study, it was found that herbal cough syrups that contain marshmallow root, thyme and ivy are very effective for relieving coughs triggered by common colds and respiratory tract infections.

Using Marshmallow root is pretty simple. All you need do is to get a dried herb or a bagged tea, add hot water to it, and drink immediately or wait till it cools down.

You are to sip the tea two or three times daily.

Caution: Some studies reveal that taking marshmallow root may lead to a drastic drop in blood sugar level, therefore, people with diabetes are advised to consult their physician before taking this remedy.

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5. Salt-Water Gargle

Salt water is among the most effective and well-known natural remedy for treating a sore throat and wet cough.

It reduces cough simply by lessening water, phlegm and mucus in the back of the throat.

Studies reveal that it can also help block unwanted, potentially-harmful microbes in the throat.

How to get started?

Stir ½ teaspoon of salt into one cup of warm water until everything is dissolved. Let the solution cool a bit before using it to gargle.

Allow the mixture to sit at the back of your throat for 30 – 45 seconds, and then spit it out. Do this several times every day until the sore throat is subdued; ideally done every three hours.

6. Bromelain

Bromelain, an enzyme found in Pineapples may help treat a sore throat or cough.

It exhibits both mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effects, meaning that it can help break down mucus and eliminate it from your body.

Again, studies reveal that people who drink pineapple juice daily experience reduced throat’s mucus and suppressed coughing compared to those who do not.

That said, it is equally important to let you know that this herb can trigger certain side effects or interact with some medications.

Therefore, people who take blood thinners or some other antibiotics should shun taking bromelain.

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7. Thyme

Thyme isn’t just used for cooking as it can be used medicinally to treat certain conditions, including cough, sore throat, bronchitis, digestive disorders, to name but a few.

In recent studies, it was discovered that cough syrups made with thyme and ivy leaves are more effective and faster for relieving cough compared to placebo syrup in people suffering from acute bronchitis.

To use thyme for treating coughs or sore throat, purchase a syrup that contains thyme.

On the other hand, you can make thyme tea simply by mixing two teaspoon of dried thyme with one cup of hot water.

After that, steep for about 10 minutes, strain and then drink.

8. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is known for its versatility – several uses and benefits.

Part of the benefits of this oil is that it can help combat infection, reduce inflammation, relieve pain and reduce all other symptoms associated with sore throat and cough.

It will please you to know that coconut oil is also soothing, meaning that it can help keep the mucous membranes in your throat moist.

To use coconut oil for sore throat, add a spoonful of the oil to hot tea or hot cocoa. After that, put the spoon in your mouth and let the oil melt down the throat.

Caution: if you are new to coconut oil, it is best you take just one teaspoon (5 ml) at once to minimize potential negative effects.

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9. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is being used for several years for treating flu symptoms, including coughs and sore throats.

The natural health tonic contains powerful antimicrobial effects, which helps to eliminate mucus in the throat and inhibit the growth of certain bacteria.

To use Apple cider vinegar for throat pain, dilute one to two tablespoons of ACV in a cup of water and gargle with it. After that, take a small sip of the mixture, and keep repeating the entire process twice per hour. Be sure to drink lots of water as you gargle.

Please note that there are some side effects associated with apple cider vinegar, which includes tooth decay, digestive disorder, etc. Therefore, be sure to consult your physician before taking this remedy.

10. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is becoming a popular remedy for sore throat and coughs. It contains capsaicin, which exhibits inflammatory and antibacterial effects to block pain receptors.

According to research, mixing half teaspoon of cayenne pepper with a cup of warm water and gargling can help relief sore throats and reduce inflammation.

Knowing fully well that cayenne can trigger burning sensation, please avoid taking this pepper if you have open sores in your mouth or throat to prevent certain complications.

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11. Peppermint Tea

The anti-inflammatory compounds and other powerful properties in Peppermint tea can help sooth discomfort and pain in the throat.

It also contains menthol, which penetrates deeply to reduce mucus and sooth sore throats, coughs and other related conditions.

In addition to that, it might interest you to know that Peppermint tea also contains antibacterial and antiviral properties, which helps to promote quick healing and soothe pain faster.

To use Peppermint tea for sore throat, steep fresh peppermint leaves in boiling water for about 5 minutes, and then strain off the leaves.

Please note that this tea has no caffeine and you don’t necessarily need any additional sweetener to sweeten it.

12. Garlic

Garlic has natural antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, all of which can help combat bacterial infection and relieve sore throat.

Additionally, studies reveal that taking regular consumption of garlic supplement can help reduce the risk of common cold virus and other related conditions.

If you want to use garlic for cough or sore throat, the best way is to chew on a raw clove, or better still take a slice and suck on it for close to 15 minutes.

For easy ingestion, you can mince the garlic and combine with any of honey or olive oil.

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