Healthy Living

Losing Weight: Is It Safe To Lose 10 Pounds In A Week?

Probably, you would like to know if losing 10 Lbs a week is safe. Right? Knowing that losing too much weight in a short period of time could affect your health adversely.

At the same time, you wouldn’t want to lose weight in a “too slow” pace. This might affect your zeal and motivation towards your weight loss goal. It’s only normal!

This is a widely known reason people fail with their weight loss efforts and so they simply revert to their old eating habits and lifestyle.

The moment you have yourself committed to weight loss and healthy living, the only thing you should have left is sustaining your efforts.

You can achieve this by avoiding common drawbacks that could jeopardize the chance of success. That being said, falling short of this is not something to be ashamed of. Remember you should only lose weight the safe way.

How to Lose Weight The Safe Way

Let’s start by stating what Safe Weight Loss mean. Most doctors and specialists say any weight loss program that brings the suggestion that you can lose more than 3 pounds per week is not safe.

Losing 10 pounds a week is clearly against the recommended healthy weight losing prescribed by specialists and doctors.

To lose a pound of body fat, you will need to burn 3500 calories or deprive your body of 3500 fewer calories. When you multiply 3500 calories by 10, you will get 35000 calories.

This means in order to lose 10 lbs a week you would have to burn 35,000 calories in a week or deprive your body of 35000 fewer calories.

When you consider the fact that an average man needs 2500 calories to maintain a good level of energy and 2000 calories to lose a pound in a week and also a woman needing 2000 calories to maintain a good level of energy and 1500 to lose a pound in a week, you will realize that it is not likely you will be consuming anything near the amount of calories needed for healthy living.

Although there may be variations in the numbers of calories needed for maintenance and loss of weight due to differences in factors such as age, weight, height, levels of metabolic activity and metabolic health.

These factors can slightly affect the calories requirement and also the calories needed to effect weight loss.

Read Also: Weight Loss Diet: 7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan to Lose 10lbs in A Week

Losing Weight Safely

If you want to lose weight safely, you will need to reduce calorie intake to some extent.

If you want to lose weight safely, the very first thing you need to start doing is to pay attention to your diet.

Losing 2-3 pounds weekly is considered safe and healthy. You have to look for a way of replacing your diets with new ones that best fits safe weight loss.

There’s nothing like overnight success with weight loss as it comes gradually with dedication and zeal.

The idea behind losing weight safely is to have an effective long term weight loss planning.

Adding cardio exercise to your daily dose of activities will significantly boost your weight loss effort.

Cardio exercises such as jogging, bicycling, running, jumping rope, kickboxing and so on can help boost your heart rate.

It’s important that you know how to reach your weight loss goals using cardio for maximum heart rate conditioning.

To be safe while losing weight, you must ensure you eat diets with right amount of nutrient. This is very important as not adhering to this might mean you are setting up yourself for nutritional deficiencies.

There is a misconception that with 1000 calories daily, one can meet all nutritional requirements.

While it’s possible to meet your nutritional needs on a lower calorie diet provided it’s properly planned, 1000 calories daily intake is unhealthy and does not meet the standard for safe weight loss.


Theoretically, your body is designed to only give place to slight body changes within a specific time.

A normal weight change should not be more than 2-3 pounds in a week. Resorting to drastic weight loss practice will only send your body into a surviving mode which is not safe.

This would simply ruin everything you have invested into achieving weight loss.

Read Also: 7 Weight Loss Tips to Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months without Exercise


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