Categories: Beauty

How To Use Castor Oil For Scalp Treatment and Hair Growth

What does castor oil have to do with hair growth? Does it promote hair growth? A lot of people are asking these questions every day.

Falling hair is common with people in their late 30s and early 40s onward. It’s a disappointing situation that happens to both men and women.

Hair loss is generally related to conditions such as dandruff, fungal infections, and scalp infection which interferes the hair follicle.

Hair loss is also common in people who are taking medications such as antidepressant and also women who are taking contraceptives regularly.

If you find yourself in these categories, then it’s likely you are facing hair loss and would be interested in having a solution.

The right question to ask is if Castor oil helps in hair growth. Yes, it does and many people have attested to this.

The antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of castor oil are what make it an effective treatment of scalp infections.

Castor oil is also able to maintain hair health because of its high protein content.

It battles head-on a condition called folliculitis which causes inflammation of the hair follicles.

It’s very important that the hair follicle gets enough nutrition. The high content of ricinoleic acid in castor oil ensures this by improving blood circulation at the scalp.

The benefits of castor oil for hair are enormous and it’s something you would like to explore.

Benefits of Castor Oil to Hair

  • It improves scalp health and reduces hair fall. The presence of ricinoleic acid in castor oil helps to improve circulation of blood. This in turn strengthens the root of the hair because the scalp is being nourished and protected against microbes.
  • It thickens your hair. When your hair does not fall and grows, it automatically thickens. Castor oil is known to penetrate the outer layer of the hair shaft.
  • It stimulates hair re-growth. This is because its ricinoleic acid content combined with the omega-6 and 9 fatty acids has the ability to trigger follicles that are dormant by restoring its health and thereby bringing about hair regrowth.
  • Castor oil reduces split ends. Split ends are as a result of damaged keratin in the hair shaft. Castor oil is known to help in increasing the tensile strength of the hair. This makes your hair less susceptible to breakage and splitting.
  • Castor oil smoothens the hair. This is because it is a natural conditioner. It helps to restore the hair cuticles and protects the shaft from losing moisture. Castor oil is indeed a natural conditioner.
  • It helps to retain the moisture required to maintain hair darkness. So you can say that castor oil darkens the hair. It is able to maintain hair moisture because of its humectant effect.
  • It aids smoother and shinier hair. This is because castor oil is able to give a protective coat to your hair along the shaft.
  • Castor oil helps in protecting hair from damage. The UVB ray is capable of damaging the cuticle (outside cover of the hair strand) if there is prolonged exposure of your hair to the  However the presence of fatty acid in castor oil allows it to form a protective layer on the outside cover of the hair thereby shielding it from damage.
  • Castor oil contains essential nutrients like vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids so it helps to get rid of dry scalp which normally results to dandruff and itchy scalp.

How to Use Castor Oil for Hair Growth and Scalp Treatment

Since Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid known to help circulate blood to the scalp, it can be highly effective in helping you grow your hair by four to five times the normal hair growth.

As amazing as castor oil is to the hair, its odorless smell might not be appealing to you. Also, its thickness can make applying it to your scalp difficult.

This is why it is usually mixed with other essential oils. In case you want to reduce its thickness, you can mix it with lighter oil and if you want to alter its smell, you can combine it with good smelling oils.

1. Castor Oil and Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that ensures circulation of blood to the scalp. It ensures the hair cells get enough nourishment necessary to increase their life span.

Ingredients needed:

  • 2 Vitamin E capsules
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


  • Mix the 2 oils in bowl.
  • Pour out the content of the 2 Vitamin E capsules and mix with the 2 oils in the bowl.
  • Keep it on for 45-60 minutes.
  • Rinse or shampoo your hair to wash off the mixture.

Read Also: How to Use Essential Oils to Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair Fast At Home

2. Castor Oil and Jojoba Oil

Ingredients needed:

  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil
  • 2 tablespoons castor oil


  • Mix the 2 oils and gently massage into your scalp and right from the roots of your hair to the tips. For easy penetration, you can add the mixed oils to warm water, not too warm to cook an egg.
  • Keep it on for 45-60 minutes. If you like, you could have it on over the night.
  • Rinse or shampoo your hair to wash off the mixture.

Read Also: How to Use Rosemary Oil for Skin Tightening and Hair Growth

How Often Should One Use Castor Oil for Hair Growth?

Because there are many hair types and Castor oil works differently on different hair types, the frequency of use should be your decision.

However, if you are looking to have to grow your hair, you can use the oil 3 times a week to see significant result. If you are the type that keeps up very well, you can use the oil on your hair 4-5 times a week.

If you’re looking to have a shinier hair, you can use castor oil as conditioner two times a week. It could be Monday and Friday.

In case you are only looking to deal with split ends, you can gently massage castor oil into your hair 2 – 4 times in a week.

Read Also: Joint Pain Relief Remedies: How to Use Essential Oils to Relieve Joint Pain


Castor oil is the oil for you, if you’re looking to make your hair healthier, richer, and darker and of course fast growing.

As beneficial as castor oil is to hair growth, you must be careful with it because you can never tell if you’re allergic to any of its content.

To see if you won’t run into any problem using castor oil, run a patch test. It’s very simple.

All you have to do is to put 2 drops of Castor oil on your arm, keep it for a day and see if there won’t be any reaction.

Read Also: 7 Essential Oils to Tighten Your Skin Fast


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