Categories: Weight Loss

How to Lose Armpit Fat: 8 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Armpit Fat Fast In a Week

It is much more possible to get rid of armpit fat fast in a week when you combine magical workouts with healthy lifestyle.

Here, you will find 8 easy exercises to get rid of armpit fat fast in a week.

More importantly, it will please you to know that details about each workout have been clearly stated below.

All you need do is to read through, practice at your own comfort, and lose that stubborn armpit fat fast in a week. Just before going into the main article…,

Causes Of Armpit Fat?

Some of the common reasons you could develop armpit fat include the following:

  • Excess calories: you may develop armpit fat when your body is filled with excess calories. This is because calories create energy in the body and when there is excess of it, the body will convert the energy into fat, which may come handy with Armpit fat.
  • Genetic trait: if your mother, aunt, grandmother or any other female family has armpit fat, studies reveal that you may also develop it later in life as it can be genetic in nature.
  • Your breasts size: people with big breasts are more susceptible to armpit fat, and this is because larger breasts often accumulate the fat around it.
  • Inactive of the upper body: inactive is considered one of the contributory factors of obesity. If you are not very active with your upper body, you tend to accumulate fat around your armpit.

Some other causes of armpit fat are unfit bra, polymastia, overweight, hormonal imbalance and changes.

Now that you’ve known some of the contributory factors of Armpit fat, what are the best exercises to get rid of it fast? They are as follows:

1. Jumping Jacks

  • Stand straight with your feet placed together and both hands on the sides. Be sure your knees as well as the spine are straight
  • With a jump, open your two legs wide apart
  • At the same time, raise your hands above the head, bend your elbows outwards and be sure your palms are facing front
  • Once more with a jerk bring back your leg and feet together, place both hands on the sides and then feel the tension at shoulders and armpit
  • Repeat for three sets.

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises for Sexy, Sculpted Arms You Can Do At Home 

2. Chest Press with Legs Extended

  • Lie on your back while placing both arms over the chest, bend at a ninety-degree angle and hold dumbbells in each hand
  • Bring your arms up over the chest and then lift both shoulders away from the mat while you raise your two legs
  • Return to the first position and repeat for 35 – 45 seconds
  • Repeat thrice with 25 -30 second breaks.

Read Also: 10 Best Arm Toning Exercises to Get Sexy Arms Fast

3. Front DB Raise

  • Stand with both feet hip-width apart and hold dumbbells in both hands by your side
  • Now, tense the core and gently raise an arm up to make it straight out in your front, with the palm facing the ground.
  • Maintain this for 2-3 seconds. Remember to tense both your trapezius and shoulder while doing this
  • Lastly, gently lower both dumbbells back to your side. This is 1 rep
  • Repeat same thing with the opposite arm.

4. Squat Dumbbell Oblique Raises

  • Hold a dumbbell in both hands in your front.
  • Place the feet shoulder width apart and then squat down. This will be the starting position
  • Now, tense the glutes to explode up and use part of that momentum to raise both dumbbells over the head in your front. While doing this, twist to your side simply by tensing your side abs (obliques)
  • Gently reverse the motion, bring both hands down again and then squat into the first position.
  • Be prepared to repeat same thing on the other side. This is one rep.

Read Also: 9 Best Arms Toning Exercises for Women to Get Sexy, Sculpted and Toned Arm

5. Arm Circling

  • To start with, stand straight and place your feet together and your hands on your sides
  • Lift both arm to your sides and place them at shoulder height. Be sure to keep them straight
  • Gently rotate your two hands and try making big clockwise circles while your finger keeps pointing towards the wall.
  • Be sure these body parts are straight and do the same anti-clockwise too: shoulder, back, arms and legs
  • Keep doing this for a minimum of 20 times in both directions

6. Seated Side Bend

  • Sit on a yoga mat while placing your legs folded and intact. Be sure your back and spine is straight and that your hands are placed on your sides.
  • Now, place your right palm on your waist while keeping your elbows bent
  • With a deep breath, raise your left hand upwards and bend the shoulders, neck and head towards the opposite [right] side.
  • Maintain this for 10 – 12 seconds and come back to the starting position to repeat same thing on the opposite side
  • Repeat for 20 times for amazing results

Read Also: 9 Simple Exercises That Will Help You Get Sexy and Sculpted Arms Fast At Home

7. Upright Row

  • Stand up and hold either of barbell or dumbbells in both hands
  • Raise the barbell or dumbbells to the top of your chest
  • Now, slowly lower it back down
  • Keep doing this for 1 minute or 60 seconds
  • Repeat thrice with 20-30 second breaks in-between.

8. Elbows Press

  • Stand with your feet together and place both hands on your sides. Be sure your knees are straight
  • Then, lift your right hand, bend both elbows and place it just at the back of your head to make your hand opposite your head
  • Now, raise your left hand and pull your right-hand elbow using your palms and feel the pressure around the armpit bra area.
  • Keep doing this for 10 times on a single hand and return to the starting position
  • Repeat same thing with the opposite hand and do up to 2 sets of both the hands.


There are so many natural ways to get rid of armpit fat. However, below are some of the fastest ways to get rid of armpit fat without going for any surgery:

  • Do More Cardiovascular or Aerobic Workouts e.g. battling ropes, skipping
  • Do Push-ups
  • Watch Your Diet and Reduce your daily Calories intake; avoid eating unhealthy, junk food and replace with healthy, nutritious foods e.g. nuts, lean meats, legumes, quinoa, whole wheat, oats, avocados, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc.
  • Drink More Water; at least eight glasses
  • Avoid taking sugary or carbonated foods, such as juices and soda
  • Stop slouching or hunching; always be very conscious of your posture.
  • Stay away from extremely tight, stretchy or elastic fabrics.
  • Wear the right bra size.

Read Also: 10 Best Exercises to Lose Flabby Arms Fast At Home


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