Categories: Weight Loss

9 Killer Workouts That Burn More Fat than Running

This article is very useful if you don’t like running at all, most people don’t like running or can’t due to health issues, you can switch things up, running isn’t the only efficient way to burn fat, there are lots of workouts that you can do that will even burn more fat than when you run.

There are cardio exercises or high-intensity workout that will make you burn twice as much fat than when you are running and they will also help burn through fat in stubborn areas like the tummy.

Below are 9 killer workouts that burn more fat than running.

1. Swimming

After this workout, you will be drenched but it may not be in sweat. This workout is very good for your lungs and more of your back.

How to Do It:

Go into the pool and do a few laps. You can do interval workouts in the pool.

This means you swim for about 100 meters then you rest for a minute and you do this for like 10 times.

You can also swim for about 2,000 meters straight without rest.

It is very efficient burns more calories than when you are running and it is low impact and it spares your joints and tendon from wears and tears that come with other workouts, it can also be fun and relaxing.

2. Mountain Biking

Another great cardio workout that burns fat more than running is mountain biking.

Biking burns a lot of calories but riding a bike up hills and mountain is hard and it burns those calories fast.

It does more than just revving up the metabolism, it challenges the balance and athleticism of your body while you react to different terrain.

It is also relaxing in a way because it is outdoors, therefore, it gives a good dose of fresh air

How to Do It:

Bike up and down a mountain or hill for about 4 to 5 times, depending on how tall or steep the mountain is.

Read Also: 10 At-Home Workouts That Will Help You Burn 1000 Calories Fast In A Day

3. Burpees

Burpees is one of the best fat burning workouts and it’s also a full-body workout.

If it is done correctly, they are a high-intensity workout and they will have your heart rate up as fast as possible.

Burpees raise your metabolism hence a few hours after your workout you will burn a lot of fat, it makes the body burn calories while it recovers.

When you engage your core during this work out you are sure to lose abdominal fat.

How to Do It:

Stand with your feet at shoulder-width apart, and keep your arms at your side.

Keep your knees bent then reach forward and put your hands on the floor.

Push your legs back one after the other, till you are in a plank position. Jump your legs forward immediately, back to the start and stand up.

4. Leg Raises

How to Do It:

Bend down on the floor with your palms flat on the floor, as though you are a cat, at shoulder-width apart.

Don’t allow your back to rise or be round, engage your core then bend your right knee and raise the leg until it is parallel to the ground.

Return the leg to the starting position slowly, then switch legs.

Do 3 sets of 10 reps on each leg.

Read Also: 7 Easy Swimming Workouts That Will Help Burn Fat Fast and Lose Weight from the Entire Body

5. Sandbag Workouts

A sandbag workout is just like the name, it is workouts that include sandbags.

There are lots of things you can do with them. Using sandbags will feel like you are doing extreme workouts it’s more or less weight lifting.

If you don’t burn fat while using the sandbag, you are doing it wrong.

How to Do It:

Lift them over your shoulders and hold for a few minutes, then toss them.

Don’t do too much if you are just starting to avoid tears.

6. Stair Climber

Running is also a way to work your legs but you put a lot of pressure on the joints which makes often causes a lot of pain.

You don’t have to go through that while climbing stairs and you may not be getting the same kind of cardio with the stair climbers, but you are building much more muscle that forces the fat out.

How to Do It:

You should look into getting the machine or you can just climb a lot of stairs.

Read Also: 10 Easy Yoga Poses for Beginners to Enhance Flexibility

7. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks is another way to burn fat, you are using multiple muscles at the same time.

Your heart rate increases while you use different muscles at the same time to do this routine, this is what makes it even a better way to burn more fats instead of running.

It isn’t just a warm-up exercise or something kids do, it is a great cardio exercise, and cardio is one of the fastest and best way to burn unwanted part from any part of your body.

How to Do It:

Stand straight with your feet placed together, then keep your arms at your sides.

Slightly bend your knees and jump into the air as high as you can.

While jumping spread your leg, so it is at shoulder-width apart. And keep your arms stretched out above your head.

Return to starting position then repeat. Do 2 sets of 10 reps

8. Rowing

Rowing is more like biking but it is a little more intense. Rowing is a constant movement and you have to exert a lot of energy to row.

The rowing machines that are in the gym look very easy to use since you have not used it before but they are very tough than they appear.

It is a lot of legwork and arm work and if you use this machine correctly, you will feel it working all the muscles in your body hence you will know that fat is being burned off your body.

Read Also: 10 Effective Bodyweight Workouts to Get You Ready for Summer

9. The Plank

How to Do It:

Go into a push-up position, keep your elbows bent at 90 degrees and it should be directly under your shoulders and your forearms rested against the floor.

Hold that pose for about 5 minutes rest for a minute then repeat. Your body and spine should be straight.

To intensify the plank you should extend your body from the plank position into a press-up position and keep one arm extended in front of you.

Repeat this routine with the other arm, return to the plank position and complete the sequence again.


You can mix up these exercises and do the ones you find suitable for you.

If you are a beginner, and you want to swim always make sure someone that can swim better than you is around, also take the workouts slowly, so your body adjusts and it doesn’t cause tears.

Read Also: 7 Weight Loss Tips to Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months without Exercise


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