Categories: Weight Loss

8 Easy Workouts to Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast At Home In a Week

Although it has a cute name, love handles are not cool enough and can be so intimidating at times.

Love handles simply refer to the excess fat resting at the sides of the waist and hanging over the top of the pants.

However, if you are also living with these excesses, the good news is that there are lots of exercises you can perform at home and you will say goodbye to love handles under a few days.

Fortunately, most of the workouts are very easy to perform and they require little or no equipment. Without wasting much time, here are the best exercises for getting rid of love handles fast at home:

1. Bridges

The Bridges, also regarded as “butt lifts,” targets your lower back muscles, glutes, and core muscles.


Lie on your back, place both hands on your side, and bend your knees. Position your feet at shoulder-width.

Now, lift your hips off the floor with your heels. Make sure your back is straight at this stage

Exhale as you’re lifting your hips and stop breathing at the top

Lastly, gently lower yourself to the starting position while breathing in.

2. Burpees

Burpees targets specific areas like the triceps, shoulders, upper back, legs as well as the abdomen.


Firstly, you have to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and then put your weight on your heels

After that, bend your knees, push your hips back and then lower yourself as though you want to squat

Now, place both hands on the ground right in front of you, and inside your feet

Done with that? Shift your weight onto your hands while jumping your feet back, and land on the balls of your feet simply in a plank position. Your body is ought to be straight right from the head to the heels.

Don’t be tempted to sag or stick your buttocks out because you will find it difficult to work your core muscles

With your feet, jump back to the initial position, outside both hands.

Lift your hands up and jump. Right after landing, lower back to a squatting position.

Read Also: 9 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Back Fat Fast at Home In Two Weeks

3. Woodchoppers (20 on each side)

It is easy to perform and targets core muscles, glutes, legs and arms.


With a single hand weight, stand with both foot hip-width apart as well as the weight on your left leg.

Now, hold the weight in your hands up by your left shoulder and twist so as to create a chopping motion down towards your right hip. Let both your knees and the feet pivot with the twist.

After that, lift the weight back all the way to your left shoulder and repeat for 20 reps

Lastly, work your right side this time around

4. 4-Point Balance Exercise

The 4-Point Balance Exercise works the core muscles, glutes, legs and arms.

They are quite different as you’ll need a BOSU Ball, a renowned fitness training device made of inflated rubber convex.


On a BOSU ball, balance both your hands and knees on the surface. Make sure your back and neck are straight while doing this

Reach out your opposite arm and leg simultaneously

Squeeze your core muscles and stretch your arm as well as your leg.

Return to your starting position and alternate side.

Read Also: 10 Best Lower Abs Exercises to Burn Lower Belly Fat Fast At Home

5. 30 Side Plank Hip Lifts (15 on each side)

This is yet another effective workout for reducing love handles at home.


Stand in a side plank position while your elbow is on the floor, and your legs and hips resting firmly on the floor

Next, engage your abs and allow your body to form a straight line

After that, raise the lower half of your body off the floor into a straight plank like position.

Lower once again and repeat

Do 15 on your right side, and switch to the left side to do another 15

6. 50 Russian Twists

This is very effective in working the lower back muscles, glutes and core muscles.


Sit on your butt while your knees are bent and feet are flat on the ground. Your torso is ought to be leaning back at something about 45 angle to the ground

Now, hold a dumbbell with your hands and lift your feet off the ground, then cross them at the ankles and balance on your buttocks

While maintaining this position, twist your torso towards the right side and touch your dumbbell to the floor near to your body

After that, twist over [but to the left this time around] as you touch the weight to the left side of your body

Lastly, repeat again and again, balancing with the legs and your torso raised off the floor

Read Also: 11 Best Abs Workouts to Burn Belly Fat Fast At Home

7. Oblique Press and Reach

This is one of the most effective exercises for reducing love handles.


Kneel on your right knee and place your left foot out just in your front. Make sure your foot is lying flat on the floor and that your leg creates a perfect 90 degrees angle

Now, hold a dumbbell in your left hand while your arm is stretched out towards the left direction and bent at 90 degrees angle

Lastly, stretch your left arm straight in the air with your body bent down to the right side, and make sure it is touching your right palm on the floor. Maintain this position for about 10 seconds and drag back your torso to the middle position using your oblique muscles

Repeat the same steps while kneeling on your left knee and also bend your right arm as well as your body towards the left side.

Read Also: 9 Easy Tips to Get Rid of Visceral Fat (Belly Fat)

8. 30 Bicycle Crunches

The Bicycle Crunches is the perfect workout you need for reducing love handles at home.


Start by lying on your back and bend your knees with your hands placed behind your head. Don’t make any attempt to clasp both hands together to avoid a jerk on your neck

Now, engage your abs, lift your shoulders as well as the upper back off the ground

While doing that, move your right elbow just toward your left knee so they can both meet in the center of your body

Bring your left elbow to your right knee and switch position

Keep doing this as quickly as you can with your torso still raised up off the floor.

Read Also: 10 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Stubborn Lower Back Fat Fast at Home In a Week


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