Categories: Weight Loss

4 Crash Diets for Fast and Safe Weight Loss

Crash Dieting- Crash diets are diets plan that can help an individual to lose weight over a short period of time. The purpose of this crash diet is to reduce the daily calories intake.

People get themselves involved in this diet plan on different occasions such as dates, weddings, engagements, etc or any other specific important event.

Research has shown that if an individual persist on this diet plan for a long period of time, the body will become weak because it will not get all the necessary nutrients that the body needs thus burning the stored fat.

However, here are 4 crash diets plan that can help lose weight rapidly.

1. Cabbage Soup Diet

The cabbage soup diet is a diet plan that is for short- term weight loss. The very good thing about this cabbage soup diet is that it helps an individual to stay active and energetic.

It is very essential to know that this diet plan is pocket friendly but if continuously use can weaken the body immunity and not too effective for a long term weight loss plan.

This diet restricts individual calorie intake and force the body to use fat as the energy source. Cabbage soup is sometimes prescribed to obese patients because of the fact that this diet is high in fiber and low in calories.

Cabbage soup moreover, can be complemented with other foods to fulfill the nutritional requirements. Among these foods items include:

  • Fruits such as melon, watermelon, orange, apple, nectarine, peach, plum, etc, Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, flax seed, pumpkin seed etc,
  • Herbs and spices like parsley leaves, black pepper, cardamom, ginger, bay leaf, turmeric powder, dill, fenugreek seeds, thyme, etc,
  • Beverages such as coconut water, fresh fruit juice, herbal tea, green tea, black coffee etc
  • Vegetables like spinach, carrot, green beans, cabbage, onion etc fat and oil such as sun flower butter, flax seed oil, hemp seed oil, etc.

How It Works

It is salient to know how the cabbage soup diet work. It works by aiding the body metabolism and fat mobilization because of it low sodium, low calories and high fiber which help individual to shape faster than following a moderate long- term eating plan.

The cabbage soup diet has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which lowers cholesterol and aid good digestive system. This cabbage soup diets have several benefits. One benefit is that it encourages rapid weight loss in a very short span of time.

Mere following this diet, individual can lose up to 3-5 lbs in just 7 days but may vary from person to person because of the body system.

Another advantage of this crash diet is that it serves as energy source and also encourages supply of nutrients and vitamins.

In spite of the fact that the cabbage soup diet proffers a positive results in term of weight loss in a very short period of time, the health practitioners did not recommend this diet for more than a week.

Thus, this health practitioner’s recommendation of a 7- day cabbage soup diet chart is very important to note.

Diet Chart

  • The first day involve an individual to include fruits in the diets, fruits such as watermelon, nectarine, guava, etc.
  • The second day encourage an individual to involve himself or herself in only vegetables such as okra, Chinese cabbage, leek, celery, asparagus, etc in the diet.
  • The third day involves the combination of fruits and vegetables in the diet. But it is very germane to know as a precaution that individual should not eat high glycemic index fruits and starchy foods. The cabbage soup should only be spice up by adding herbs.
  • The day four involve the consumption of bananas and milk. Research as shown that bananas are a good source of potassium, Vitamin A, Omega-3 fatty acids and milk is a good source of calcium, vitamin D, good fats, and protein. Therefore the body gets all its essential nutrients from banana and milk.
  • Day five involve the consumption of beef and tomatoes in the diet. A small bowl of cabbage soup with a generous portion of ground beef gives optimum protein to rebuild the muscles. Do not consume tomato unless recommended by the doctor due to medical reasons.
  • Day six and day seven is very efficient for the vegetarians.

The cabbage soup diet plan however should go beyond day seven because it is a short-term weight loss program. After the day seven, the individual must have lost water weight as well as fat.

Read Also: Boiled Egg Diet Plan to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks

2. Grapefruit Diet

Like cabbage soup diet, grapefruit diet is also very efficient and important. This grapefruit diet has been in use since 1930s as a very efficient diet for weight loss.

This is owing to the fact that this grapefruit contain fat-burning enzymes that help individual to lose weight very fast.

The combinations of grapefruit juice or grapefruit with veggies and proteins have been very effective in weight lose.

Read Also: 3 Day Military Diet Substitutions: List of Best Food Substitutes

3. Fresh Juice Diet

Fresh juices diet is also very effective to lose weight fast. Crash diets is similitude of juicing diet.

This diet allows individual to consume only vegetables and fruit juices which helps to lose tons of weight very quickly.

It is a healthy way of reducing weight without any possible side effects unlike many weight loss pills. Many artists and celebrities take to this type of crash diet for efficient weight loss.

Read Also: Dukan Diet Plan: 7-Day Attack Phase Menu Plan + Shopping List for Weight Loss

4. Master Cleanse Juice Diet

Master cleanse juice diet was developed in the 1940s. It can help an individual lose 20 pound of weight in a week.

Prepare this diet by adding one lemon juice to three teaspoons of maple syrup, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Aside that crash diets help to reduce weight in a short time, it also aid the body system so it is highly recommended.

Read Also: 7-Day Apple Diet Plan to Lose 10 Pounds Fast In a Week


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