Categories: Weight Loss

13 Weight Loss and Diet Tips for Women That Really Work

Excess weight gain is one of the dominant health conditions across the world, and it is widespread among people of all ages, especially the women or ladies.

However, in a bid to help you achieve your desired weight loss goals faster, we’ve taken enough time to research and compile these simple weight loss and diet tips for women.

On the plus side, all the tips are based solely on medical findings as well as expert opinions, which means they will surely give your weight loss campaign a huge boost.

Here are the top weight loss and diet tips for women:

1. Eat More Protein

Protein foods are very healthy, and are found to be very effective in losing weight fast.

Several studies reveal that foods that contain significant amount of protein can cut cravings, decrease daily calorie intake, increase feelings of fullness, and boost your metabolism.

This is why you need to consume more protein-rich foods like meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy, and legumes to achieve your weight loss goal faster.

2. Drink More Water

Water is beneficial to the human health, and it provides an effective way of promoting weight loss without extra efforts.

Several studies reveal that drinking excess water is capable of increasing the number of calories burned by a significant margin, and that calorie consumption can be reduced significantly when water is drank before a meal.

Water is free, drink as much as you can to promote your weight loss!

Read Also: 7 Weight Loss Tips to Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months without Exercise

3. Add Resistance Training to Your Routine

Adding resistance training to your routine is a great move as it is deeply associated with muscle building and increased endurance.

It is highly beneficial for women, especially those in their 50s or beyond, because it brings an increase to the amount of calories that your body burns while resting.

It also protect against osteoporosis simply by preserving your bone mineral density.

Some of the recommended resistance training includes:

  • Weight lifting
  • Body-weight exercises, etc.

4. Cut Down on Refined Carbs

Refined carbs such as white bread, pasta, and prepackaged foods are subjected to extensive processing which in turn reduces the amount of fiber and micronutrients in the final product significantly.

Eating these foods can spike blood sugar levels and increase your cravings for food. These foods are also linked with increased body weight and belly fat.

The best way to prevent such is to limit the amount of refined carbs you take and replace with whole grains products such as oats, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, etc.

Read Also: Weight Loss Tips for Teens: How to Lose Weight Fast For Teens

5. Set a Regular Sleep Schedule

Although it may sound weird to you, but multiple studies show that sleep deprivation may result in increased body weight as well as higher levels of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger in your system.

If truly you want to achieve your weight loss goals very fast, then it is imperative you get enough sleep every day.

Studies suggest that getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night will help boost your weight loss campaign significantly.

6. Keep a Food Journal

The ability to track what you eat will help in holding yourself accountable and selecting only healthier food choices.

This is why you need to keep a food journal, and this will surely go a long way in helping you achieve a balanced weight.

The food journal is an effective weight loss strategy; it can help you stick to your goals, and may also result in amazing long-term weight loss.

Read Also: 5 Easy Tips to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks (Including 6 Exercises)

7. Fill up on Fiber

When you consume more fiber, it will help slow down the emptying of your stomach and keep you fuller for a longer period of time.

Several studies reveal that adding more dietary fiber to your diet can help decrease your calorie intake by a significant margin, which makes it a great food for your weight loss campaign.

Some great sources of fiber include – Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, etc.

8. Do More Cardio

Cardio or Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate, which is beneficial for burning extra calories.

In fact, studies show that engaging in more cardio can help boost your weight loss result to a significant extent – especially when you combine it with a healthy diet.

To start with, you can try out any of the following aerobic exercises:

Jump toe-touch, climbing, skipping, swimming, running, high-impact dancing etc.

Read Also: 10 Tips to Lose 10 Pounds Fast In a Week

9. Ditch the Diet

Yes, fad diets often promise quick weight loss, but the plain truth is that they do more harm than good to your waistline and your overall health.

Taking fat diets can promote unhealthy eating habits, which may result in yo-yo dieting, and these two will surely affect your long-term weight loss negatively.

Therefore, make sure you desist from consuming these diets to facilitate your weight loss goals.

10. Snack Smarter

Consuming low-calorie snacks will help you in losing more weight as they are very effective in cutting down your hunger levels, which will help you stay on track for a longer period.

Therefore, when next you are choosing snacks for yourself, make sure you choose the ones with high amount of protein and fiber to promote fullness and curb cravings.

Some of the nutritious snacks for long-lasting weight loss include Whole fruit with nut butter, veggies with hummus, Greek yogurt with nuts, and lots more.

Read Also: 7 Easy Tips to Follow to Get Rid Of Subcutaneous Fat Fast At Home

11. Keep Stress under Control

According to experts, increased Stress levels can increase the risk of gaining more weight over time. It may also change your eating patterns and thus result in overeating and binging.

Therefore, it is imperative you keep stress levels at the barest minimum, and you can do so using several strategies, including exercises, listening to your favorite music, practicing yoga, chatting with a friend or family member, etc.

12. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Starting your day with a healthy meal can go a long way in keeping you feeling full until your next meal.

Additionally, studies reveal that when you stick to a regular eating pattern, it may help reduce the risk of binge eating.

Consuming protein-rich foods will help decrease ghrelin levels [a hunger-promoting hormone] in your body, and thus giving you absolute control over hunger and appetite.

13. Set Attainable Goals

For everything you want in life, you need to set goals as well as the ways of achieving it – and this is applicable to weight loss as well!

It is imperative you set SMART goals to achieve your desired weight. I.e. Your goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

You should set the actual result you want, ways to achieve it, as well as the duration.

For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds, don’t just stop with that; rather specify the exact period you want to achieve that [e.g. 1 month] and the means of achieving it [e.g. by cutting down on Refined Carbs, by doing more cardio, by eating more Protein and Fiber, by keeping a Food Journal, etc.].

By so doing, you will be able to achieve your weight loss goals faster.


Now that you’ve discovered the Best Weight Loss and Diet Tips for Women, which one would you like to try out first?

Or which of the aforementioned strategies work greatly for you?

Kindly share your thoughts via the comment box.

Read Also: 9 Easy Tips to Get Rid of Visceral Fat (Belly Fat)


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