Categories: Weight Loss

10 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Stubborn Lower Back Fat Fast at Home In a Week

Lower back fat accumulates as a result of muscle atrophy, which is a condition whereby the muscles are no longer firm, giving room to a flabby back.

However, sometimes we need to lose that back fat and this can be done within a week with lower back fat exercises.

Getting rid of stubborn fat in the lower back can be a tedious task. But the most effective exercises to get rid of lower back fat will help you achieve the following:

  • Aid in fat blasting weight loss
  • Strengthen and tone the lower back muscles
  • Strengthen the core

Here are the best among the back exercises that will guarantee fast results in a week.

1. Squat Jump

Squat jump burns fat and tones the muscles in the lower back, glutes and legs.


  1. Squat with your back straight.
  2. Jump up from the position in an explosive movement and return to the squat.
  3. Repeat the movement for a certain number of reps.

2. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

This exercise focuses on the back, shoulders and biceps. Making sure you have a proper form while performing the exercise ensures you target the lower back muscles, building it and burning fat.


  1. Using a lat pull down machine, hold the overhead bar with a wide grip.
  2. You should be sitting or standing in front of the machine and leaning backwards.
  3. Pull the bar towards your abdomen.
  4. Return the bar slowly to the starting position and repeat.

Read Also: 11 Superb HIIT Workouts to Burn Fat and Build Muscle at Home

3. Glute Bridge

The Glute Bridge is a lower body exercise that targets the glutes, lower back and hamstrings.


  1. Lie face up on the floor. Your feet should be on the floor and your knees bent and pointed upward.
  2. Place your hands by your side or cross them over your chest.
  3. Lift your hips up the floor by pushing with your feet until your body forms a diagonal line from your knees to your shoulders.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

4. Bent Over Row

This workout targets the muscles in your back and arms.


  1. Stand straight with a dumbbell in your hand and legs close together.
  2. Bend forward till your leg and torso form a 90 degree angle. Your hands should be extended downwards.
  3. Look straight ahead and tighten your core.
  4. Bring the dumbbell to the sides of the lower abdomen and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for a certain number of reps.

Read Also: Yoga for Weight Loss: 9 Easy Yoga Poses That Burn And Destroy Fat Fast

5. One Arm Dumbbell Row

This strengthens the lower back, core and arms.


  1. Place your left knee and palms on a bench.
  2. Extend your right hand and pick up a dumbbell.
  3. Tighten your core and look straight ahead. This is the starting position.
  4. Pull the dumbbell to the side of your stomach.
  5. Return the dumbbell to the starting position and repeat the movement with your left hand.

6. Side Jackknife

Side jackknife is a core exercise that targets love handles and lower back fat.


  1. Lie on your side with your left foot on the right foot.
  2. Place your left hand behind your head with the elbow pointed out. Place the right hand on the floor to keep your balance.
  3. Bring the left elbow and leg towards each other while squeezing your obliques and return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the movement with the other side of your body.

Read Also:  11 Easy Exercises and Workouts Options to Lose Hip Fat Fast in Two Weeks

7. Superman Pose

Superman pose targets your back, glutes and hamstrings.


  1. Lie facedown with your feet and arm spread wide apart.
  2. Squeeze your glutes and abs.
  3. Lift your left arm and right leg while lifting your head 3 inches above the floor.
  4. Hold the position for a few seconds.
  5. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm and leg.

8. Mountain Climber

The mountain climber is an exercise that helps you burn fat while targeting the lower back and abdominal muscles. This variation is effective in burning lower back fat fast.


  1. Begin in a sprinters position. Your palms should be flat on your back, your left foot under your waist and the right leg extended.
  2. Switch foot positions with an explosive movement.
  3. Repeat the movement for a long as you can or for a certain number of reps.

Read Also: 4 Minutes Core Workout to Burn Your Stomach Fat At Home

9. Cat-Cow Pose

The cat-cow pose stretches the back, torso and neck and strengthens the abdominal muscles.

It’s a good back exercise to incorporate at the end of your workout routine because it will help you relax. The key to performing the exercise accurately is slowly working through the movement.


  1. Begin in a dog position, with your knees and palms on the floor.
  2. Arch your back while lifting up your head and breathing in slowly.
  3. Breathe out slowly and squeeze your abs while bringing down your head and rounding your back.

10. Bird Dog Crunches

Bird dog crunches are a great core exercise. They concentrate on the back, glutes and abs.


  1. Start with your body in a dog position. You should be kneeling, your palms flat on the floor.
  2. Extend your left arm and right leg straight out.
  3. Then bring the elbow and knee of the same arm and leg to meet each other, performing a crunch.
  4. Return them to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the movement with your right arm and left leg. This is one rep.


To make sure you achieve your goal of burning fat and sculpting your back quickly in one week, do these exercises everyday for 30 minutes or more.

Also add a balanced and healthy diet that is devoid of refined food to it. Refined foods helps fat settle on the lower back and reverses the effect of the exercises while whole, unrefined food digests slowly and aids in less fat storage.

Read Also: 9 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Arm Fat At Home without Weights


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