Categories: Weight Loss

9 Beginner Tabata Workouts For Fast Weight Loss At Home

Tabata Workouts for Beginners – Tabata workouts are among the most trending training in the health and fitness world right now.

One of the reasons why people are beginning to embrace tabata workouts is because they are proven to be effective for shedding huge amount of fats, not forgetting that they are also inexpensive and delivers quick results.

Why Tabata Workouts?

Here are some reasons you should do Tabata workouts:

  1. They are inexpensive
  2. They burn fat faster and more abundantly
  3. They are time-efficient yet effective and results-driven
  4. They improve both aerobic and anaerobic capacities
  5. They protect muscle tissue and increase lean muscle mass

9 Effective Tabata Workouts to Lose Weight Fast At Home

1. Jump Rope

How to Do It:

  • Grab a jump rope and hold its ends in each hand, start tall with the jump rope just behind you.
  • Keep your chest up and tighten your core, swing the jump rope overhead, and after that jump over with your foot such that it will pass under you
  • After that, land on the balls of the feet using soft knees, in order to let you cushion the impact
  • Now, find a smooth rhythm, while you swing the rope overhead and jump over it

Basically, a single hop is enough to clear the rope, but you can use a double-hop if you’re still new to jump rope.

2. Squat Jumps

How to Do It:

  • Firstly, stand with both feet wider than your hips
  • After that, gently lower down into a squat, and then push with full force through the feet so as to jump into the air
  • Land in a soft manner with your knees bent while you roll toe-ball-heel down your feet
  • Right after you jump back up, aim for some serious height using both arms
  • Look for a continuous rhythm, jump and then land softly
  • While you fatigue in the squat jumps, you may decide to add some hops between jumps in order to allow your muscles recover.

Read Also: 30 Day Kettlebell Swing Workout Challenge for Rapid Weight Loss

3. Burpees

How to Do It:

  • To start with, stand tall, and after that squat down to bring both hands to the ground
  • Jump the feet back to form a plank position, while you lower down into a push-up
  • Next thing now is to press out of thee push-up, jump both feet to your two hands, and then jump directly up into the air
  • Land gently in the squat position, and after that repeat – jumping the feet back, while you do a pushup, jump forward, and then jump up thereafter.
  • Be sure to keep eyes on your knees over the center of your foot anytime you squat. Also, make sure you land with soft joints while keeping your shoulders packed and your core tight when you jump back to the plank position.

4. Speed Skaters


How to Do It:

  • In an athletic stance, place both feet wider than your hips, slightly bend your knees, place your hips back, and then keep the chest tall
  • Now, cross the right leg just behind your left, and after that drive off the left for lateral hopping to the right
  • Done? Land on the right leg, and allow the opposite [left] leg to cross behind.
  • Lastly, continue the lateral hopping from side-to-side, and then swing the arms such as a speed skater

Read Also: Yoga for Weight Loss: 9 Easy Yoga Poses That Burn And Destroy Fat Fast

5. Lunge Jumps

How to Do It:

  • Stand with the right foot forward and the opposite [left] foot in a tall lunge position.
  • Bring your body down into a lunge with both knees bent to 90 degrees
  • Push firmly through the feet, jump into the air and alternate your feet before landing. At this point, your left foot is ought to be forward, while the right one is ought to be back.
  • After that, land gently until a lunge position, and quickly jump back into the air to alternate your feet. To get height, make use of your arms.
  • Immediately your legs begin to burn and the lunge Jumps seems to be more challenging, mix in some walking lunges.

6. Medicine Ball Rainbow Slam

How to Do It:

  • To start with, stand with both feet wider than the shoulders, and hold a medicine ball directly at your chest.
  • Begin to circle the ball to the right and up, and after that slam the medicine ball into the floor in the front of the left foot, while you pivot the two feet and turn the hips too to the left
  • Next now is to catch the ball, circle it both left and up, while you pivot the feet and hips to face the right direction as you continue to slam the ball in the front of your right foot
  • Continue to catch, pivot, and slam the ball from one side to the other in a continuous rhythm.

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises for Losing Weight Fast in Two Weeks

7. TRX Atomic Push Up

How to Do It:

  • Place your feet in the stirrups of the TRX
  • Place your feet in stirrups of the TRX and hands firmly on the floor, after that come into a strong plank position with your arms fully stretched.
  • Be sure to place your feet just beneath the TRX anchor, elevated off the floor.
  • Next now is to keep both shoulders packed, and pull your two knees to the chest.
  • Lastly, stretch your legs as though you want to do a push-up. Knees-to-chest, and push up thereafter. Repeatedly go in a continuous rhythm, never breaking form

8. TRX Single-Leg Burpees

How to Do It:

  • Firstly, start in a tabletop position and then put your left foot in TRX straps
  • After that, set both hands for a firm plank position with the two arms fully stretched
  • Now, try finding plank with the right foot off the floor, and then step the right foot forward between both hands, after that jump directly up into the air
  • Next now is to land gently on the right leg before you bring the two hands back to the floor, stretching your right leg back, and do a push-up
  • Do it continuously, with your right foot forward, jump up, land gently, put your hands down, both legs back, and then push-up

Read Also: 7 Easy Swimming Workouts That Will Help Burn Fat Fast and Lose Weight from the Entire Body

9. Weighted Backwards Jump Rope

How to Do It:

  • Place a weighted jump rope in front of your body
  • Swing the rope directly overhead and just behind you, and after that jump over it
  • Continue to swing the rope from front-to-back, and then jump over it while it is passing under you
  • Let your core remain tight throughout, and land softly.

You can also read: 10 Effective Bodyweight Workouts to Get You Ready for Summer


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