Weight Loss

4 Minutes Core Workout to Burn Your Stomach Fat At Home

Belly fat is the most difficult fat to burn. When people are trying to lose weight, the first thing they think of is getting a toned belly.

So many people, these days are going under the knife just to get a flat belly. Besides, who doesn’t like to wear a cute outfit without having to deal with a protruding belly.

Losing belly fat is the best way to improve your health as belly fat has been linked to heart diseases, diabetes, and so on.

When trying to lose belly fat, you can’t just target one spot. You have to work in all areas to get that perfect, chiseled and robust core.

It does not only help with losing belly fat you would also burn lots of calories, yeah two for the price of one. However, not everybody has the luxury of time to hit the gym or even do lengthy workout routines.

Worry no more! There are exercises that you can do in 4 minutes, and in your home, all you need are dumbbells, workout mat, and consistency, and you will lose that belly fat faster than you can even imagine.

Here are 10 exercises that you can do in 4 minutes to work your core and lose belly fat fast.

1. Sit-Ups

How to Do It:

  • Lie with your back on the mat, bend your knees and put your heels on the mat.
  • Work your core, put your hands on your thighs, lift your shoulders and head off the mat and look at your knees.
  • Lift your body off the floor using the strength from your core and sit.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this for 30 seconds.

2. Lying Leg Raises

How to Do It:

  • Lie with your back on the mat, put your arms by your side and make sure your palms are flat on the ground.
  • Raise your feet off the ground slowly and look at the ceiling while also working your core.
  • Lift both legs to an angle of 90 degrees and bring them back down but suspend your feet at an inch above the ground, then raise your legs again.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Read Also: 10 Best Lower Abs Exercises to Burn Lower Belly Fat Fast At Home

3. Straight Arm Plank

How to Do It:

  • In a plank position, with your hands placed directly under your shoulders, place your body weight on your hands and toes.
  • Contract your core then lift an arm and a leg on opposite sides, for 20 seconds and then switch.

4. Flutter Kicks

How to Do It:

  • Lie with your back on the mat; put your hands on your hips.
  • Raise your head, shoulders, and feet off the ground simultaneously, while working your core.
  • Raise and bring down your legs fast in a swift motion, don’t slow down and also remember to breathe in and out.
  • Do this for 30 seconds.

Read Also: 11 Best Abs Workouts to Burn Belly Fat Fast At Home

5. Burpees

 How to Do It:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-distance apart, push back your hips and lower your body towards the floor into a low squat position.
  • Put your hands outside your feet, then push your feet back while allowing your chest to touch the ground.
  • Use your hands to lift your body into a plank position, put your weight in your heels then jump up with your arms overhead.

6. Knee-Up With Overhead Press

How to Do It:

  • In a sitting position, bend your knees and put your heels on the floor. You can hold set of dumbbells in front of your chest.
  • Slightly lean back, lift your arms overhead, and your legs about two inches above the ground then bring your knees towards your chest.
  • Engage your core and contract your abs to remove any pressure off your lower back.
  • Maintain the position and count to 3, return to start position.
  • Do a set of 15 reps.

Read Also: 9 Best Workouts to Get Rid Of Upper Belly Fat Fast In Two Weeks

7. Sprawls

How to Do It:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-distance apart, get into a squat position and put your hands on the floor.
  • Push your feet back into a plank position and lower your body so that it is touching the ground, push legs again so that you are in a squat position again.
  • Stand up, then repeat for 30 seconds. Jump up instead of standing to intensify.

8. Med Ball Hold With Leg Extension

How to Do It:

  • Lie with your back on the mat, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees over your hips.
  • Hold a medicine ball in front of your chest. Engage your core, move your shoulder blades off the floor.
  • Bend your right knee and straighten your left leg towards the floor.
  • Press your lower back into the floor then draw your hip bones closer to your ribs. Count to 2, and return to the starting position.
  • Do a set of 10 reps and alternate legs.

Read Also: How to Tighten Stomach Muscles Fast in 2 Weeks

9. Mountain Climbers

How to Do It:

  • In a plank position, put your wrists under your shoulders, engage your core by inhaling and pushing your belly button inside.
  • Bend your knees and move towards your chest, one leg at a time, like you would if you were walking.
  • Do this for 30 seconds.

10. Russian Twist

How to Do It:

  • Lie with your back on the mat, slowly lift your upper body and lift your legs to form a 90 degree with the torso.
  • Bend your knees slightly and contract your core and move your torso to the right; it will also bring your arm to the right.
  • Move back to the centre and then rotate to the left.
  • Do this for one minute


With these exercises you don’t need to pay for the gym you will not visit.

Along with a very healthy diet, doing at least 5 of this workout every day for 4 minutes will help you lose belly fat fast.

You should increase the number of reps per day to intensify the exercises, and you will get even faster results. Start working that abs!

Read Also: 20 Minutes Lower Belly Pooch Workouts to Lose Lower Belly Fat


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