Weight Loss

11 Easy Exercises and Workouts Options to Lose Hip Fat Fast in Two Weeks

Just know that you are not alone if losing hip fat seem difficult to you.

Don’t worry…the solution you need is here!

Here, you will find some of the best exercises that can help shed a significant amount of fat on the hips region and give you a sexier look.

Are you ready?

Let’s get started…

1. Kick Back

  • Come into a cat pose on the mat. Place both palms flat on the ground, your arms shoulder-width apart, while the spine is neutral
  • Lift the right leg and stretch it at the back with your toes pointed out
  • Support your body on the palm as well as the knee, and then kick your right leg up before slowly lowering it thereafter. Do this repeatedly for 15 times
  • Perform this at medium-speed for 3 sets and up to 15 reps

2. Standing Cross Kick

  • Stand straight with both feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the arms to your side, and let your two palms be facing the ground.
  • After that, lift your right keg and begin to kick it up in the air on your left side.
  • At the same time, place your left palm very close to your right foot as though you want to touch it. You can use the balls of your left foot to support the body.
  • Lastly, swing your right foot back to the normal state. Lift the left leg, kick it up and try touching the opposite [right] palm
  • Perform this at medium speed for 3 sets and up to 15 reps

Read Also: 8 Simple Exercises to Get Rid Of Thigh Fat At Home

3. Shifting Side Lunge

  • Stand with both feet together, and hold a pair of dumbbell by the sides.
  • Take a huge step out to your right, lower into a side lunge, and then try to reach the weights on either side of your right leg.
  • Bend the left knee and shift your weight into the two legs, into a huge squat position, while you reach the dumbbells to ground in your front, and then stretch your right leg & shift the weight to the left, after that move into a side lunge with the left leg
  • Lastly, push off the left foot so as to bring your legs together and then go back to the starting position.
  • Perform 20 reps total, switching sides.

4. Plies

  • Stand with both feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. Point the toes in a distance up to a 45-degree angle away from your body. Do your hands as though you are praying in front of your chest or better still place the hands on your hips.
  • Gently lower your body down, with the head, torso, and butts forming a straight linear line from ceiling to ground
  • While lowering your body down, be sure that your knees are bent out away from the body. Lower yourself down as far as you possibly can
  • Lastly, gently raise your body back up to the initial position, while you use your inner thighs and butts to push yourself back up
  • Repeat this as many times as you possibly can

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises That Will Burn Your Inner Thigh Fat Fast In Two Weeks

5. Balancing Squat

  • To start with, stand tall with both feet a bit wider than hip-width apart.
  • Lift your chest and maintain a neutral spine, after that lower into a deep squat, and try reaching your arms to the ground. [Try tapping the floor if you can]
  • While pressing up, shift your bodyweight into the right leg as you bend the opposite [left] knee and grab onto the shin using your left hand
  • Maintain the hip exercise here for 1 count, release the leg, and finally return to starting position.
  • Perform 20 reps total, switching sides.

6. Bridge Exercise

  • Lie on the floor and face the ceiling. Bend both knees in front of your body [at about 90 degree angle]. Place both arms by your sides
  • While you press through your butts, raise both hips into the air until your body is able to form a straight line declining from knees to head.
  • Maintain this for a few seconds before gently rolling the spine back onto the floor to the initial position.
  • Repeat this 15 to 20 times. You can harden it by raising a leg and holding your hips at a balanced level during the minute. Do the same with the other leg.

Read Also: 8 Easy Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Cellulite on Thigh Fast

7. Squats

  • Stand with both feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • For bodyweight squats, just place both arms out in front of you for balance.
  • After that, keep your core engaged, straighten your back, keep your spine tall, and then gently lower yourself down until your thighs are able to become parallel to the ground
  • Pause for a while, with your knees over, yet not beyond, the toes.
  • Breathe out and stand back up
  • Do 10 to 15 repetitions

8. Fire Hydrant

  • Get on both the hands and knees, place both knees and feet hip-width apart and the palms on the ground
  • Keep the gaze looking a bit ahead and down
  • After that, keep your core engaged, lift the right knee off the ground, and then rotate it out both to the side and up. Your knee is ought to be bent all through.
  • Pause at the top, and then slowly lower your leg to the initial position
  • Do 10 reps with the right leg before repeating with the opposite [left].

Read Also: 10 Best Workouts to Get Rid of Outer Thigh Fat and Have Toned Leg Fast In 2 Weeks

9. Wall Sits/ Wall Squats

  • Stand up straight, press your back against a wall and place both legs a few inches away from the wall.
  • After that, slide down the wall until you are able to come to a sitting position whereby your legs are at a right angle and your hamstrings parallel to the ground
  • Maintain this position for close to 30 seconds. While building your strength and fitness, try working up to a minute.
  • Rise back up to return to the starting position

Read Also: 7 Easy Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hip Bursitis

10. Hinging Deadlift

  • Stand with both feet a bit wider than hip-width apart and bend both knees in a slight manner. Hold the dumbbells in front of your thighs, and let your palms be facing in.
  • While you maintain a neutral spine, hinge forward from the hips, and try reaching the weights to the floor, until your torso becomes almost parallel with the ground
  • Using your glutes, raise your body halfway back up, and then return to full forward hinge once more.
  • Perform 20 reps.

11. Step-Up

  • Stand with both feet about hip-width apart at the front of a knee-height step/bench, with a pair of dumbbell in both hands
  • Step onto the step/bench with the right foot, and drive the left knee up as you keep the dumbbells at your side.
  • After that, slowly lower down your left leg, stepping backward off the step/bench
  • Perform about 10 – 15 reps, with your right leg taking the lead, and then alternate to do the same amount of reps with the opposite [left] leg
  • Do about 2 to 3 sets on each side.

You Can Also Read: 9 Easy Yoga Poses to Relieve Hip Pain


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