Categories: Weight Loss

10 Easy Core Exercises to Flatten Your Belly Fast

There’s no doubt a toned, flat stomach is what you want.

While many people rely on it, crunches are not really an effective abs workout.

They work muscles on the front and sides of your abdomen, but all the muscles of the core are needed for more defined abs (including lower back, hips, and upper thighs).

The plank and other core routines train muscles to stabilize the spine and pelvis, preventing back pain and improving posture.

Working more muscles, planks burn more calories than crunches.

To reveal amazing abs, you need to burn belly fat, and these are some core exercises to ensure that.

1. Walkout from Push-Up Position

This is an advanced plank exercise. It involves full-body movement where the arms and legs are used, while engaging resistance to strengthen your whole core.


  1. Begin in push-up position with your hands just two inches wider than your shoulders.
  2. As far as is possible, walk hands out and walk back.
  3. Do ten to twelve reps.
  4. As a bonus, lift one leg before walking your hands out and back.

2. Side Plank

This is more difficult than a traditional plank as you’re supporting your whole body weight on two points of contact instead of four.

Thus, stabilization happens as you work the core harder.


  1. Lying on your left side, place your elbow directly under your shoulder and legs stacked. Your right hand should be on your right hip or on your left shoulder.
  2. Brace your abs, lifting your abs off the floor until your forearm and feet are balanced so your body forms a diagonal line.
  3. Hold for thirty to forty-five seconds. If the time period is too long, hold for as long as you can before repeating until you have held for a total of thirty seconds.
  4. Switch sides and repeat.

Read Also: 10 Best Lower Abs Exercises to Burn Lower Belly Fat Fast At Home

3. Alligator Drag

This plank uses your entire core to stabilize your body, burning surplus calories by adding movement.

Drag yourself along the floor while you do this. It blends stability, cardio, and strength training to help you burn fat fast.


  1. On a stretch of floor long enough to let you go forward ten to twenty yards, grab something that will slide over the surface with minimal friction. Towels work great on wood or tile, while plastic bags or dinner plates work on a carpeted floor.
  2. Begin in push-up position with your feet on the towels, slides, or plates.
  3. Walk your whole frame forward with your hands to the end of your stretch of floor – a minimum of ten yards. Rest for sixty to ninety seconds, or as long as you need to recover.
  4. Repeat alligator walk back to your initial position. That makes one rep. Repeat one more time.

4. Hollow Body Hold

This is a staple of the world’s strongest athletes, being a major core blaster. It is essentially an inversion of a plank.

Instead of bracing yourself against the floor and being at the mercy of gravity, you flip around, resisting the force to maintain the position.


  1. Lay down with your lower back pressed into the ground.
  2. Hinge around the hips to keep your knees tucked into your chest while raising your shoulders off the ground, reaching forward with your arms.
  3. Extend your legs straight out and hold in position.
  4. Stretch your arms back behind your head and maintain your posture by squeezing your core. If you’re a beginner, point your arms forward to make the move less challenging.
  5. Hold for half a minute to start, then speed up to a minute or more once you achieve core strength.

Read Also: 11 Best Abs Workouts to Burn Belly Fat Fast At Home

5. Mountain Climber

Imagine a mountain climber as a moving plank. You do a mini crunch when you explosively pull one knee into your chest.

The difficulty in this move is due to your core doing more work to stabilize your body and keeping it straight each time you lift a foot off the ground.


  1. The starting position is to take the push-up position with your hands below your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from your head to your heels.
  2. Lift your right foot off the ground, and drive your knee towards your chest.
  3. Tap the floor with your right foot and return to the starting position.
  4. Alternate legs with each rep.

6. Burpee

To lose your gut, you have to work as many muscles as possible – something the burpee does excellently.

It hits every muscle from head to toe, involving a push-up position, a jump, and a push-up.

Ten fast-paced reps are successful to bring up your metabolism as a thirty-second all-out sprint. This helps you burn belly fat faster than ever.


  1. Stand with your feet exactly shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower your body until your palms rest on the ground shoulder-width apart.
  3. Kick your legs backward into a push-up position.
  4. Do a push-up, and then swiftly reverse the movement, and performing a jump when you stand. This completes one rep.

Read Also: 9 Best Workouts to Get Rid Of Upper Belly Fat Fast In Two Weeks

7. Bird Dog

This helps you move dynamically within your workout, helping to burn belly fat and keep your belly in top shape.

You get to work your hip muscles and your core, along with your coordination and balance.

It is normal to fall over the first few attempts. Once mastered, this exercise works more than just one thing.


  1. Bend your knees to a table-top position; your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor and your calves parallel to the floor. They should form a 90 degree angle.
  2. Put your weight on your hands and toes, and keep your spine straight by squeezing your core.
  3. Reach straight forward by raising your left arm, while raising your right leg and stretching it straight out.
  4. Maintain for a count, squeezing your core, before returning to the initial position.
  5. With your right arm, repeat the movement and left leg to count 1 rep.

8. Dumbbell Hot-Potato Squat

This will burn your fat, rev up your heart, and burn your abs in record time.

The squat attacks your largest muscle groups – quads, glutes, and hamstrings. The dumbbell toss tops your heart rate and hits your upper body.

Holding the weight on one side of the body raises the demand on the core. Moving the weight from side to side works the core muscles from every angle.


  1. Hold a medium- to light-weight dumbbell in racked position with elbow bent and the end resting near your shoulder.
  2. Squat so your quads are parallel to the floor.
  3. Quickly pop up to standing position, tossing the dumbbell from one hand to the other in front of your face.

Read Also: 20 Minutes Lower Belly Pooch Workouts to Lose Lower Belly Fat

9. Valslide Leg Curl

As the perfect recipe for a flat belly, this move hits your front and backside at once.

As the leg curl hammers your glutes, you need to turn on every muscle in your torso to keep your back straight from shoulders to the knees – like performing a plank on your back.

The combination will tone your abs, work your upper back to help fix poor posture, and impact the large muscle groups in your lower body.


  1. With your knees bent and your heels on a pair of Valslides, lie on your back.
  2. Lift your hips so your body forms a straight from your knees to your shoulders.
  3. Keep your cores tight, extending your legs as far as possible without allowing your back to curve before you pause.
  4. Then, use your glutes and hamstring to pull your heels back toward your body until you return to the starting position.

10. Mogul Jump

Trains abs, lower back, and hips to synchronize when rotating your body from side to side.

The more powerfully you explode off the ground, the higher your heart rate and the more you work your muscles.


  1. Achieve table-top position with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees just below your hips.
  2. Dig your toes into the floor, elevating your knees to hover just above the ground.
  3. With your feet firmly together, jump to the left, pause, and then jump to the right.
  4. Repeat for a certain time or a number of reps.


Having fat in the gut causes many people to obsess over their appearance.

Belly fat is trickier than others and it is linked to conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

Shedding unsightly pounds off your belly makes you move better, strengthening your core muscles, improves your health and your general life considerably.

You Can Also Read: Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss: How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Lose Weight and Reduce Belly Fat


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