
9 Easy Exercises for Smaller Waist, Bigger Hips, and Flat Stomach

Have you been longing to get a smaller waist, bigger hips, and flat stomach FAST?

These powerful exercises can help you achieve that, even without hitting the gym or using any special equipment!

Without much talk, these are the magical exercises:

9 Easy Exercises for Smaller Waist, Bigger Hips, and Flat Stomach

1. Side Plank-Up

The side plank-up is yet another simple, effective exercise for a smaller waist and flatter stomach.

It targets core regions like the inner thighs, obliques, rectus abdominis, as well as the transversus abdominis.

How to Do It

  • Lie on your left side on the ground. Be sure to stack both legs and put a rolled-up towel between both thighs.
  • After that, bring the hips up and form a straight line with your body from the head to your toe. While doing that, squeeze the towel between your thighs also.
  • Maintain this position for close to 1-2 seconds and bring yourself down to the first position.
  • Perform close to 10 reps on each side and do 3 sets.

2. Hip Thrust

The hip thrust exercise is a simple movement that encourages maximal glute engagement, and of course, it is one of the best exercises for building a bigger booty, bigger hips, and smaller waist.

It targets both the glutes and the lower back muscles while also strengthening the muscles to enhance your overall look.

How to Do It

  • For a start, you need to lie down on your back, bend both knees, and place both feet flat on the floor
  • After that, relax your neck and press the lower back into the ground
  • Next is to place both arms at the sides and point your fingers toward the lower body
  • Upon doing that, bring the hips up as high as you can while your feet and shoulders remain on the ground. Try creating a straight line with the distance between your shoulders and knee
  • While thrusting the hips up, be sure to squeeze your butt cheeks together, and after that begin to lower your hips to return to the initial position
  • If you are new to the workout, you can start with 10-12 thrusts in a row, and then increase the number the more you get acquainted with it

Read Also: 7 Easy At-Home Exercises to Tone Stomach, Bum and Thighs

3. Pelvic Scoop

The pelvic scoop workout is one of the most effective exercises for a smaller waist, bigger hips, and a flatter stomach.

Some of the crucial regions this move targets include the entire lower body, waist, butt, lower back, obliques, rectus abdominis, as well as the transversus abdominis.

Follow these simple steps to perform the pelvic scoop workout.

How to Do it

  • To start with, lie on the ground with your face up and back resting on a folded towel. Be sure to bend your knees and keep both feet flat on the floor. You should also place both arms by your sides.
  • Now, cross the right ankle to the left thigh and then put it just above your knee. Be sure that the bent right knee is pointed out to the other side.
  • After that, flex the left foot and be sure it’s only your heel that is resting on the ground.
  • Done? Round the lower back while engaging your abs, and after that bring your hips off the ground. Your pelvis should be tilting upwards directly toward the ribs
  • Curl your pelvis as far as possible and be sure not to arch your back
  • Having done that, the final thing is to lower back to the floor.
  • Perform 10-12 reps on both sides. It is best you do close to 3 sets of this exercise to get better results.

4. Side Lunges

The side lunge is a lower-body and a strength training exercise that has been proven severally to be effective in streamlining the waistline and adding a bunch to the hips.

It targets the hip muscles and put the glutes to work.

Note: you need a dumbbell to perform this exercise

How to Do It

  • While holding a dumbbell in both hands, extend your arms
  • Gently push out your chest and take a big step to the side as you push back the hips. Again, you need to bend the knee of the lead leg simultaneously
  • After that, lunge, bend forward at the hips, and then reach for the dumbbells on the side of the lead leg. Be sure to prevent your lower back from rounding
  • Done with that?  Bend the opposite knee and shift the dumbbell onto your legs and then reach for the weights straight down simultaneously
  • Next now is to straighten the former leg and shift the dumbbell to the opposite side as you lunge. Place the weights on each side of that leg
  • Lastly, push off the lead led and then draw both feet closer in order to return to the starting position
  • Keep repeating this exercise until you feel exhausted.

Read Also: 10 Easy Butts and Guts Workouts for Flat Abs and a Bubble Butt

5. Bicycle Crunches

The bicycle crunch is definitely one of the most popular and effective workouts for a smaller waist.

It comprises two major exercises; an ab and a cardio workout.

When you perform this exercise, it will help target the abdominal muscles, obliques, and abs, which ultimately slims down the waist, help the heart pump faster, increase your metabolism, and more importantly burns off a significant amount of calories in your body.

Below are the steps you need to take to perform the bicycle crunch.

How to Do It

  • Firstly, lie with your face up and the knees, as well as the hips, bent at 90 degrees. Be sure both legs are directly parallel to the floor
  • Put the fingers before your forehead. After that, bring your shoulders off the ground and then hold them up
  • Having done that, twist the upper body to the right and while doing that, pull in the right knee as fast as possible. Be sure your right knee is touching the left elbow and also stretch out the left leg simultaneously
  • Lastly, return to the starting position and repeat the move on the opposite side to complete a rep
  • Do 3 sets of 20 reps

6. Kneeling Squats

The kneeling squat is a powerful butt and waist exercise that works the glutes, hamstrings, and the quadriceps in order to help shape the butt and make the hips bigger.

How to Do It

  • Firstly, you need to get into a kneeling position, with the two knees shoulder-width apart and your feet straight
  • Align the back and spine in a straight position so as to engage your core. Be sure to keep your torso tight and upright
  • Now, activate your glute muscles by sitting back towards the heels. Be sure to not lose control as you do this
  • With your glute muscles again, push up yourself and gently return to the starting position. This is 1 rep.
  • It is best you do 3 sets of 10 reps to achieve better results.

Read Also: 9 Easy Butt Workouts to Do At Home for a Bigger Butt

7. Russian Twist

If you indeed long to get a smaller waist, bigger hips, and flat stomach – you need to give this exercise a try!

The Russian twist helps in slimming down and toning the muscles around the waist and cuts down fat around the midsection.

How to Do It

  • Sit on the ground with both knees bent and feet placed flat on the floor. After that, lean back to create a V shape in between your torso and the thighs at a 45-degree angle or thereabout
  • With your back and spine straight, clamp both fingers tight in your front and begin to rotate as far as possible to the right
  • Pause for some seconds and bring both arms back around and go to the left as far as you possibly can. This is 1 rep.
  • Repeat for about 15 times.

8. C-Curve Exercise

The c-curve move is yet another potent workout that could help achieve that slimmer waist and flatter stomach you’ve been craving for.

It targets the inner thighs, transversus and rectus abdominis, calves, as well as quads.

Note: You need a towel for this exercise.

How to Do It

  • Stand and face a wall while placing both legs together
  • Roll up the towel and then squeeze in-between the thighs
  • Bend your knees a bit and then hinge forward at your hips and place both palms directly on the wall. Be sure that your arms are extended and your back almost parallel to the floor
  • Lastly, rise onto your toes, engage the abs, and squeeze the towel simultaneously
  • Maintain this for close to 20 seconds
  • Complete about 3 sets. 15 reps

Read Also: 9 Best Hourglass Workouts to Sculpt an Hourglass Body At Home

9. Side Leg Lift

The side leg lift helps in working the abdominal muscles and muscles around the hip to give a flatter stomach, slimmer waist, and larger hips.

How to Do It

  • Lie on your right side with the right arm bent
  • Now, rest your head on the bent arm and stretch the left arm too. Be sure to rest the left arm on your left leg while stacking both legs on top of another
  • After that, raise the left leg up to create a 45-degree angle and then slowly bring it down
  • Repeat this movement for close to 10 times. This is 1 rep.
  • Pause for a short while and repeat the move on the opposite leg as long as you possibly can.

Read Also: How to Get a Bigger Butt with Exercise At Home


  • Start your day with a big healthy breakfast
  • Add more fiber to your diet
  • Eat healthy fats; Omega-3 fatty acids-rich foods like canola oil, tofu, walnuts, herring, salmon, mackerel, etc.
  • Get a good sleep
  • Avoid taking alcoholic drinks
  • Do not smoke
  • Keep your caloric intake in check
  • Reduce salt and sugar intake.

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