Categories: Weight Loss

8 Easy Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Cellulite on Thigh Fast

Are you finding it difficult to get rid of cellulite on your thigh or any other body parts?

Would you love to say goodbye to this ‘stubborn’ skin condition ASAP? If you just said ‘Yes’ to the above, then this article is for you!

This article contains 8 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thigh Fast, and the fortunate thing is that each remedy is simple to follow, and also the ingredients needed are easy to get near you.

But before that…,

What Is Cellulite And Why Does It Occur?

Cellulite is a dimpled-looking skin triggered by excesses of fat cells, proteins, and toxins in the body.

It occurs usually on the thigh and other parts of the body, including the legs, buttocks, and even stomach.

According to research, women are the most susceptible group to this skin condition with over 85 percent while men are considered to be less susceptible.

However, some of the reasons you may develop Cellulite on your thigh may include the following:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Slow metabolism
  • Obesity
  • Inadequate water intake
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Inadequate collagen
  • Poor circulation
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Lack of proper exercises
  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy

Back to the main article…,

Here are some natural home remedies that that may help reduce the appearance of cellulite:

8 Easy Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Cellulite on Thigh Fast

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an excellent source of potent properties that work in synergy to lower the levels of cholesterol and fat in the body, and a reduced-fat simply translates into reduced cellulite.

Here’s how to use Cinnamon for Cellulite:

Ingredients Needed:

  • Cinnamon [one tablespoon]
  • Honey [two tablespoons]
  • Boiling water [one liter]


Add the specified water quantity to the cinnamon and leave for about 25 – 30 minutes.

Add honey and mix evenly

Lastly, sip a cup of this mixture

How often should I use it?

Sip the cinnamon tea twice daily; a cup in the morning and evening respectively

NOTE: You can also treat cellulite by diluting Cinnamon oil in a trusted baby oil and massage on the affected areas. Leave it for about 30 to 45 minutes and finally rinse off with warm water.

2. Shea Butter

Shea butter is one of the best home remedies for getting rid of cellulite.

It stimulates the production of collagen in the body and thus enhancing the smoothness and suppleness of the skin.

Shea butter is also linked with improved blood circulation and works effectively in reducing the appearance of cellulite on the thigh, hips, legs, and even the breasts.

Here’s how to use Shea butter for Cellulite:

Ingredients Needed:

  • Raw Shea butter


Get the shea butter and massage gently on the affected skin for 15 – 20 minutes. Make use of circular motions, clockwise, and anti-clockwise.

Now, leave the shea butter on your skin throughout the night.

How often should I use it?

Keep doing this every night until you get satisfactory results.

Read Also: 7 Best Exercises to Get Rid Of Cellulite on Thighs, Legs and Bum Fast 

3. Cayenne

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which enhances the fat burning process and reduces cellulite fat.

If applied appropriately, this remedy will help reduce the appearance of cellulite than you could ever imagine.

Here’s how to use Cayenne for Cellulite:

Ingredients Needed:

  • Cayenne pepper [two teaspoons]
  • Lemon juice [one teaspoon]
  • Water [one glass]
  • Grated ginger [one teaspoon]


Boil the water for a few minutes and then add the aforementioned ingredients [pepper powder, ginger, and lemon juice] therein

Drink it while it is still warm

How often should I use it?

Take 1-2 cups daily until you get a satisfactory result.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is highly versatile and has been proven several to be effective in treating a wide variety of health conditions, including cellulite.

The magic behind its effectiveness could be traced to the potent properties it is packed with, ranging from potassium, magnesium, minerals, calcium – all of which reduces the appearance of cellulite by reducing bloating, getting rid of toxins, and regulating water around the thighs as well as stomach.

Here’s how to use Apple Cider Vinegar for Cellulite:

Ingredients Needed:

  • 1 part of apple cider vinegar [ACV]
  • A little drop of honey
  • 2 parts of water


Mix the aforementioned ingredients together and gently massage the mixture on the affected part.

Leave it for 25 – 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water thereafter.

How often should I use it?

Repeat this twice daily and continue using until you get a satisfactory result.

Read Also: 9 Best Workouts for Toned Legs and Slim Thighs

5. Coffee

Coffee is yet another effective home remedy for getting rid of cellulite. It is an excellent source of potent antioxidants and also offers a wide variety of benefits to the human skin and overall health.

Again, the Caffeine in coffee helps in combating cellulite on the thigh by exfoliating the skin and ensuring adequate blood flow in the body.

Here’s how to use Coffee for Cellulite:

Ingredients Needed:

  • Coffee grounds [two to three tablespoons]
  • Carrier oil [olive/castor/coconut/jojoba] or water


Add a moderate quantity of your desired carrier oil or water to the coffee so as to make it appear paste-like

Now, scrub the mixture on the affected area in circular motions for close to 10 minutes.

Lastly, rinse it off using lukewarm water.

How often should I use it?

Repeat this about 2 – 3 times a week.

6. Green Tea

Herbal teas, such as green tea are excellent sources of Theobromine, which is proven to be effective in stimulating the release of stored fats in the body and thus reducing cellulite.

Here’s how to use Green Tea for Cellulite:

Ingredients Needed:

  • Green tea bag [one piece]
  • Hot water [one cup]
  • Honey


Steep the green tea bag in hot water for 3 – 5 minutes

Add a moderate amount of honey to it and mix together

Drink the tea before it gets cold

How often should I use it?

Drink 3 cups of the tea daily.

Read Also: How to Get Rid Of Strawberry Legs Fast At Home: 8 Superb Natural Home Remedies

7. Juice

External detoxification is not the only way to get rid of Cellulite; internal detoxification can also go a long way.

When you ingest the below remedy, it might help boost your metabolism, improve blood circulation, reduce water retention, and more importantly – burn cellulite!

Here’s how to use juice for Cellulite:

Ingredients Needed:

  • Large grapefruit [one piece]
  • Oranges [two]
  • Lime [1/4]
  • Ginger piece [half inch]


Rinse the grapefruit, lime and oranges and oranges with water and extract their juice content

Chop the ginger, add it to the juice you extracted earlier, and blend the whole thing together

Place inside the refrigerator for a while and drink

How often should I use it?

Drink the mixture daily for about 3-4 weeks


If you are on any medication, make sure you seek professional advice from your doctor before drinking grapefruit juice to avoid complications.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel contains aloesin, potent properties that help in increasing the skin’s tightness and firmness. It also reduces the appearance of dimpled appearance resulting from cellulite.

Here’s how to use Aloe Vera for Cellulite:

Ingredients Needed:

  • An Aloe Vera leaf


Slice the Aloe Vera leaf sideways and extract the fresh aloe gel present inside it. The edges of the leaf is sharp and can cut your skin so be careful while slicing.

Apply this gel on the cellulite-affected skin and massage it in for a few minutes.

Keep the gel on for an hour or so.

Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

How often should I use it?

Repeat this 2-3 times a week.

Read Also: How to Get Rid Of Blackheads, Moles and Warts Fast At Home

Other Tips for Getting Rid Of Cellulite on Thigh Fast

  • Drink More Water [A minimum of eight glasses per day]
  • Eat more of Anti-cellulite foods e.g. watermelon, pineapple, blueberries, eggs, spinach, tomatoes, flaxseed, Brazil nuts, white tea, etc.
  • Eat foods high in Omega-3 e.g. Salmon, fish or substitute with Cod Liver Oil capsules or syrup
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat Balanced diet
  • Avoid eating junk foods

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