
11 Superb HIIT Workouts to Burn Fat and Build Muscle at Home

HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training is one of the proven ways to burn fat and build muscle fast at home, and this Is because they accurately target the key muscles of the body, which in turn helps in burning a significant amount of body fat in a matter of few hours.

Here are 11 killer HIIT exercises that will help shed those calories in just a jiffy:

11 Superb HIIT Workouts to Burn Fat and Build Muscle at Home

1. Kettlebell Squat Catch

The Kettlebell Squat Catch is yet another killer HIIT workout that can help you burn fat and build muscle fast at home.

It targets the entire muscle in the body; from top to bottom and also improves overall fitness.

Note: you need a moderate-weight Kettlebell to perform this workout

How to Do It

  • Hold the handle of the kettlebell in between both legs, with the feet shoulder-width apart. Squat as you keep the back flat.
  • After that, begin to drive through the legs in order to return to the starting position while pulling the kettlebell to the same height as your shoulders
  • Now, scoop both elbows toward your sides and then turn the Kettlebell in such a way that the bottom will be facing away from you. Gently lower into a second squat
  • Stand up simply by driving through both legs & thrusting the equipment overhead
  • Lastly, draw the kettlebell back to the height of your shoulder and repeat thereafter
  • Complete 10 to 15 reps

2. No-Push-Up Burpee

This is a full-body exercise and it helps in burning huge amounts of calories in the body while also boosting the cardiovascular and overall health.

How to Do It

  • Stand with both feet shoulder-width apart and place your arms by the sides
  • Bend the knees while you stretch forward to place your two hands on the ground
  • Next now is to step with your legs straight out behind you into a plank posture, and then step both legs back under the body
  • After that, jump straight up directly into the air while stretching your arms overhead.
  • Finally, bend your knees a bit and go straight into the next rep
  • Complete 3 to 5 sets of 10 reps, with 60-seconds or a minute break in between each set.

Read Also: 30 Day Kettlebell Swing Workout Challenge for Rapid Weight Loss

3. Ski Jumps

Our list of the best killer HIIT workouts to burn fat and build muscle fast at home would be too shallow without this amazing exercise.

Ski jumps are plyometric workout considered to be very great in strengthening the legs and core while also improving cardiovascular health. A mat is the only thing you need for this movement.

How to Do It

  • Begin in the center of the mat with both feet shoulder-width apart
  • Bend to the right, landing on the right leg alone on the right side of the mat. Be sure your left leg is tucked behind your right calf
  • After that, jump across to the opposite side of the mat directly onto the left leg. Be sure that your right leg is tucked just behind your left calf
  • Repeat
  • Do it 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 10-15 minutes

4. Goblet Squats

Just like other squats, goblet squats are very effective in building lower-body strength, lean muscle mass, as well as increasing the engagement of the muscle.

Thankfully, this is a home workout; you can do it almost anywhere at home and it doesn’t require any special equipment – all you need is a dumbbell or a Kettlebell.

How to Do It

  • Stand with both feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart. Place the dumbbell or Kettlebell directly against your chest
  • While you keep your core tight, neck neutral, back flat, as well as the weight touching your body, lower into a squat posture until your elbows are able to touch the knees
  • After that, drive both heels into the floor while returning to the starting position
  • Complete 10 reps

Read Also: 11 Best Exercises to Build Bulky, Broader and Wider Shoulders

5. Rotate-Elevate

If you are looking for the killer HIIT workouts to burn fat and build muscle fast at home, rotate-elevate is definitely one of your best bets.

How to Do It

  • Begin in a side plank, support yourself on the bottom elbow & put the top arm just behind your head
  • After that, begin to rotate the top elbow toward the ground as though you want to tuck it toward the torso
  • At this stage, keep the pelvis level without any rotation. You ought to be feeling the tension in the side of your abs by now
  • Lastly, bring your elbow back toward the primary posture just behind the head to complete a rep.
  • Complete 10 reps on each side.

6. Dumbbell Pull Complex

Dumbbell Pull Complex will help increase your metabolism, improve your heart rate while also engaging your back, biceps, traps (upper back), and forearms.

Note: A pair of dumbbell is required to perform this exercise

How to Do It

  • Hold a dumbbell in both hands, do 2 bent-over rows (bend forward at 45-degree angle, allow the weights hang in front of your chest, and after that pull them up to the sides of your chest).
  • Next now is to do 1 high pull (stand on your feet and begin to row the weights from your thighs to the shoulders, with both elbows flaring out and up).
  • Lastly, do 1 biceps curl (curl the dumbbells from your thighs down to the shoulders, while bending at the elbows).
  • Perform as many rounds as you possibly can in 120 seconds [two minutes], and then rest for 60 seconds [one minute].
  • Repeat for about 4 times.

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7. Plank Jacking Mountain Climbers

This workout is associated with myriads of health and fitness benefits, including increased metabolism and reduced fat levels.

How to Do It

  • Get into a high plank, engage in some mountain climbers, bring either of your knees up to your chest, and then begin to switch (left, right, left, right).
  • After that, jump your feet apart, directly toward the outer part of the mat, and back together 4x, as though you’re performing jumping jack on the ground
  • Immediately you are through with the plank jacks, complete another set of mountain climbers
  • Lastly, change between the two movements for 1 minute.

8. Split/Lunge Jumps

Lunge jumps or split jumps targets the calves, quads, hamstrings, adductors, hip flexors, glutes, as well as the core in order to help get rid of a significant amount of calories from the body.

How to Do It

  • Stand straight with both legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Place your left leg in front, straighten your spine, flex both knees, and then go down. Be sure your right leg is directly perpendicular to the ground
  • Jump, and just before landing, place your right leg at the front, with the opposite [left] femur becoming perpendicular to the ground
  • Lastly, Jump, and before you land, place the left leg at the front.
  • Do this at a very high intensity
  • Perform this 3 times in order; a set of 10, 15, and 20 reps respectively

The total duration is about 3-4 minutes

Read Also: 10 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Leg Fats Fast In Two Weeks

9. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers engage both the primary and secondary muscles, and this includes the lower and upper abs, obliques, glutes, shoulders, triceps, hamstrings, as well as the calves.

How to Do It

  • Get into the plank posture. Place both hands somewhat wider than shoulder-width apart and engage your core.
  • Draw in the right knee, just towards the chest, without your hips being raised or lifted
  • Now, restore your right leg to its position and then gently bring the opposite knee in towards the chest. Restore your left leg to its position
  • Perform this speedily and without raising the hips
  • Do it for 45 seconds and rest for 15-20 seconds between each move.

10. Explosive Lunges

Explosive lunges can be referred to as jumping lunges. Some of the muscles they engage include Hamstrings, glutes, quads, calves, adductors, and core.

How to Do It

  • Stand straight with your spine staying neutral, look straight, and relax your shoulders
  • Now, place the right foot in front, flex your knees, and then slowly lower down until you are almost able to touch the floor.
  • Be sure your left femur is perpendicular to the ground and that the opposite femur and shin are at right angles with one another.
  • After that, get up again and jump. Before landing, place your left foot at the front and the other one at the back, and then softly land on the floor.
  • Your left foot ought to be in front and the right at the back while your knees should also be flexed and be sure the right femur is perpendicular to the ground.
  • Perform this speedily but with precision
  • Do it for 45 seconds and rest for 2 minutes.

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11. Rope Jumping

Last but not least on the 11 HIIT workouts to burn fat and build muscle fast at home is Rope jumping.

This exercise is a full-body movement and it targets various muscles, including the hamstrings, glutes, calves, adductors, wrist flexors, extensors, biceps, core, and many more.

How to Do It

  • Stand straight with both feet not up to hip-width apart. Hold the ends of the rope, and draw the elbows near the torso
  • Begin with normal rope jumps, and after a while change it to one-legged jumps. Change between both legs.
  • Alternate, jump forward and backward for a few seconds
  • After that, alternate, jump left and right for a few seconds
  • Do it for 45 seconds and rest for 15-20 seconds between each move.

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