Categories: Weight Loss

11 Skinny Legs Workouts to Get Skinny Legs At Home Fast In 2 Weeks

Some people are naturally born with skinny legs and then some people have to work hard to achieve results with workouts.

The good news is you don’t have to spend all the time in the world at the gym to achieve this, there are workouts that you can do at home to get skinny legs fast within two weeks.

These are the workouts to do get skinny legs fast in two weeks.

11 Skinny Legs Workouts to Get Skinny Legs At Home Fast In 2 Weeks

1. Scissor Power Switch

How to Do It:

Stand straight and keep your right foot extended forward and your left leg backward like you are about to run.

Try to reach your right foot with your left arm and keep your right arm extended behind you.

With strength from your legs, jumps straight up and cross your legs mid air (like scissors).

Slowly land back into a runner’s position with your left foot forward and your right hand reaching out.

Do a set of 15 reps for each side.

2. Plié Slides

How to Do It:

Stand straight and put your hands on your hips, press your heels together and your toes bent out at an angle of 45 degrees.

Keep your left foot extended out at a distance wider than hip-width apart, and get into a deep plie position.

Flex out both knees over your toes, lower your body straight down to the ground, ensure that your back is straight and your abs are contracted.

Stand up out of the plie, move the left heel back in towards the right. Straighten your legs and return to the initial position

Do a set of 15 reps.

Read Also: 10 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Leg Fats Fast In Two Weeks

3. Runner’s Lunge to Balance

How to Do It:

Stand straight with your feet together.

Move your right leg forward taking a big step.

Try to reach towards your right foot with both hands and bend slightly forward from your hips, flex both your knees into a low lunge, ensure that your right knee is lined up over your right ankle at the bottom of the lunge and don’t let the knees extend beyond the toes also ensure that the left knee is pointing straight down to the floor.

Push your weight into your right leg and push down through the right foot while standing up of the lunge.

Lift your left leg off the ground and straight up behind your hip.

Hold your upper body in a bent forward position as you stand, keep your back straight and your abs contracted.

Balance your body and count one then return into a lunge. If standing on one leg is proving difficult try to tap your left foot lightly on the floor behind you while standing up out of the lunge.

Do a set of 15 reps per side.

4. Leg Curl

How to Do It:

Sit on the leg curl machine and keep your legs extended in front of your body, put your ankles over the padded bar that is attached to a weight stack.

Use the strength from your legs to push down instead of pushing up. Work your hamstrings.

Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Read Also: 7 Best Exercises to Get Rid Of Cellulite on Thighs, Legs and Bum Fast 

5. Wall Squat

How to Do It:

Stand and put your feet at shoulder-width apart at 2 feet away from the wall.

Lower your body till you are in a sitting position, with your thighs parallel to the ground.

Maintain this position for at least 20 seconds before standing back up.

6. Side Plank Leg Raise

How to Do It:

Lie down with your face, facing the ground, lift your hips, and rest the weight of your body on your arms (this is a plank position).

Raise your right leg slowly in an upward and downward motion. You will feel your inner thigh and outer thigh being worked.

Do this for a while and switch to your left leg and repeat.

You can drop your left knee to the ground while still holding your body in the plank position, to intensify the workout.

Read Also: 8 Simple Exercises to Get Rid Of Thigh Fat At Home

7. Jack Knife

How to Do It:

Lie down on your back, keep your arms behind your head, and your legs straight.

Try to lift your legs and arm up to meet at the same time then bring both back down slowly.

Do a set of 15 reps.

8. Toe Touches

How to Do It:

Lie down on your back, and lift your legs towards the ceiling and put your arms behind your head.

Try to touch your toes with each hand, in that way you are working your core muscles.

Lower your hand and legs down and return to the starting position.

Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises That Will Burn Your Inner Thigh Fat Fast In Two Weeks

9. Skater Jumps

How to Do It:

Jump to your left side and land with your leg behind you like you would in a curtsy lunge position.

Bend at the hips and extend the left hand towards the floor and your right arm should be behind your back.

Hop to your right and do this move again with your right leg back, your right arm forward and left arm back.  Like in a speed skating, keep hopping back and forth.

Ensure that your chest is raised and your back is flat and beginners should simply step to the sides instead of hopping.

Do this for 30 minutes.

10. Downward Dog Split

How to Do It:

Go down on all fours like a dog, inhale deeply, then exhale and go into a downward dog position by extending your legs and raising your hips and buttocks into the air.

Place your hands and feet on the ground and relax your head between your arms.

Breathe out and lift one of your legs as high as you possibly can, while ensuring that the leg is straight and your foot slightly bent.

Hold for a few seconds, bring the leg down, and switch to the other one.

Do a set of 15 reps for each leg, for beginners.

Read Also: 8 Easy Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Cellulite on Thigh Fast

11. Chair Twist

How to Do It:

Stand with your feet placed together. Keep your knees bent and push your hips back, and ensure that your knees stay behind your toes.

Bring down your hips till they are almost parallel to the ground, extend your arms forward and up.

Rotate your torso to your right side and put your left elbow on the outside of your right knee.

Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times and return to your starting position.

Switch to your left side and repeat.

Do a set of 6 reps on each side.


Read all the steps and follow everything to the letter! For beginners and people with leg injury don’t do more than 10 reps to avoid injury.

When you are more fit or have gotten used to the routines you can increase the number of reps and try variations. And be consistent to get more effective results.

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