Categories: Healthy Living

10 Superb Natural Remedies to Get Rid Of Varicose Veins in Pregnancy

Varicose veins are a typical skin condition that occurs when your veins are swollen and enlarged. They are usually dark blue or purple-colored and can trigger pain and discomfort.

Some of the contributory factors to varicose veins include but not limited to heredity, obesity, menopause, hormonal changes, puberty, and standing/sitting for a longer period.

At the earliest phase, you may begin to notice intense pain, burning sensation, fatigue, tingling, throbbing, among other related symptoms.

That being said, there are numerous ways you can treat this skin condition, medically, surgically, and locally. But our focus in this article shall be on the natural means.

Here are 10 natural remedies to get rid of varicose veins you may not have heard of:

10 Superb Natural Remedies to Get Rid Of Varicose Veins in Pregnancy

1. Olive Oil

Blood circulation is part of the things that determine how quickly your varicose veins will heal.

The great news is that olive oil helps in improving blood circulation and reducing pain and inflammation, which makes it an effective remedy for varicose veins.

Follow the below steps to use olive oil for varicose veins in pregnancy:

Mix the same quantity of olive oil and vitamin E oil and warm the mixture for a few seconds

Now apply the warm oil on the veins and massage for several minutes.

Repeat this two times a day for close to 2 months.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar [ACV] is one of the most effective treatments for varicose veins.

The natural body cleanser contains potent substances that help in eliminating toxins, improving blood flow and circulation, as well as combating varicose veins in pregnancy.

However, if you are struggling with varicose veins and you are looking for a perfect remedy ACV could help you achieve that.

All you need do is to apply undiluted ACV soaked in a cotton ball on the affected area each night and give it a gentle massage.

Provided you do this religiously for a few months you will notice a significant change in the varicose veins and their sizes/shape might have reduced drastically.

Read Also: 7 Best Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

3. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is yet another perfect treatment for varicose veins. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids both of which boost the circulation of blood in the body and soothes pain caused by congested, swollen veins.

Using Cayenne pepper for varicose is pretty easy. Just pour a teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder into a cup of hot water and stir evenly.

Now, drink the mixture thrice in a day for 4 to 8 weeks.

4. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel contains garlic acid, essential oils, and other potent substances which help in reducing the swelling or pain caused by varicose veins.

Being an astringent, witch hazel is also linked with strengthened blood vessels, which equally reduces varicose veins-related symptoms.

Tips on how to use witch hazel for varicose veins are as follows:

Soak a witch hazel and then place it on the varicose veins. Repeat this twice or thrice daily for 1 or two months

On the other hand, pour lukewarm water in a tub and pour 15 to 20 drops of distilled witch hazel.

Now, soak both legs in the solution you just prepared for about 15 minutes.

With neat water, wash both legs and pat them dry

Do this once every day for 1 or 2 months.

Read Also: How to Use Essential Oils to Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair Fast At Home

5. Parsley

Parsley is an excellent source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that stimulates collagen production and cell repair/reproduction in the body.

Again, parsley contains rutin, which helps in strengthening the capillaries and thus reducing varicose veins and its symptoms.

How to use parsley for varicose veins:

Get a handful of chopped fresh parsley and boil in a cup of water for about 5 minutes

Carry it away from the heat, cover, and let the solution get cool to lukewarm. After that, strain the solution.

Add a single drop of both rose and marigold essential oils

Now place the solution in the refrigerator and leave for a couple of minutes

After that, use a cotton ball to apply the solution on the affected skin

Repeat this daily for a couple of months to notice appreciable results.

6. Garlic

Due to a wide variety of potent, it contains, Garlic is very effective in reducing inflammation and the basic symptoms of varicose veins.

Garlic also helps in combating toxic substances in the blood vessels to ensure adequate blood circulation throughout the body.

Want to use Garlic for varicose veins in pregnancy? See basic procedures below:

Slice 6 different garlic cloves and place in a very clean glass jar

Get 3 oranges, extract their contents, and pour it into the jar. Again, add 2 tbsp. of olive oil to it.

Leave the mixture for close to 12 hours

Shake the glass jar and put a fewer quantity of the solution on your fingers.

Now, begin to massage the solution on the affected veins in a circular motion for 12 – 15 minutes

Lastly, wrap the inflamed area with cotton and leave it all through the night

Do this every day for a couple of months.

Read Also: How to Get Rid Of Strawberry Legs Fast At Home: 8 Superb Natural Home Remedies

7. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is very good in relieving various pains, including varicose veins and its symptoms.

To use peppermint oil for this purpose, all you need do is to pour it in a spray bottle and spray the oil on the affected area. It will help relieve and ease the discomfort.

8. Flavonoids

Foods with an excellent amount of flavonoids are yet another natural remedy for shrinking varicose veins.

This is because they promote adequate blood circulation, relax blood vessels, and lower blood pressure in the arteries – all of which could shrink the varicose veins by a significant margin.

Read Also: 10 Super Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey and How to Use Them

9. Potassium

Foods with high potassium content are proven to be a very effective remedy for treating varicose veins and other related conditions.

Once they are ingested what they do is to reduce water retention in the body, which in turn helps varicose veins.

Some of the potassium-rich foods you can eat are white beans, potatoes, leafy vegetables, almonds, lentils, etc.

10. Exercise

When you exercise regularly, it helps promote adequate blood circulation in the legs, which in turn eliminates the blood accumulated in the veins to proffer a quick relief.

That being said, regular exercise is also linked with reduced blood pressure, which equally helps in relieving varicose veins.

Some of the best exercises to practice include swimming, walking, cycling, and yoga.


  • Avoid wearing restrictive too-tight clothes
  • Avoid heavy lifting
  • Don’t sit cross-legged
  • Avoid standing or sitting for too long
  • Maintain your weight
  • Wear compression stockings
  • Put on low-heeled shoes alone
  • Sleep on your left side
  • Eat fiber-rich foods
  • Eat pregnancy-friendly foods with high vitamin C content e.g. oranges, mangos, strawberries, melon, bell peppers, and tomatoes, etc.

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