Categories: Fitness

10 Effective Bodyweight Workouts to Get You Ready for Summer

Bodyweight Workouts are exercises that train your muscles using your bodyweight rather than weighted instruments.

When you perform these exercises regularly, there is a higher tendency that you will gain more muscle and strength while you will also get in shape.

More importantly, Bodyweight Workouts are often considered an excellent alternative to traditional methods of resistance training because of their positive impacts on the muscle, strength, as well as the body.

That said, the basic thrust of this article is to reveal to you 10 Easy and Effective Bodyweight Workouts to Get You Ready for Summer.

Fortunately enough, we’ve taken enough time to draft each workout so that you can easily perform it without getting confused at all.

10 Effective Bodyweight Workouts to Get You Ready for Summer

#1 – Push-Ups

Get down on all fours while keeping both feet together. Place your hands under the shoulders and let there be a straight line from your head to ankles.

With your elbows tucked, slowly lower down your body to make your chest nearly touch the ground.

To make this workout easier, you can lift both hands on a bench.

To make it harder, lift your feet on a bench.

#2 – Jump Squat

Stand tall while you keep your feet hip-width apart.

Push back your hips and then lower into a squat.

While you drive through your heels, lift off the floor and jump as high into the air as you can.

Gently land in a squat position before going straight into the next rep.

Read Also: 9 Best Arms Toning Exercises for Women to Get Sexy, Sculpted and Toned Arm

#3 – Weighted Bridge and Triceps Extension

To start with, you need to first lie on your back while bending your legs and keep your feet flat on the floor.

Hold a dumbbell in your hands and let your arms be stretched straight out in front of your face.

Now, push your butt into a bridge position.

While your arms remain straight, lower the dumbbell back behind your head and lift over your chest.

Complete the entire reps before lowering back down.

#4 – Bikini Walkout and Plank Jack

Find a mat, stand at its back, and fold forward. Walk both hands out in your front until you are able to create a plank position.

Now, jump your feet out to the sides of the mat you are using.

Again, jump them back to the plank position.

Walk both hands back to the feet and then come up to standing.

Read Also: 11 Best Exercises to Build Bulky, Broader and Wider Shoulders

#5 – Mountain Climbers

Begin in a plank.

Bring the right knee directly into your chest and return to the plank position afterward.

Do the same thing on the left leg, and be sure your back is flat and your booty down.

Keep alternating legs.

Do 15 reps on each side.

#6 – Deep Squat

Stand with both feet shoulder-width apart and arms straightened out.

Slightly push your hips back, bend both knees, and then squat as far as possible.

To make this workout easier, lower yourself until the thighs become parallel to the ground.

To make it harder, just add a jump between reps.

Read Also: 8 Best Abs Exercises to Do At Home

#7 – Plank Booty Lifts

Begin in a plank.

While you keep your cores engaged, lift your right leg and let the left foot be on the floor.

Now, return the right leg to the start and then lift the left leg afterward.

Keep alternating legs for 15 reps on each side.

#8 – Bulgarian Split Squat

Stand, with your back to a bench.

Using your right foot, step back so as to make your laces rest on the bench

Now, squat down using your left leg until your back knee almost come in contact with the ground, and then back up with your heel.

After the entire reps, swap legs. That’s one set.

Note: Perform four [4] sets of ten [10] reps each leg, with one [1] minute rest in between.

Read Also: 10 Explosive Chest Workouts to Build Bigger and Ripped Chest for Men

#9 – Hip Bridges, 10 Reps

Lie on the floor while you bend your knees and flatten your feet on the ground.

Drive through the heels and then squeeze your glutes in order to push up the hips.

Repeat. Avoid using your lower back to pull yourself up.

#10 – Handstand Hold

Place both hands on the floor about six (6) to twelve (12) inches while facing a wall, and spread your fingers as wide as possible.

Kick a leg at a time up into a handstand and retain that position.

Read Also: 10 Best Arm Toning Exercises to Get Sexy Arms Fast


As effective as the above-described bodyweight workouts are, there are certain foods that may deny you of the full effects, and for this reason, you need to avoid them totally, at least for this period. They include the following:

Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, and cereals

Processed sugar and sugary drinks

Foods that contain a low amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals

Alcoholic and Caffeine, to mention but a few


Now that you’ve discovered the foods you need to avoid while performing bodyweight workouts, it is imperative you also know the best foods you should add to your diet this period, some of which include: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, etc.


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