
7 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Double Chin Fat and Neck Fat Fast

Looking in the mirror and seeing that you have double chin may be a sign of weight gain or obesity.

But this is not always the case, as there are other causes of double chin in people.

Causes of Double Chin Fat

A double chin can be caused by various factors, including age, diet, and genetics. It is usually caused by an extra layer of fat that develops beneath the chin.

There are different factors that combine in the body to create a double chin.  Knowledge about these factors will help with understanding the best ways to get rid of the double chin itself.

Age: With time the skin starts to lose its firmness as the body ages, which usually lead to the appearance of extra or saggy skin and that might contribute to a double chin.

Diet and weight: While weight gain is not usually the cause of a double chin, it is mostly the cause of it. A diet high in carbs, processed foods, and unhealthful fats will naturally influence weight gain and a double chin as well.

Genetics: Genes also play a great role in the development of a double chin. Anyone with a family history of skin with little elasticity or double chins may more likely develop one it.

Posture: Poor posture can cause the muscles of the neck and chin to weaken. This also can cause double chin over time, the surrounding skin will lose its elasticity when the muscles are not made use of.

There is no scientific evidence that chin exercises get rid of your double chin.

There have been some cases whereby just losing weight generally or exercising your shoulders and arms can cause you to lose neck fat, also doing lots of cardio will get rid of your double chin.

Here are seven exercises that will help strengthen and tone your muscles and skin in the area of your double chin.

7 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Double Chin Fat and Neck Fat Fast

1. Ball Exercise

Place a 9 or 10-inch ball under your chin. Use your chin to hold the ball down for like 2 minutes.

Repeat at least 20 times daily.

2. Straight Jaw Juts

Tilt your head back so that you are facing the ceiling. Push your lower jaw forward so that you feel a stretch under your chin. Hold the position for a 10 count.

Read Also: 9 Best Workouts for Toned Legs and Slim Thighs

3. Neck Stretch

Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Push your tongue against the top of your mouth.

Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and release.

4. Pucker Up

With your head tilted back, look at the ceiling.

Pout your lips, like you would if you were to kiss the ceiling to stretch the area under your chin.

Read Also: 10 Best Arm Toning Exercises to Get Sexy Arms Fast

5. Bottom Jaw Juts

Tilt your head backward and look at the ceiling. Turn your head to the right. Slide your bottom jaw forward. Hold for at least 10 seconds and release.

Repeat this process and turn your head to the left.

6. Tongue Stretch

Look straight ahead; stick your tongue out as far as you can. Lift your tongue upward and toward your nose.

Hold for at least 10 seconds and release.

Read Also: 10 Easy Exercises to Get Rid Of Leg Fats Fast In Two Weeks

7. Cardio

This workout will help you lose generally hence getting rid of the next fat and double chin in the process.

Here are some very helpful and efficient cardio exercises.


Running is the perfect exercise for full-body weight loss. It will get rid of those neck fats before you know it; it also gives the thighs and buttocks a more defined shape.

This aerobic activity also improves the heart and lungs of the function, and it strengthens the lower body. Also, besides supportive shoes, it requires no special equipment.

Running is way better than walking for fat loss, as it burns more calories. Studies show that over 1,600 meters, people of average fitness burned 372.54 calories while walking and 471.03 calories while running.

However, these studies conclude that even if a person is unable to run, walking is another very good option for burning calories and fat compared with resting.


If you can’t stand the thought of running, or you just want to do a workout that doesn’t involve a ton of pounding on your joints, swims a few laps in the pool.

It’s an exercise that has a low impact but it works for all the major muscle groups.

At the same time, you are having fun. As with most workouts, it helps to go in with a plan.

Stay water for as long as possible by standing upright in the deep end and using your arms and legs to stay afloat.

Rest for three minutes. Then swim 10 sets of 100 meters (that’s back-and-forth lap in an Olympic-sized pool), resting for at least one minute in between sets. By the time you are done, your muscles will be pleasantly worn out.


Running up steps or climbing stairs (so often seen on Kim Kardashian’s snap chat during her workout and other athletes)

Climbing steps are an easy way to get rid of neck fat or double chin, as it is a type of cardio while also keeping the heart and lungs healthy.

Step-climbing boosts strength and increases endurance. There are various ways to work these muscles:

  • Using stepping machines at a gym
  • Walking up flights of stairs
  • Hiking up the hills
  • Using a climbing wall

Climbing steps can provide other health benefits, too.

One study from 2005 on 15 women found that climbing flights of stairs up to five times per day had a great amount of impact on oxygen uptake and reduced low-density lipoprotein.

During this study, the women began by climbing a flight of 199 stairs once each day in week 1, then over time increasing climbs to 5 times each day by week 7.

No other dietary or lifestyle changes were made while taking part in the study.

Read Also: 7 Easy Exercises for Sexy, Sculpted Arms You Can Do At Home 


While putting all this into practice it is important to be consistent with each workout. Also, take note of the cause of Double Chin if it was caused by posture try as much as possible to take care of that.

Read Also: 8 Easy Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles Fast


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