Categories: Healthy Living

How to Use Essential Oils to Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair Fast At Home

An Ingrown hair occurs when the strand of a shaved hair curls back [grows backward] into the skin instead of rising upwards.

Some of the symptoms of this condition include Skin irritation, Pain, Itching, Small bumps with hairs, to name but a few.

Although, ingrown hairs aren’t that serious, but they can be somewhat irritating and unpleasant.

You can develop ingrown hairs in almost any part of the body, including your face, neck, scalp, legs, chin, cheeks, public area, and some other areas that are shaved most often.

According to research, the common causes of ingrown hairs include:

  • Pulling the skin taut while shaving
  • Dead skin cells
  • Shaving curled hair dry, to name but a few.
  • That being said, are you also battling with ingrown hairs?

This is a short guide on how to use essential oils to get rid of ingrown hair fast at home:

1. Tea Tree, Lavender and Coconut Oil Blend

This blend is a powerful remedy for getting rid of ingrown hair fast at home.

To start with, the coconut oil exhibits anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and moisturizing effects when applied to the skin.

Additionally, the tree oil contains some healing properties that helps combat certain infections, get rid of acne, and reduce skin irritation.

To cap it all, the lavender oil exhibits soothing, calming effect on the hair, which in turn enhances the overall appearance of the hair.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Coconut oil [three tablespoons]
  • Lavender oil [seven drops]
  • Tea tree oil [twelve drops]

How To Prepare And Use It:

  • Mix the whole ingredients together in a small jar or bottle [ideally the one you can easily seal off so that you can keep the mixture for future use]
  • Apply a little content of the mixture to the affected area and rub it until it is fully absorbed into the hair.

2. Tea Tree Oil and Witch Hazel

According to studies, combining tea tree oil with warm water and with hazel exhibits antiseptic effects, making it an effective remedy to get rid of ingrown hair.

Part of the hair benefits of this combo is that it can help loosen your hair and get rid of follicles, and thus giving your hair health a significant boost.

Studies also reveal that witch hazel contains some antibacterial and antiseptic properties which can help reduce the risk of inflammation.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Tea tree oil [ten drops]
  • Warm water [one cup]
  • Tea tree oil

How To Prepare And Use It:

  • Warm the specified amount of water in a bowl.
  • After that, add tea tree oil to the warm water
  • Apply directly to the affected area.
  • Dab the solution with witch hazel as a toner afterward

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3. Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub

Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub is yet another remedy proven to be ideal for use to get rid of ingrown hair.

Based on recent studies, this combination can help keep follicles clear of any blockages and excellently clear out ingrown hairs just before they become inflamed or infected.

In addition to that, Coconut oil is also found to be loaded with some moisturizing and hydrating properties, which can help boost your hair health and rejuvenate it.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Raw sugar [one cup]
  • Coconut oil [half cup]
  • Tea tree oil, or your preferred essential oil [ten drops]

How To Prepare And Use It:

  • Pour both the sugar and coconut oil in a bowl
  • After that, Add in your essential oil
  • Mix the whole ingredients together
  • Now, apply on your skin and then rinse using warm water
  • Lastly, dry it with a clean towel
  • You can use this solution once a day until you see an improvement, and you can later switch to twice to thrice a week.

4. Almond, Chamomile, Lavender and Melaleuca Extract

This combo exhibits anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic effects, which is why they are found in so many acne products.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Jojoba or sweet almond (carrier) oil [one ounce]
  • Roman Chamomile Essential Oil [five drops]
  • Melaleuca Essential Oil [two drops]
  • Lavender Essential Oil [two drops]

How To Prepare And Use It:

  • Pour the whole ingredients together in a glass jar and massage directly into your skin.
  • Do this for about 30 minutes before taking your shower.

Read Also: How to Use Rosemary Oil for Skin Tightening and Hair Growth

5. Coconut Oil, Lavender, and Melaleuca Essential Oil

Lavender oil in this formation contains some powerful anti-microbial properties which promotes better hair growth.

Coconut oil, on the other hand is loaded with certain anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and moisturizing properties, all of which enhances the hair.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Coconut oil [two tablespoon]
  • Lavender Essential Oil [two drops]
  • Melaleuca Essential Oil [three drops]

How To Prepare And Use It:

  • Put the whole ingredients into the small jar and mix well.
  • Lastly, apply a small amount to the affected area.

Read Also: 12 Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Chapped Lips Overnight 

6. Baking Soda and Oatmeal

Baking Soda and oatmeal is a great combo you can try out when it comes to eliminating ingrown hairs.

The exfoliating properties in Baking Soda helps to reduce and prevent ingrown hairs while the oatmeal contains soothing properties that can help reduce redness, irritation and some other symptoms linked with exfoliation.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Baking soda [one tablespoon]
  • Water [one cup]
  • Ground oatmeal [one tablespoon]

How To Prepare And Use It:

  • Mix both baking soda and oatmeal together in a bowl
  • After that, add water to the bowl
  • Stir until it forms a paste-like texture
  • Get a cotton pad and use it to scoop up the mixture
  • Apply the mixture to the affected area and allow it to sit for about 10 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water


Ingrown hairs can occur for many reasons, but some of the most common causes are associated with hygiene. Below are some hygienic practices to help prevent ingrown hairs:

Avoid shaving any part of your body dry. Be sure to always wet any part of your body you want to shave with warm and apply a high-quality, natural shaving cream so as to make the hairs become soft.

Do not pull your skin taut while shaving.

Avoid using a razor blade for too long. The more often you change your razor blade, the lesser your chances of experiencing ingrown hairs, cuts, irritations and other related conditions.

Always rinse your face and use a natural moisturizer immediately after shaving.

Use only a sharp single-bladed razor.

Apply shaving cream to soften your hair if you have a very strong hair.

Consider replacing your razor whenever it is going blunt

Shave only with the direction of your hair growth

Perhaps you are using an electric razor; avoid pressing it deeply into your skin.

Always apply a cool washcloth to your skin immediately after you shave. This will help soothe your skin and reduce irritation.

Read Also: How to Get Rid Of Blackheads, Moles and Warts Fast At Home


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